To simulate a Dual Ring Topology in MATLAB has includes to design a network with two interrelated rings, usually for redundancy. In a dual ring topology, every node is associated to two rings one is a primary ring for usual traffic and another one is a secondary ring for backup or traffic in the differing direction. If one ring fails, data can be retransmitted via the other ring.
Here’s how to replicate a simple dual ring topology in MATLAB.
Steps to Simulate Dual Ring Topology
- Define the Dual Ring Structure:
- Generate two rings of nodes, each associated to its two neighboring nodes in both primary and secondary rings.
- Describe either the rings are unidirectional or bidirectional.
- Simulate Data Transmission with Redundancy:
- Select nodes to begin data transmission on the primary ring.
- If a link fails, reroute the information via the secondary ring.
- Implement Transmission Delay and Failover Mechanism:
- Estimate the transmission latency for each hop among the nodes.
- Track for link failures and reroute traffic via the secondary ring if required.
- Visualize Network Activity and Failover Events:
- Measure the parameters such as successful transmissions, delays, and failover events.
- Utilize MATLAB plots to envision the dual ring structure, data transmission, and any failover happenings.
Example Code for Simulating a Dual Ring Topology
In this instance, data runs in one direction on the primary ring and in the contrasting direction on the secondary ring. The replication can reroute information via the secondary ring if there’s a failure on the primary ring.
% Parameters for Dual Ring Topology Simulation
numNodes = 6; % Number of nodes in each ring
simulationTime = 30; % Duration of the simulation in seconds
dataRate = 1000; % Data rate in bits per second
packetSize = 100; % Packet size in bits
distanceBetweenNodes = 100; % Distance between neighboring nodes in meters
propagationSpeed = 2e8; % Propagation speed in meters per second
transmissionProbability = 0.3; % Probability of initiating a transmission at each node per time step
% Calculate propagation delay for each hop
propagationDelay = distanceBetweenNodes / propagationSpeed;
% Define the adjacency matrices for primary and secondary rings
primaryRing = diag(ones(1, numNodes – 1), 1) + diag(ones(1, numNodes – 1), -1); % unidirectional clockwise
secondaryRing = circshift(primaryRing, 1); % unidirectional counterclockwise
primaryRing(1, numNodes) = 1; % Connect last node back to the first
primaryRing(numNodes, 1) = 1;
secondaryRing(1, numNodes) = 1; % Connect last node back to the first in the opposite direction
secondaryRing(numNodes, 1) = 1;
% Initialize Transmission Log and Failover Tracking
transmissionsPrimary = zeros(numNodes, simulationTime); % Track transmissions on the primary ring
transmissionsSecondary = zeros(numNodes, simulationTime); % Track transmissions on the secondary ring
failovers = zeros(numNodes, simulationTime); % Track failover events
% Simulate Data Transmission in Dual Ring Topology
for t = 1:simulationTime
for node = 1:numNodes
% Each node has a chance to request transmission
if rand() < transmissionProbability
nextNode = mod(node, numNodes) + 1; % Calculate next node on primary ring
% Simulate potential primary ring failure
primaryRingFailure = rand() < 0.1; % 10% chance of failure
if primaryRingFailure
% Failover to secondary ring
prevNode = mod(node – 2, numNodes) + 1; % Calculate previous node on secondary ring
transmissionsSecondary(node, t) = 1; % Log transmission on secondary ring
transmissionsSecondary(prevNode, t + 1) = 1; % Data arrives at the previous node on the next time step
failovers(node, t) = 1; % Log failover event
disp([‘Time ‘ num2str(t) ‘s: Failover – Node ‘ num2str(node) ‘ used secondary ring to reach Node ‘ num2str(prevNode)]);
% Use primary ring if no failure
transmissionsPrimary(node, t) = 1; % Log transmission on primary ring
transmissionsPrimary(nextNode, t + 1) = 1; % Data arrives at the next node on the next time step
disp([‘Time ‘ num2str(t) ‘s: Node ‘ num2str(node) ‘ transmitted to Node ‘ num2str(nextNode) ‘ on primary ring’]);
% Visualize Dual Ring Layout
nodePositions = [cos(linspace(0, 2 * pi, numNodes + 1)’) * distanceBetweenNodes, …
sin(linspace(0, 2 * pi, numNodes + 1)’) * distanceBetweenNodes];
nodePositions = nodePositions(1:end-1, :); % Remove duplicate last point
subplot(1, 2, 1);
gplot(primaryRing, nodePositions, ‘-o’);
title(‘Primary Ring Topology’);
xlabel(‘X Position (m)’);
ylabel(‘Y Position (m)’);
axis equal;
subplot(1, 2, 2);
gplot(secondaryRing, nodePositions, ‘-o’);
title(‘Secondary Ring Topology’);
xlabel(‘X Position (m)’);
ylabel(‘Y Position (m)’);
axis equal;
% Plot Transmission and Failover Activity
time = 1:simulationTime;
subplot(3, 1, 1);
title(‘Primary Ring Transmissions Over Time’);
xlabel(‘Time (s)’);
ylabel(‘Node ID’);
subplot(3, 1, 2);
title(‘Secondary Ring Transmissions Over Time’);
xlabel(‘Time (s)’);
ylabel(‘Node ID’);
subplot(3, 1, 3);
title(‘Failover Events Over Time’);
xlabel(‘Time (s)’);
ylabel(‘Node ID’);
Explanation of the Code
- Parameters:
- numNodes identifies the amount of nodes in each ring both primary and secondary.
- primaryRing and secondaryRing describe the connectivity of each ring, with primaryRing transmitting in one direction and secondaryRing in the contrasting direction.
- Failover Mechanism:
- Every node has a possibility to request a transmission at each time step.
- A primaryRingFailure happens with a 10% probability, causing the information to be transmitted on the secondary ring.
- Transmission Tracking:
- transmissionsPrimary logs transmissions on the primary ring, since transmissionsSecondary logs transmissions on the secondary ring.
- The failovers matrix logs failover events on every occasion the secondary ring is utilized because of a primary ring failure.
- Visualization:
- The initial plot illustrates the layout of the primary and secondary rings.
- The second set of plots demonstrates transmissions over time on each ring and failover events.
Analysis and Extension Ideas
- Variable Failure Probability: Adapt the failure possibility enthusiastically to replicate diverse levels of network reliability.
- Bidirectional Data Flow: Enable both directions on each ring to permit more robust communication selections.
- Prioritized Traffic: Replicate diverse traffic types with priority to manage on the primary ring.
- Latency and Redundancy Analysis: evaluate the delay incorporated by failover events and learn on how the secondary ring can sustains the network reliability.
- Ring Failure: Replicate to thorough ring failures and reroute all traffic via the balance ring.
Using MATLAB, we performed a comprehensive Dual Ring Topology project analysis through given simulation process. We will also deliver further additional details about this protocol in another report work.
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