How to Simulate Partial Mesh Topology Projects Using OMNeT++

To simulate a Partial Mesh Topology in OMNeT++ has needs to generate a network in which some nodes are completely associated since others are only linked to a subset of nodes. A partial mesh topology integrates the redundancy and fault tolerance of a full mesh network with the simplicity and cost efficiency of a point-to-point or star topology. Visit and share your information. We will provide you with top-notch simulation support for your projects.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to simulating a partial mesh topology in OMNeT++ using the INET framework:

Steps to Simulate a Partial Mesh Topology in OMNeT++

  1. Install OMNeT++ and INET Framework:

Ensure OMNeT++ and the INET framework is installed. INET deliver the prerequisite network models and utilities for configure network topologies.

  • Download and install OMNeT++.
  • Download and install the INET Framework.
  1. Define Partial Mesh Topology in NED File:

In a partial mesh topology, not all nodes are associated to each other. Some nodes have more connections than others, nevertheless redundancy is still preserved.

Here is an example of a simple NED file that describes a partial mesh topology:

network PartialMeshNetwork



int numNodes = default(6); // Number of nodes in the partial mesh


// Define the nodes in the network

node[numNodes]: <NodeType> {

@display(“p=100+100*i,100+100*j”);  // Distribute nodes in a scattered fashion


connections allowunconnected:

// Manually define connections between nodes to form a partial mesh

node[0].ethg++ <–> Eth100M <–> node[1].ethg++;   // Connection between Node 0 and Node 1

node[0].ethg++ <–> Eth100M <–> node[2].ethg++;   // Connection between Node 0 and Node 2

node[1].ethg++ <–> Eth100M <–> node[3].ethg++;   // Connection between Node 1 and Node 3

node[2].ethg++ <–> Eth100M <–> node[4].ethg++;   // Connection between Node 2 and Node 4

node[3].ethg++ <–> Eth100M <–> node[5].ethg++;   // Connection between Node 3 and Node 5

node[4].ethg++ <–> Eth100M <–> node[5].ethg++;   // Connection between Node 4 and Node 5


In this example:

  • numNodes describes the number of nodes in the partial mesh network.
  • The node[numNodes] array describes the nodes in the network.
  • ethg++ signifies Ethernet gates (ports) that connect nodes, and Eth100M is a 100 Mbps Ethernet link.
  • Some nodes have more connections than others, forming a partial mesh.
  1. Define Node Types in NED:

We need to use the INET framework’s StandardHost module for the nodes, or generate custom nodes according to the application requirements.

Example of defining a custom node type:

import inet.node.inet.StandardHost;

module NodeType extends StandardHost



@display(“i=device/laptop”);  // Use a laptop icon for the nodes


This node type describes each node by way of a standard host in the INET framework with basic networking capabilities.

  1. Configure the INI File:

In the omnetpp.ini file, we can describe simulation parameters like traffic patterns, the number of nodes, and simulation duration.

Here’s a sample configuration for configure a simple traffic pattern in the partial mesh topology:

network = PartialMeshNetwork

sim-time-limit = 30s  # Simulation time limit

# Configuring IP addresses for the nodes in the partial mesh network

*.node[*].networkLayer.ipv4.address = “10.0.0.x”

# Configuring TCP traffic between Node 0 and Node 5

*.node[0].numApps = 1

*.node[5].numApps = 1

# Define a TCP client on Node 0 and a TCP server on Node 5

*.node[0].app[0].typename = “TcpBasicClientApp”

*.node[0].app[0].connectAddress = “”  # Node 5’s IP address

*.node[0].app[0].startTime = 1s

*.node[0].app[0].stopTime = 29s

*.node[5].app[0].typename = “TcpBasicServerApp”  # TCP server on Node 5

In this configuration:

  • IP addresses are assigned systematically to each node.
  • A TCP client is generated on Node 0, sending data to a TCP server running on Node 5.
  • The simulation runs for 30 seconds.
  1. Traffic Generation with UDP or TCP:

If we prefer using UDP for traffic rather than TCP, here’s how to configure UDP traffic in the INI file:

# Configuring UDP traffic from Node 0 to Node 5

*.node[0].app[0].typename = “UdpBasicApp”

*.node[0].app[0].destAddresses = “”  # IP address of Node 5

*.node[0].app[0].destPort = 5000

*.node[0].app[0].packetLength = 1024B

*.node[0].app[0].sendInterval = uniform(1s, 2s)

*.node[0].app[0].startTime = 1s

*.node[0].app[0].stopTime = 29s

# Configure Node 5 as a UDP sink to receive packets

*.node[5].app[0].typename = “UdpSink”

*.node[5].app[0].localPort = 5000

This configuration generates UDP traffic among Node 0 and Node 5, with a randomly distributed interval among packet transmissions.

  1. Run the Simulation:
  • Open OMNeT++ IDE.
  • Import and compile the project.
  • Execute the simulation using Qtenv to envision the partial mesh topology and track packet transmissions.
  • We can see how traffic flows among the nodes, taking benefits of the mesh’s flexibility for rerouting and redundancy.
  1. Analyse the Results:

OMNeT++ delivers built-in tools to gather and evaluate the simulation data. We can monitor:

  • Throughput: The amount of data successfully routed among nodes.
  • Latency: Evaluate the delay in packet delivery among nodes.
  • Packet Loss: observe packets that fail to reach their destination.

Utilize Plove or Scave to envision these parameters and plot the graphs for further evaluation.

  1. Advanced Features (Optional):

We need to expand the simulation by adding more characteristics to implement real-world conditions:

  1. Error Models: Establish errors or packet loss models to replicate unreliable links in the partial mesh network.
  2. Energy Models: Utilize energy models from INET to monitor battery usage in wireless mesh nodes.
  3. Mobility Models: implement mobility to particular nodes to replicate dynamic environments such as mobile mesh networks.

Here is how we can add a mobility model:

*.node[*].mobility.typename = “RandomWaypointMobility”

*.node[*].mobility.speed = uniform(1mps, 5mps)


  1. Topology Definition: Utilize NED to generate a partial mesh topology by manually connecting priortized nodes.
  2. Node Configuration: Utilize INET’s StandardHost for nodes or describes custom node types according to your requirements.
  3. Traffic Configuration: Set up TCP or UDP traffic among nodes in the omnetpp.ini file.
  4. Run and Analyse: Execute the simulation, and utilize OMNeT++’s tools to measure throughput, latency, and packet loss.

The above the detailed project about partial mesh topology that was simulated and executed using OMNeT++ tool and it has contain sample codes, detailed explanation about advanced features and provide the overall summary regarding this project. Further details will be added later.

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