How to Simulate Low Latency Communication Using MATLAB

To simulate Low Latency Communication projects in MATLAB has includes to designing the interaction system which are enhanced for enhanced for low-latency. Low-latency interaction is vital in applications such as 5G networks, industrial automation, real-time gaming, autonomous driving, and remote surgery, in which the interaction system wants to run with extremely low end-to-end delay that usually evaluated in milliseconds or microseconds.

This procedure will help you to replicate key contexts of low-latency communication in MATLAB, like network latency, throughput, packet scheduling, and queue management.

Steps to Simulate Low Latency Communication Projects in MATLAB

Step 1: Install Required Toolboxes

Make sure that we have the following MATLAB toolboxes installed:

  • Communications Toolbox (for mimic wireless communication protocols)
  • Optimization Toolbox (for resource allocation and scheduling)
  • Simulink (for larger-scale system replication)
  • 5G Toolbox (for replicating 5G communication systems)

Step 2: Define System Parameters for Low-Latency Communication

Initiate by describing key metrics for the communication system, like the kind of network (e.g., 5G), data rate, bandwidth, and latency targets.

Example: Define Communication System Parameters

% Define communication system parameters

networkBandwidth = 20e6;  % Bandwidth in Hz (e.g., 20 MHz for 5G)

dataRate = 10e6;          % Data rate in bits per second (e.g., 10 Mbps)

packetSize = 1500;        % Packet size in bytes (standard for Ethernet)

targetLatency = 1e-3;     % Target latency (1 ms for low-latency applications)

queueCapacity = 100;      % Queue capacity (number of packets)

Step 3: Simulate Network Latency

Latency is the time it takes for a data packet to transmit from the sender to the receiver. The total delay has involves of numerous components:

  • Transmission latency (time to transmit the packet over the communication channel)
  • Propagation delay (time taken for the signal to transmit across the medium)
  • Processing delay (time spent in routers and switches)
  • Queuing delay (time spent in the transmission queue)

Example: Calculate and Simulate Latency

% Transmission latency (time to transmit a packet based on bandwidth)

transmissionTime = (packetSize * 8) / networkBandwidth;  % Time in seconds

% Propagation delay (for fiber optics, about 5 microseconds per kilometer)

propagationDelay = 5e-6;  % Propagation delay in seconds

% Processing delay (e.g., 0.1 ms for each intermediate router)

processingDelay = 0.1e-3;  % Processing delay in seconds

% Queuing delay (assume a small constant for low-latency simulation)

queuingDelay = 0.5e-3;  % Queuing delay in seconds

% Total latency

totalLatency = transmissionTime + propagationDelay + processingDelay + queuingDelay;

% Check if the latency meets the low-latency target

if totalLatency <= targetLatency

disp([‘Low-latency target met with total latency: ‘, num2str(totalLatency * 1e3), ‘ ms’]);


disp([‘Warning: Total latency exceeds the target: ‘, num2str(totalLatency * 1e3), ‘ ms’]);


Step 4: Simulate Scheduling Algorithms for Low Latency

Packet scheduling is vital in low-latency communication. Scheduling approaches such as Round-Robin, Earliest Deadline First (EDF), or Priority Scheduling can supports you to select low-latency traffic.

Example: Simulate Priority Scheduling for Low-Latency Traffic

% Define traffic for high-priority (low-latency) and normal-priority packets

numPackets = 50;

lowLatencyTraffic = randi([500, 1000], [numPackets, 1]);  % Random packet sizes in bytes

normalTraffic = randi([1000, 1500], [numPackets, 1]);     % Larger packets for normal traffic

% Define priority for each packet (1 = low latency, 0 = normal)

packetPriority = [ones(numPackets, 1); zeros(numPackets, 1)];

packetSize = [lowLatencyTraffic; normalTraffic];

% Sort packets based on priority (low-latency packets processed first)

[~, priorityOrder] = sort(packetPriority, ‘descend’);

sortedPacketSize = packetSize(priorityOrder);

% Calculate transmission time for each packet

sortedTransmissionTime = (sortedPacketSize * 8) / networkBandwidth;

% Total time to transmit all packets

totalTransmissionTime = sum(sortedTransmissionTime);

disp([‘Total transmission time for low-latency and normal traffic: ‘, num2str(totalTransmissionTime), ‘ seconds’]);

Step 5: Simulate Queuing and Buffer Management

Queuing delays are a main provider to overall network delay. By enhancing buffer management and queuing mechanisms such as using a priority queue or early packet dropping, that can minimize delay and enhance performance.

