How to Simulate Ad Hoc Protocols Projects Using MATLAB

To simulate ad hoc protocols using MATLAB, it usually comprises of making a wireless ad hoc network in which nodes interact without any centralized infrastructure. It is related for protocols like AODV (Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector Routing), DSR (Dynamic Source Routing), OLSR (Optimized Link State Routing), and others.

Following is a step-by-step method to simulate ad hoc protocols using MATLAB. It encompasses configuring the network topology, executing the routing algorithm, and replicating the packet transmission.

Steps to Simulate Ad Hoc Protocols in MATLAB

  1. Define the Network Topology:
    • Make a network of nodes with arbitrary or specified locations within a specific area.
    • Describe the node communication range and find out neighbors rely on distance.


% Parameters

num_nodes = 20;        % Number of nodes

area_size = 100;       % Size of the simulation area (100×100 units)

communication_range = 30; % Communication range of each node

% Random deployment of sensor nodes

nodes = area_size * rand(num_nodes, 2); % Random (x, y) coordinates

% Plot network topology

scatter(nodes(:, 1), nodes(:, 2), ‘filled’);

xlabel(‘X coordinate’);

ylabel(‘Y coordinate’);

title(‘Ad Hoc Network Topology’);

grid on;

  1. Identify Neighboring Nodes:
    • Compute the distances amongst each pair of nodes and found connections for nodes in the interaction range.


% Calculate distance between all pairs of nodes

distances = pdist2(nodes, nodes);

% Create adjacency matrix based on communication range

adjacency_matrix = distances <= communication_range & distances > 0;

% Visualize the connectivity

hold on;

for i = 1:num_nodes

for j = i+1:num_nodes

if adjacency_matrix(i, j)

plot([nodes(i, 1) nodes(j, 1)], [nodes(i, 2) nodes(j, 2)], ‘k–‘);




  1. Implement the Ad Hoc Routing Protocol (AODV as an Example):
    • Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector Routing (AODV) protocol constructs routes on-demand once a source node needs to interact with a destination node.
    • Execute the route discovery (RREQ and RREP) and route maintenance mechanisms.

Example of simplified AODV route discovery process:

% Source and destination nodes

source = 1;

destination = num_nodes;

% Route discovery using AODV (simplified)

% Initialize the routing table for the source

routing_table = cell(num_nodes, 1);

routing_table{source} = [source]; % Start the route at the source

% Broadcast Route Request (RREQ)

found_route = false;

for i = 1:num_nodes

if adjacency_matrix(source, i) % If the node is a neighbor

routing_table{i} = [routing_table{source}, i]; % Update route

if i == destination

found_route = true;





% If the route is found, show the path

if found_route

disp(‘Route found:’);



disp(‘No route found to the destination.’);


  1. Simulate Data Transmission:
    • When the route from the origin to the destination is found then we can replicate the packet transmission.
    • We need to execute energy consumption or packet loss depends on link quality.

Example of data packet transmission:

if found_route

route = routing_table{destination};

fprintf(‘Transmitting data from Node %d to Node %d\n’, source, destination);

for i = 1:length(route)-1

current_node = route(i);

next_node = route(i+1);

fprintf(‘Data forwarded from Node %d to Node %d\n’, current_node, next_node);



disp(‘No route available for data transmission.’);


  1. Energy Consumption Model (Optional):
    • For replicating energy consumption at each node, we can design transmission and reception energy that can change relies on distance.
    • Modify the energy level of nodes according to the transmission distance.


% Energy consumption parameters

E_tx = 50e-9; % Energy to transmit per bit (in joules)

E_rx = 50e-9; % Energy to receive per bit (in joules)

packet_size = 4000; % Packet size in bits

% Calculate the energy consumed in the route

for i = 1:length(route)-1

current_node = route(i);

next_node = route(i+1);

distance = sqrt(sum((nodes(current_node, 🙂 – nodes(next_node, :)).^2));

% Transmission energy

energy(current_node) = energy(current_node) – E_tx * packet_size * distance;

% Reception energy

energy(next_node) = energy(next_node) – E_rx * packet_size;


  1. Loop Over Multiple Rounds (Optional):
    • For more advanced simulation, we can execute the network for several rounds that mimicking diverse source-destination pairs, node mobility, and protocol performance over time.


% Simulate over multiple rounds

rounds = 100;

for round = 1:rounds

% Randomly select a new source and destination pair

source = randi(num_nodes);

destination = randi(num_nodes);

% Perform route discovery and data transmission as above

% (Repeat the previous steps inside the loop)


  1. Analysis of Results:
    • Calculate the parameters like packet delivery ratio, average delay, and energy consumption to estimate the performance of the protocol.
    • Design network graphs, energy consumption over time, or packet delivery statistics.

Example of analyzing the results:

% Plot energy levels of nodes after simulation



xlabel(‘Node ID’);

ylabel(‘Remaining Energy (J)’);

title(‘Energy Levels of Nodes After Simulation’);

Key Protocols to Implement:

  1. AODV (Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing):
    • On-demand route discovery utilizing RREQ (Route Request) and RREP (Route Reply) messages.
    • Manages route maintenance once routes breakdown.
  2. DSR (Dynamic Source Routing):
    • Source-based routing in which the source node explicitly contains the route within the packet header.
    • Main modules are route discovery and route maintenance.
  3. OLSR (Optimized Link State Routing):
    • Proactive routing protocol which periodically exchanges topology data with neighbors.
    • Minimizes overhead utilizing MultiPoint Relays (MPRs) to transmit messages.
  4. ZRP (Zone Routing Protocol):
    • Hybrid protocol aggregating the proactive and reactive methods.
    • Nodes sustain proactive routes in a local zone and use on-demand routes for different zones.

Further Enhancements:

  • Mobility Models: Insert node mobility to replicate a dynamic ad hoc network.
  • Interference and Packet Loss: Launch noise and interference to mimic further realistic environment.
  • Performance Metrics: Assess main performance parameters such as latency, throughput, and packet loss.

In this manual, we offered stepby-step simulation process with instances for simulating the Ad Hoc protocols projects and key protocols for implementing it then we provided further enhancements also. We can deliver more specific insights based on your requests.

At, we specialize in simulating ad hoc protocols using MATLAB tools. Our expertise includes AODV (Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector Routing), DSR (Dynamic Source Routing), OLSR (Optimized Link State Routing), and more. We’re here to provide you with the best guidance for your projects. Feel free to reach out to us, and we’ll ensure you receive top-notch services. We also offer project ideas and conduct performance analyses tailored to your specific interests.

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