How to Simulate Flooding Routing Projects Using MATLAB

To simulate Flooding routing using MATLAB which is a straightforward method in which each node receiving a packet sends it to its entire neighbor, excepting the one it received from it. This resumes until the packet attains the destination or a maximum time-to-live (TTL) limit is attained that avoiding infinite loops.

Below is a step-by-step instruction to replicating a Flooding Routing Protocol in MATLAB:

Steps to Simulate Flooding Routing in MATLAB

  1. Define the Network Topology and Parameters:
    • Configure an adjacency matrix to denote the network topology in which each entry signifies a direct link amongst nodes.
    • Describe the TTL to avoid the packet from looping indefinitely.

numNodes = 5;       % Number of nodes in the network

TTL = 4;            % Time-to-live to limit packet flooding

% Adjacency matrix representing the network topology

networkTopology = [0 1 0 1 0;

1 0 1 0 1;

0 1 0 1 0;

1 0 1 0 1;

0 1 0 1 0];

  1. Define the Packet Structure and Flooding Function:
    • Describe a packet structure along with fields for the source, destination, TTL, and the path history.
    • Make a function to manage the flooding process in which each node sends the packet to its entire neighbors apart from the one it received from it.

% Packet structure

packet = struct(‘source’, [], ‘destination’, [], ‘ttl’, TTL, ‘path’, []);

% Flooding function for packet forwarding

function floodPacket(packet, currentNode, networkTopology, visitedNodes)

% Decrease TTL by 1 each time the packet is forwarded

packet.ttl = packet.ttl – 1;

packet.path = [packet.path, currentNode];

% Display the packet path

disp([‘Current Node: ‘, num2str(currentNode), ‘, Packet Path: ‘, num2str(packet.path), ‘, TTL: ‘, num2str(packet.ttl)]);

% Stop flooding if TTL is 0 or packet has reached the destination

if packet.ttl <= 0 || currentNode == packet.destination

if currentNode == packet.destination

disp(‘Packet reached the destination.’);


disp(‘Packet TTL expired.’);




% Forward packet to all neighbors except the node it came from

neighbors = find(networkTopology(currentNode, 🙂 == 1);

for neighbor = neighbors

if ~ismember(neighbor, visitedNodes)  % Prevent forwarding to already visited nodes

floodPacket(packet, neighbor, networkTopology, [visitedNodes, currentNode]);




  1. Initialize and Send the Packet Using Flooding:
    • Place the source and destination nodes for the packet.
    • Introduce the packet’s TTL and from the source node request the flooding function.

% Set source and destination nodes

packet.source = 1;

packet.destination = 5;

packet.ttl = TTL;

packet.path = []; % Initialize empty path

% Start flooding from the source node

disp(‘— Flooding Routing Simulation —‘);

floodPacket(packet, packet.source, networkTopology, []);

  1. Visualize the Network Topology and Packet Flooding (Optional):
    • Visualize the network topology and emphasize the nodes and edges as the packet navigates the network.

% Define positions for visualization

nodePositions = [10 10; 20 10; 20 20; 10 20; 15 15];

% Plot the network topology


hold on;

for i = 1:numNodes

for j = i+1:numNodes

if networkTopology(i, j) == 1

plot([nodePositions(i, 1), nodePositions(j, 1)], …

[nodePositions(i, 2), nodePositions(j, 2)], ‘k–‘);



plot(nodePositions(i, 1), nodePositions(i, 2), ‘bo’); % Plot nodes

text(nodePositions(i, 1), nodePositions(i, 2), num2str(i), ‘VerticalAlignment’, ‘bottom’);


title(‘Network Topology with Flooding Routing’);

hold off;

  1. Evaluate Flooding Protocol Performance (Optional):
    • Assess the amount of hops and unique nodes are visited by the packet. Compute the statistics like the number of duplicate packets sent and efficiency.

% Count total hops and unique nodes visited

uniqueNodesVisited = unique(packet.path);

numHops = length(packet.path);

disp([‘Total Hops: ‘, num2str(numHops)]);

disp([‘Unique Nodes Visited: ‘, num2str(length(uniqueNodesVisited))]);

Explanation of Key Components

  • TTL (Time-to-Live): Every single packet includes a TTL to avoid unlimited loops. The TTL is decremented with each hop, and once it attains zero then the packet is rejected.
  • Flooding Function: The function recursively transmits the packet to every neighbor of each node. It maintains track of visited nodes to prevent the looping again.
  • Packet Structure: The packet structure encompasses source, destination, ttl, and path to monitor their progress via the network.
  • Path Visualization: Indicating packet traversal supports in envisioning how flooding delivers packets and plotting the network topology.

Possible Extensions

  • Limit Redundant Packets: Launch logic to avoid several visits to the similar node in a particular time period.
  • Reverse Path Forwarding (RPF): Execute the RPF by having nodes forward packets, from the direction nearest to the source if they receive them then minimizing redundancy.
  • Simulate Different Network Sizes and Topologies: Change network size and topology to experiment the effectiveness and scalability of the flooding method.

In the entire manual, we were guided you to get started by defining network topology and then simulating Flooding Routing Projects using MATLAB and its extensions. You can also analyze and visualize the simulation. So just reach out to for tailored assistance with your Flooding Routing Project. Our researchers can provide you with top-notch project ideas and topics, and we support you in analyzing project performance. Additionally, we offer help with MATLAB simulation results, and our team is adept at preventing infinite loops. Please email us your information, and you will receive outstanding guidance.

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