How to Simulate Bellman Ford Routing Projects Using MATLAB

To simulate the Bellman-Ford Algorithm using MATLAB that is generally utilized in distance vector routing protocols for computing the shortest path within a network with potentially negative edge weights. In this replication, every single node estimates the shortest paths to every other node by iteratively modernizing their distance vector rely on the distance vectors of their neighbors.

We will guide you through step-by-step procedure for simulating Bellman-Ford Routing in MATLAB.

Steps to Simulate Bellman-Ford Routing in MATLAB

  1. Define Network Topology and Parameters:
    • Signify the network in which each entry shows the cost amongst nodes utilize an adjacency matrix.
    • Introduce the distance vector for each node including endless distances to replicate the first unknown paths.

% Define number of nodes

numNodes = 5;

infCost = inf;  % Define infinity for unreachable paths

% Adjacency matrix representing link costs (use infCost for no direct connection)

linkCosts = [0 6 infCost 7 infCost;

6 0 5 8 -4;

infCost 5 0 infCost 9;

7 8 infCost 0 2;

infCost -4 9 2 0];

% Display the network topology

disp(‘Initial Network Link Costs:’);


  1. Initialize Distance Vectors for Each Node:
    • Every single node sustains a distance vector signifying the minimum cost to attain each other node.
    • Place the distance to itself as zero and every other distance as infinity firstly.

% Initialize distance vectors and routing tables for each node

distanceVectors = inf(numNodes, numNodes); % Distance vector for each node

for i = 1:numNodes

distanceVectors(i, i) = 0;  % Distance to itself is zero


  1. Implement the Bellman-Ford Update Function:
    • For each node, iterate via their neighbors and update its distance vector depends on the Bellman-Ford update rule.
    • This modernize rule is according to the equation: distance(u, v) = min(distance(u, v), distance(u, w) + linkCost(w, v)).

% Bellman-Ford update function

function [distanceVectors, updated] = bellmanFordUpdate(distanceVectors, linkCosts)

numNodes = size(distanceVectors, 1);

updated = false;

% Iterate over each node as the source node

for u = 1:numNodes

% Check distances to each other node

for v = 1:numNodes

if linkCosts(u, v) < infCost  % There is a direct link

% Perform the Bellman-Ford update

for w = 1:numNodes

if distanceVectors(u, v) > distanceVectors(u, w) + linkCosts(w, v)

distanceVectors(u, v) = distanceVectors(u, w) + linkCosts(w, v);

updated = true; % Mark as updated







  1. Run Bellman-Ford Algorithm Until Convergence:
    • Execute several iterations of the Bellman-Ford update until no updates happen within any of the distance vectors which showing convergence.

maxIterations = numNodes – 1; % Bellman-Ford requires at most (numNodes – 1) iterations for convergence

for iter = 1:maxIterations

disp([‘Iteration ‘, num2str(iter)]);

[distanceVectors, anyUpdates] = bellmanFordUpdate(distanceVectors, linkCosts);

disp(‘Distance Vectors after this iteration:’);


% If no updates occur, algorithm has converged

if ~anyUpdates

disp(‘Algorithm has converged’);




  1. Display Final Routing Tables:
    • When the algorithm converges then shows the ending distance vectors for each node which denoting the minimum cost paths to every other node.

disp(‘Final Distance Vectors:’);

for i = 1:numNodes

disp([‘Node ‘, num2str(i), ‘ Distance Vector: ‘, num2str(distanceVectors(i, :))]);


  1. Visualize the Network and Path Costs (Optional):
    • Envision the network topology and shortest paths are calculated by each node utilize MATLAB’s plotting functions.

% Define node positions for visualization

nodePositions = [10 10; 20 10; 20 20; 10 20; 15 25];


hold on;

% Plot the network topology

for i = 1:numNodes

for j = i+1:numNodes

if linkCosts(i, j) < infCost

plot([nodePositions(i, 1), nodePositions(j, 1)], …

[nodePositions(i, 2), nodePositions(j, 2)], ‘k–‘);

midPoint = (nodePositions(i, 🙂 + nodePositions(j, :)) / 2;

text(midPoint(1), midPoint(2), num2str(linkCosts(i, j)), …

‘HorizontalAlignment’, ‘center’, ‘BackgroundColor’, ‘white’);



plot(nodePositions(i, 1), nodePositions(i, 2), ‘bo’); % Plot nodes

text(nodePositions(i, 1), nodePositions(i, 2), num2str(i), …

‘VerticalAlignment’, ‘bottom’, ‘HorizontalAlignment’, ‘center’);


title(‘Network Topology with Link Costs’);

hold off;

Explanation of Key Components

  • Distance Vector: Every single node sustains a distance vector signifying the minimum cost to attain every other node. Firstly, every distance is set to infinity excepting for the distance to itself.
  • Bellman-Ford Update Rule: For every single node, iterate via every neighbor and modernize their distance vector rely on the neighbors’ distance vectors.
  • Convergence Check: The algorithm executes for maximum of (numNodes – 1) iterations or until no updates happen which showing that the distance vectors have stabilized.
  • Visualization: Plotting the network topology and link costs supports to explain the structure of the network and how the Bellman-Ford algorithm discovers the shortest paths.

Possible Extensions

  • Detect Negative Cycles: Execute more checks to identify the negative cycles that can trigger the Bellman-Ford algorithm to endlessly update distances.
  • Dynamic Network Changes: Change the link costs dynamically and monitor how nodes adjust its distance vectors to reflect the changes.
  • Track Path History: Save the previous nodes in each path to rebuild the complete paths instead of only the minimum cost for each destination.

We had offered complete step-by-step procedure with coding to simulate and execute the Bellman Ford Routing Projects through MATLAB environment. If you want advance insights relevant to this topic, we will be presented in upcoming manual. Check out to dive into the Bellman Ford Routing Projects using MATLAB. If you’re looking for customized solutions that fit your unique requirements, reach out to us and let our developers help you make the most of what we offer. We also handle routing protocols!

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