How to Simulate Mesh Topology Projects Using MATLAB

To simulate a Mesh Topology in MATLAB that includes generating a network in which each node is associated to multiple other nodes that delivers the multiple pathways for data routing. In a full mesh topology, each node is associated to every other node, since in a partial mesh topology, solitary some nodes are interconnected. This topology is usual in highly flexible networks due to it provides redundancy and multiple paths for data to extent its destination.

The given below is the procedures to simulate the mesh topology in MATLAB.

Steps to Simulate a Mesh Topology in MATLAB

  1. Define the Network Topology
    • Choose on the type of mesh topology that is full or partial.
    • Describe the nodes and introduce the connections according to the prioritized mesh structure.
  2. Simulate Data Transmission
    • Enable each node to transmit the information to other nodes in the network.
    • Estimate the shortest path or utilize multi-path routing for data transmission, rely on the mesh type.
  3. Visualize the Mesh Topology
    • Log the nodes and association in a 2D space to display the mesh structure.
  4. Evaluate Network Performance
    • Evaluate the parameters like average path length, delay, or packet loss to learn the network’s flexibility and effectiveness.

Example MATLAB Code for Simulating a Full Mesh Topology

The resulting MATLAB code replicates a full mesh topology, in which every node is directly associated to every other node.

% Parameters

numNodes = 6;                     % Number of nodes in the network

nodePositions = 10 * rand(numNodes, 2); % Random (x, y) positions for nodes

dataPackets = randi([1, 100], numNodes, numNodes); % Data packets to be sent between nodes

transmissionDelay = 0.5;          % Delay per transmission (in seconds)

% Plot the full mesh topology


hold on;

for i = 1:numNodes

for j = i+1:numNodes

% Plot connections between each pair of nodes for full mesh

plot([nodePositions(i,1), nodePositions(j,1)], [nodePositions(i,2), nodePositions(j,2)], ‘k–‘);



% Plot nodes

for i = 1:numNodes

plot(nodePositions(i,1), nodePositions(i,2), ‘bo’, ‘MarkerSize’, 8, ‘DisplayName’, [‘Node ‘, num2str(i)]);


title(‘Full Mesh Topology Network’);

xlabel(‘X Position’);

ylabel(‘Y Position’);

grid on;

axis equal;

hold off;

% Step 1: Simulate Data Transmission

disp(‘Data Transmission Simulation:’);

for i = 1:numNodes

for j = 1:numNodes

if i ~= j

fprintf(‘Node %d sends %d packets to Node %d…\n’, i, dataPackets(i,j), j);

pause(transmissionDelay); % Simulate delay

fprintf(‘Node %d received data from Node %d\n’, j, i);




% Step 2: Display Network Metrics (Example: Total Data Transmitted)

totalDataTransmitted = sum(dataPackets(:));

disp([‘Total data transmitted in the network: ‘, num2str(totalDataTransmitted), ‘ packets’]);

Explanation of Code

  1. Node Positioning and Full Mesh Setup:
    • Each node is arbitrarily positioned in a 2D space, and association are drawn among every pair of nodes to denote a full mesh topology.
  2. Topology Visualization:
    • The network is envisioned with nodes by way of points and connections as dashed lines among each node pair.
  3. Data Transmission Simulation:
    • Every node transmits a certain amount of data packets to every other node in the network.
    • The pause function establishes a latency to replicate transmission time.
  4. Network Metrics Calculation:
    • The code estimated the total number of data routed via the network that delivers a baseline for performance.

Example Code for Simulating a Partial Mesh Topology

In a partial mesh topology, solitary certain nodes are directly associated. Here’s how to adjust the code to generate a partial mesh topology:

% Parameters

numNodes = 6;                     % Number of nodes in the network

nodePositions = 10 * rand(numNodes, 2); % Random (x, y) positions for nodes

dataPackets = randi([1, 100], numNodes, numNodes); % Data packets to be sent between nodes

connectionProbability = 0.5;      % Probability of having a connection between nodes

transmissionDelay = 0.5;          % Delay per transmission (in seconds)

% Define adjacency matrix for partial mesh

adjMatrix = rand(numNodes) < connectionProbability;

adjMatrix = triu(adjMatrix, 1); % Upper triangular to avoid duplicate edges

adjMatrix = adjMatrix + adjMatrix’; % Make symmetric for undirected graph

% Plot the partial mesh topology


hold on;

for i = 1:numNodes

for j = i+1:numNodes

if adjMatrix(i, j) == 1

% Plot connection if nodes are connected

plot([nodePositions(i,1), nodePositions(j,1)], [nodePositions(i,2), nodePositions(j,2)], ‘k–‘);




% Plot nodes

for i = 1:numNodes

plot(nodePositions(i,1), nodePositions(i,2), ‘bo’, ‘MarkerSize’, 8, ‘DisplayName’, [‘Node ‘, num2str(i)]);


title(‘Partial Mesh Topology Network’);

xlabel(‘X Position’);

ylabel(‘Y Position’);

grid on;

axis equal;

hold off;

% Step 1: Simulate Data Transmission

disp(‘Data Transmission Simulation:’);

for i = 1:numNodes

for j = 1:numNodes

if i ~= j && adjMatrix(i, j) == 1

fprintf(‘Node %d sends %d packets to Node %d…\n’, i, dataPackets(i,j), j);

pause(transmissionDelay); % Simulate delay

fprintf(‘Node %d received data from Node %d\n’, j, i);




% Step 2: Display Network Metrics (Example: Total Data Transmitted)

totalDataTransmitted = sum(dataPackets(adjMatrix == 1));

disp([‘Total data transmitted in the network: ‘, num2str(totalDataTransmitted), ‘ packets’]);

Explanation for Partial Mesh Topology Code

  1. Adjacency Matrix:
    • adjMatrix is generated with random association among nodes according to a particular probability (connectionProbability).
    • This matrix denotes the network connectivity; in which 1 signify a connection and 0 represents no connection.
  2. Partial Mesh Visualization:
    • Only linked nodes are combined by lines that consequence in a partial mesh structure in which some nodes have smaller number connections than others.
  3. Data Transmission in Partial Mesh:
    • Data transmission happens only among directly to the associated nodes, by the way of defined by adjMatrix.

Extensions and Variations

  1. Pathfinding:
    • In a partial mesh, utilize shortest path techniques such as Dijkstra’s to identify other routes for disconnected nodes.
  2. Failure Simulation:
    • Replicate node or link failures and evaluate the effects on network activities and connectivity.
  3. Performance Metrics:
    • Estimate the parameters like network diameter (longest shortest path between nodes) or average path length to evaluate connectivity.

Visualization of Connectivity Matrix

To enhance to familiarize the connectivity, envision the adjacency matrix with a heatmap:




title(‘Adjacency Matrix of Partial Mesh Topology’);

xlabel(‘Node Index’);

ylabel(‘Node Index’);

This manual contains the project and their implementation details in brief manner regarding the Mesh Topology protocols projects which is executed in MATLAB tool and their evaluation process and simulation set up. We will deliver any additional information on these projects, if required.

We carry out simulations of Mesh Topology Projects utilizing the MATLAB tool. For innovative services from our team, please contact with a detailed description of your requirements, and our support team will respond with a timely solution. We also focus on partial mesh topology, addressing specific nodes based on your project needs, and we will provide you with a concise explanation.

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