Example: Simulate Queuing for Low-Latency Traffic

% Define a queue with a fixed capacity

queue = zeros(queueCapacity, 1);  % Initialize empty queue

queuePointer = 0;  % Pointer for managing queue position

queueDropCount = 0;  % Count of dropped packets

% Simulate packet arrival and processing

for i = 1:numPackets*2

% If the queue is not full, add the packet

if queuePointer < queueCapacity

queuePointer = queuePointer + 1;

queue(queuePointer) = sortedPacketSize(i);  % Add packet to queue


% If the queue is full, drop the packet (indicating queue overflow)

queueDropCount = queueDropCount + 1;


% Process one packet from the queue (dequeue)

if queuePointer > 0

queue(1) = [];  % Remove the processed packet

queuePointer = queuePointer – 1;



disp([‘Number of packets dropped due to queue overflow: ‘, num2str(queueDropCount)]);

Step 6: Simulate Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communication (URLLC) in 5G Networks

In 5G networks, Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communication (URLLC) is one of the key services. It is intended for utilize cases which needs least latency and high reliability such as autonomous driving, factory automation. we can utilize MATLAB’s 5G Toolbox to replicate URLLC.

Example: Simulate URLLC in 5G Network (Simplified)

% Define URLLC parameters

urlRate = 1e6;  % Data rate for URLLC traffic (1 Mbps)

packetSizeURLLC = 500;  % Packet size for URLLC in bytes

% Calculate the transmission time for URLLC packet

urlTransmissionTime = (packetSizeURLLC * 8) / urlRate;

% Assume processing and propagation delays for URLLC

urlProcessingDelay = 0.05e-3;  % URLLC processing delay (50 microseconds)

urlPropagationDelay = 1e-6;  % Propagation delay for short-distance communication

% Total latency for URLLC packet

urlTotalLatency = urlTransmissionTime + urlProcessingDelay + urlPropagationDelay;

disp([‘Total latency for URLLC packet: ‘, num2str(urlTotalLatency * 1e3), ‘ ms’]);

Step 7: Full System Simulation Using Simulink (Optional)

For more complex low-latency interaction systems, we can utilize Simulink to design end-to-end network performance that contains traffic flow queuing mechanisms, and scheduling techniques. Simulink enables you to design dynamic systems with real-time data processing and envision network features in real time.

Step 8: Visualize Latency and Throughput

We can utilize MATLAB’s plotting tools to envision the delay, throughput, and performance of the network. This wills supports you measure on how well the system runs into low-latency requirements.

Example: Plot Latency and Throughput

% Plot total latency for different types of traffic

trafficTypes = {‘Low-Latency’, ‘Normal Traffic’};

totalLatency = [urlTotalLatency, totalLatency];


bar(totalLatency * 1e3);  % Convert latency to milliseconds

set(gca, ‘XTickLabel’, trafficTypes);

title(‘Total Latency for Different Traffic Types’);

xlabel(‘Traffic Type’);

ylabel(‘Total Latency (ms)’);

grid on;

% Plot throughput for low-latency traffic


plot(1:numPackets, sortedTransmissionTime * 1e3, ‘bo-‘);  % Convert to milliseconds

title(‘Transmission Time for Low-Latency Traffic’);

xlabel(‘Packet Number’);

ylabel(‘Transmission Time (ms)’);

grid on;

Through the complete process, you can acquire the simulation and execution process regarding the Low Latency Communication projects offered in it using MATLAB tool. We will plan to offer the more information regarding the Low Latency Communication projects in another manual.

To simulate Low Latency Communication projects in MATLAB we at will guide you on the right track with perfectly aligned topic. Get in touch with our experts let our team handle your work. Simulation and project performance are done by us in an effective way.

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