How to Simulate 3D Underwater WSN Projects Using MATLAB

To simulate 3D Underwater Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) within MATLAB has includes designing the sensor nodes, which are distributed within a 3D underwater environment, communicating through the acoustic signals. We will require to account for factors such as underwater channel propagation, mobility of nodes (if applicable), and energy constraints. Furthermore, we can execute numerous communication and routing protocols are customized for underwater communication.

Below is a series of steps to simulating 3D Underwater WSN projects using MATLAB:

Steps to Simulate 3D Underwater WSN Projects Using MATLAB

  1. Define the 3D Underwater WSN Parameters

Initially, we describe the 3D network area and the amount of sensor nodes within the underwater environment.

% 3D Underwater WSN parameters

numNodes = 50;             % Number of sensor nodes

areaSize = [0 1000 0 1000 0 500];  % Simulation area (in meters) [x, y, z]

commRange = 200;           % Communication range in meters

  1. Random Node Deployment in 3D Space

Randomly deploy the sensor nodes within the 3D underwater environment. Every single node will have (x, y, z) coordinates in the described area.

% Random deployment of sensor nodes in 3D space

nodePositions = [areaSize(2)*rand(numNodes, 1), areaSize(4)*rand(numNodes, 1), areaSize(6)*rand(numNodes, 1)];

% Plot the 3D deployment of sensor nodes


scatter3(nodePositions(:,1), nodePositions(:,2), nodePositions(:,3), ‘filled’);

xlabel(‘X Position (m)’); ylabel(‘Y Position (m)’); zlabel(‘Depth (m)’);

title(‘3D Underwater Sensor Node Deployment’);

grid on;

  1. Underwater Acoustic Communication Model

Underwater communication is normally acoustic and is impacted by factors like propagation delay, attenuation, and noise. For exact simulations of underwater communication, these factors are significant.

Propagation Delay

The speed of sound underwater is over all 1500 m/s that trigger key propagation delays.

% Calculate propagation delay between two nodes

soundSpeed = 1500;  % Speed of sound in water (m/s)

distance = sqrt(sum((nodePositions(1, 🙂 – nodePositions(2, :)).^2));  % Distance between two nodes

propDelay = distance / soundSpeed;  % Propagation delay in seconds

fprintf(‘Propagation delay between Node 1 and Node 2: %.4f seconds\n’, propDelay);

Attenuation and Noise

We can utilize the Urick model for computing the underwater acoustic attenuation that based on the frequency and distance.

% Urick model for attenuation

frequency = 20e3;  % Acoustic signal frequency (in Hz)

alpha = 0.0022 * (frequency^1.5);  % Attenuation factor (dB/km)

attenuation = alpha * (distance / 1000);  % Attenuation in dB

% Noise model (simple)

noisePower = -50;  % Noise power in dB

fprintf(‘Attenuation: %.2f dB, Noise Power: %.2f dB\n’, attenuation, noisePower);

  1. Implement 3D Communication (V2V)

Replicate the communication amongst underwater sensor nodes. Nodes in the communication range can interchange the data packets, even though others are beyond the range.

% Communication between nodes within range

sourceNode = 1;

for node = 1:numNodes

if node ~= sourceNode

dist = sqrt(sum((nodePositions(sourceNode, 🙂 – nodePositions(node, :)).^2));

if dist <= commRange

fprintf(‘Node %d communicates with Node %d (distance: %.2f meters)\n’, sourceNode, node, dist);




  1. Underwater Routing Protocol

Execute a routing protocol customized for 3D underwater environments, like VBF (Vector-Based Forwarding) or DBR (Depth-Based Routing) that get the underwater sensor node depths into the account for sending decisions.

Example: Depth-Based Routing (DBR)

  • In Depth-Based Routing, data packets are sent according to the node’s depth within the water column. Nodes with lower depth are required for forwarding.

