How to Simulate Hot Potato Routing Projects Using OMNeT++

To simulate Hot Potato Routing (also known as deflection routing) utilizing OMNeT++, we will require to leverage the INET framework or prolong it to execute the Hot Potato Routing mechanism. Hot Potato Routing is a form of deflection routing in which packets are transferred to the next obtainable node instantly upon arrival, without buffering, to prevent the packet loss. This approach is normally used in high-load or contention-based networks. The following is a simplified method on how we can simulate a Hot Potato Routing project in OMNeT++:

Steps to Simulate Hot Potato Routing Projects in OMNeT++

  1. Install OMNeT++ and INET Framework
  • We can download and install OMNeT++ from the official website here.
  • Clone or download the INET framework from INET GitHub repository, as it offers necessary network components.
  1. Understand Hot Potato Routing Concept
  • Hot Potato Routing is a reactive, greedy routing protocol, which transfers packets to the initial obtainable neighbouring node, although it’s not the best path. It is done to prevent delays and packet buffering.
  • The key characteristics contain:
    • No packet buffering: Packets are transferred the moment they arrive.
    • Packet deflection: If the intended next hop is unobtainable (e.g., congested) then the packet is routed to an alternative path.
    • Opportunistic forwarding: The decision of forwarding is according to the immediate availability, instead of computing the finest path.
  1. Implement Hot Potato Routing in INET
  • Since the INET framework does not encompass Hot Potato Routing by default, we will want to expand it to execute this behaviour.
  • Routing Logic: Execute the routing algorithm in a custom class, in which packets are forwarded to the first obtainable next hop, and if the best path is busy then the packet is transmitted along an alternative route (deflected).

To execute Hot Potato Routing, we follow these steps:

  • Make a new class that prolongs the RoutingProtocolBase class within the INET framework.
  • Execute a function, which verifies all the obtainable neighbours for the next hop and forwards the packet to either neighbour is free.
  • The packet forwarding logic should be prioritized a direct neighbour if obtainable, however if it’s busy or congested then the packet is transferred to an alternative neighbour.

Example logic in

void HotPotatoRouting::handlePacket(cPacket* packet) {

// Get a list of all neighbors

std::vector<NeighborInfo> neighbors = getNeighbors();

// Try to forward to the closest neighbor (optimal route)

if (isNeighborAvailable(optimalNextHop)) {

forwardTo(optimalNextHop, packet);

} else {

// If the optimal next hop is not available, forward to another available neighbor

for (auto& neighbor : neighbors) {

if (isNeighborAvailable(neighbor)) {

forwardTo(neighbor, packet);




// If no neighbors are available, drop the packet (no buffering)




  1. Define Network Topology (NED File)
  • We want to describe to define a network in which Hot Potato Routing can be applied. It could be a mesh or grid network with several paths among the nodes.

Example NED file for a mesh network:

network HotPotatoNetwork {


nodeA: StandardHost {



nodeB: StandardHost {



nodeC: StandardHost {



nodeD: StandardHost {



connections allowunconnected:

nodeA.ethg++ <–> Eth10G <–> nodeB.ethg++;

nodeA.ethg++ <–> Eth10G <–> nodeC.ethg++;

nodeB.ethg++ <–> Eth10G <–> nodeC.ethg++;

nodeB.ethg++ <–> Eth10G <–> nodeD.ethg++;

nodeC.ethg++ <–> Eth10G <–> nodeD.ethg++;


This makes a basic network with numerous possible routes among the nodes that can be utilized to replicate Hot Potato Routing in which packets are deflected if one route becomes congested or unobtainable.

  1. Configure Simulation Parameters in omnetpp.ini
  • In the omnetpp.ini file, set up the routing, traffic generation, and simulation settings. Identify that the custom Hot Potato Routing protocol should utilize by all nodes.

Example omnetpp.ini configuration:


network = HotPotatoNetwork

sim-time-limit = 100s

**.routingProtocol = “HotPotatoRouting”

# Traffic generation settings

**.nodeA.numApps = 1

**[0].typename = “UdpBasicApp”

**[0].destAddresses = “nodeD”

**[0].sendInterval = 0.1s

**[0].messageLength = 1024B

**.nodeD.numApps = 1

**[0].typename = “UdpSink”

# Enable logging for packet forwarding events

*.vector-recording = true

*.scalar-recording = true

This configuration:

  • Sets Hot Potato Routing as the routing protocol for all nodes.
  • Makes UDP traffic from nodeA to nodeD.
  • Logs routing decisions and packet forwarding events for future analysis.
  1. Implement Mobility Models (Optional)
  • If we require to replicate a more dynamic scenario (e.g., in a mobile ad-hoc network) then we can launch mobility models like RandomWaypointMobility or LinearMobility to create nodes are move dynamically in the network.

Example mobility setup:

**.node[*].mobilityType = “INET.mobility.single.RandomWaypointMobility”

**.node[*].mobility.speed = uniform(2mps, 10mps)

It will create the nodes are move randomly in the defined area.

  1. Run the Simulation
  • We can open the OMNeT++ IDE and run the simulation. As packets are generated then we can monitor how the Hot Potato Routing protocol deflects packets to alternate paths if the intended path is congested or unobtainable.
  • Utilise OMNeT++’s graphical tools to observe packet movements and investigate the routes taken by packets among the source and destination nodes.
  1. Analyze Results
  • Utilize the statistics tools within OMNeT++ to examine the performance of Hot Potato Routing, like:
    • Packet delivery ratio: The percentage of packets, which effectively attain their destination.
    • Deflection rate: The percentage of packets that were deflected to non-optimal routes.
    • Latency: The delay experienced by packets as they navigate the network, particularly when deflected.
    • Packet drop rate: Since Hot Potato Routing doesn’t buffer packets, we can calculate how many packets are dropped.

OMNeT++ offers both scalar and vector logging capabilities for complete result analysis, which can be visualized through the integrated plove tool or exported for further examination using external tools such as Python get best research guidance from us.

  1. Extend the Hot Potato Routing Implementation (Optional)
  • We can further improve Hot Potato Routing execution by inserting aspects such as:
    • Priority-based deflection: Enable particular kinds of traffic to be prioritized when deciding which path to take.
    • Energy-awareness: We must execute energy-efficient deflection strategies for wireless networks.
    • Traffic-aware routing: Deflect packets according to the real-time traffic conditions (e.g., congestion levels on different paths).

In conclusion, we were present the information on how to simulate and implement the Hot Potato Routing Projects using OMNeT++, containing examples and extensions. Additional insights will be offered regarding this topic in various tool.To get best simulation guidance then will grant you good project ideas and topics.

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