% Depth-Based Routing (DBR)

sourceNode = 1;

for node = 1:numNodes

if node ~= sourceNode

if nodePositions(node, 3) < nodePositions(sourceNode, 3)  % Node with lower depth

dist = sqrt(sum((nodePositions(sourceNode, 🙂 – nodePositions(node, :)).^2));

if dist <= commRange

fprintf(‘Node %d forwards packet to Node %d (depth: %.2f meters)\n’, sourceNode, node, nodePositions(node, 3));





  1. Energy Consumption Model

Energy efficiency is significant within underwater WSNs because of the limited battery life. Execute the energy models, which account for transmission, reception, and idle states.

% Energy consumption parameters (in Joules)

txEnergyPerBit = 50e-9;  % Energy for transmission per bit

rxEnergyPerBit = 50e-9;  % Energy for reception per bit

packetSize = 1024 * 8;   % Packet size in bits (e.g., 1024 bytes)

% Calculate energy consumed for transmitting and receiving a packet

energyConsumedTx = txEnergyPerBit * packetSize;  % Energy consumed for transmission

energyConsumedRx = rxEnergyPerBit * packetSize;  % Energy consumed for reception

fprintf(‘Energy consumed for transmission: %.2f nJ\n’, energyConsumedTx * 1e9);

fprintf(‘Energy consumed for reception: %.2f nJ\n’, energyConsumedRx * 1e9);

  1. Performance Metrics

Calculate the performance parameters like packet delivery ratio (PDR), latency, throughput, and energy efficiency are crucial.

Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR)

% Calculate packet delivery ratio

totalPackets = 100;  % Total packets sent

receivedPackets = 90;  % Example: 90 packets received successfully

pdr = (receivedPackets / totalPackets) * 100;  % Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR) in percentage

fprintf(‘Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR): %.2f%%\n’, pdr);

End-to-End Latency

% Calculate end-to-end delay (propagation delay + transmission delay)

txRate = 10e3;  % Transmission rate in bps (10 kbps)

transmissionDelay = packetSize / txRate;  % Transmission delay in seconds

totalDelay = propDelay + transmissionDelay;  % Total delay

fprintf(‘End-to-End Delay: %.4f seconds\n’, totalDelay);

  1. Advanced 3D Underwater Channel Models

Relying on the project, we can execute additional complex underwater channel models, like:

  • Rayleigh fading for multipath effects.
  • Frequency-selective fading in shallow waters.

Example of Rayleigh fading:

% Rayleigh fading channel model

h = (1/sqrt(2)) * (randn(1) + 1i*randn(1));  % Rayleigh fading coefficient

fadedSignal = h * transmittedSignal;  % Apply Rayleigh fading to the signal

  1. Visualization

We can use the MATLAB’s plotting tools to envision the 3D deployment of sensor nodes, energy consumption, communication links, and routing paths.

Example: Visualizing Node Communication Range in 3D

% Visualize node communication range in 3D


scatter3(nodePositions(:,1), nodePositions(:,2), nodePositions(:,3), ‘filled’);

viscircles(nodePositions(:,1:2), repmat(commRange, numNodes, 1), ‘LineStyle’, ‘–‘);  % Show communication range on 2D plane

xlabel(‘X Position (m)’); ylabel(‘Y Position (m)’); zlabel(‘Depth (m)’);

title(‘3D Node Communication Range’);

grid on;

Example 3D Underwater WSN Project Ideas:

  1. Energy-Efficient Routing in 3D Underwater WSNs: For 3D underwater WSNs, we can execute and estimate an energy-efficient routing protocol, that concentrating on reducing energy consumption and increasing the network lifetime.
  2. Mobility in 3D Underwater WSNs: Replicate the mobile underwater sensor nodes (e.g., AUVs or floating sensors) and examine on how mobility influences the network performance and communication reliability.
  3. 3D Underwater Localization Techniques: Execute the localization algorithms to find out the 3D locations of underwater sensor nodes according to the acoustic signals and investigate the localization accuracy.

To conclude, we had indicated the simplified simulation steps with sample coding and example project ideas for 3D Underwater WSN Projects, which was simulated using the MATLAB tool. We are furnished to provide more projects ideas and core concepts on this topic in upcoming manual.

To simulate 3D underwater wireless sensor network projects using MATLAB, our team at consists of experts dedicated to completing your assignments promptly while providing comprehensive explanations for your work.

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