How to Simulate Passive Attacks Projects Using NS2

To simulate a passive attack in NS2 has includes to design a environment in which an attacker secretly observe or interrupt the information in the network without actively adapting or inserting the packets. The passive attacks are usually utilized for listening, analysis the traffic or accumulated the sensitive data without warning the target.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to simulate a passive attack in NS2:

Steps to Simulate Passive Attacks Projects in NS2

Step 1: Set Up NS2

Ensure that we have NS2 installed on the system. We will also require NAM (Network Animator) to envision the network traffic and XGraph to plot outcomes.

Step 2: Understand Passive Attacks

A passive attack has includes to monitoring network traffic without changing it. This can involve:

  • Eavesdropping: The attacker sniffs to network traffic to take out sensitive information.
  • Traffic Analysis: The attacker learns on traffic patterns to infer information about communication channels or users.

In NS2, passive attacks can be replicated by incorporating a sniffer node or monitor node which logs packets transfer via the network, without transmitting or changing any packets.

Step 3: Design the Network Topology

To mimic a passive attack, we will describe:

  • Source Node: This node transmits normal traffic to the destination.
  • Destination Node: This node gets traffic from the source.
  • Attacker Node: This node eavesdrops (sniffs) the traffic among the source and destination without enthusiastically inserting packets.

Step 4: Create an NS2 TCL Script for Passive Attack Simulation

Below is an NS2 TCL script which replicates a passive attack in which the attacker silently observes traffic among a source and a destination:

Example TCL Script for Passive Attack Simulation:

# Create a new NS2 simulator object

set ns [new Simulator]

# Define network nodes

set source [$ns node]      ;# Source node

set destination [$ns node] ;# Destination node

set attacker [$ns node]    ;# Passive attacker (sniffer) node

# Create duplex links between the nodes

$ns duplex-link $source $destination 1Mb 10ms DropTail

$ns duplex-link $source $attacker 1Mb 10ms DropTail

$ns duplex-link $destination $attacker 1Mb 10ms DropTail

# Enable tracing for all links

$ns trace-queue $source $destination “”

$ns trace-queue $source $attacker “”

$ns trace-queue $destination $attacker “”

# Define UDP agent and attach it to the source

set udp_src [new Agent/UDP]

$ns attach-agent $source $udp_src

# Define traffic sink at the destination

set null_sink [new Agent/Null]

$ns attach-agent $destination $null_sink

# Connect the source and destination

$ns connect $udp_src $null_sink

# Define CBR traffic source (legitimate traffic)

set cbr_traffic [new Application/Traffic/CBR]

$cbr_traffic set packetSize_ 512

$cbr_traffic set interval_ 0.1

$cbr_traffic attach-agent $udp_src

# Start the traffic from source at 1.0 second

$ns at 1.0 “$cbr_traffic start”

# Schedule a finish procedure to end the simulation after 5 seconds

proc finish {} {

global ns

$ns flush-trace

close $tracefile

exec nam passive_attack.nam &

exit 0


# Define finish procedure at 5 seconds

$ns at 5.0 “finish”

# Set up trace and NAM file for simulation

set tracefile [open “” w]

$ns trace-all $tracefile

set namfile [open “passive_attack.nam” w]

$ns namtrace-all $namfile

# Run the simulation

$ns run

Step 5: Explanation of the Script

  1. Nodes and Links:
    • The script describes three nodes: the source (which transmit traffic), the destination (which receives traffic), and the attacker (which observes the traffic).
    • Duplex links are introduced among the source and destination, and the attacker is associated to both to replicate it monitoring the traffic.
  2. Traffic Generation:
    • A UDP agent is attached to the source node, and a Null agent (sink) is connected to the destination node to collect packets.
    • CBR (Constant Bit Rate) traffic is created at the source; with packets transmit to the destination at regular intervals (0.1 seconds).
  3. Passive Attack (Monitoring):
    • The attacker node does not add any packets; rather than, it observes traffic by capturing packets passed among the source and destination. This is replicated by permits tracing on the links that associate the attacker to the source and destination.
    • The attacker “listens” to the traffic without disturbing it.
  4. Tracing and Visualization:
    • A trace file ( is created, encompassing details about all packet transmissions.
    • A NAM file (passive_attack.nam) is generated for envisioning the network traffic in NAM.

Step 6: Run the Simulation

  1. Save the script as passive_attack.tcl.
  2. Execute the script in NS2:

ns passive_attack.tcl

This will create two files:

  • A trace file which records all packet-level events.
  • passive_attack.nam: A NAM file for network visualization.

Step 7: Visualize the Simulation Using NAM

To envision the passive attack, utilize NAM:

nam passive_attack.nam

In NAM, we will see:

  • The source node transmits packets to the destination node.
  • The attacker node silently monitoring traffic without communicating with it.

Step 8: Analyse the Trace File

The trace file ( encompasses information about all packets routed in the course of the simulation. We can evaluate the trace file to:

  • Observe how the attacker monitored the traffic among the source and destination.
  • Extract details such as packet size, timestamps, and latency to familiarize the traffic pattern.

We can utilize AWK, Python, or other tools to process the trace file. For instance, we could total the amount of packets transmit from the source to the destination or evaluate the traffic patterns monitored by the attacker.

Step 9: Enhance the Simulation

Here are ways we can improve the simulation:

  1. Add More Nodes: Incorporate more legitimate nodes to mimic more complex traffic patterns.
  2. Implement Traffic Encryption: mimic an encrypted traffic to see how the passive attacker acts as when it cannot directly know the stuffing of the packets.
  3. Simulate Different Traffic Types: Rather than using only UDP, that replicate TCP traffic or other protocols.
  4. Measure Performance: Evaluate the effects of the passive attack on the network performance, like latency or throughput.

Overall the simulation will be successfully demonstrated and illustrated for passive attack with the help of ns2 tool that has contain brief procedures, extension of the simulation along with code snippets. If you did like to know more information we will offered it.

For specialized support, visit, where our expert team is prepared to help you. We offer services for scholars at every level. Our specialists efficiently simulate Passive Attacks Projects using the NS2 tool, focusing on traffic analysis and the collection of sensitive data, all customized to meet your requirements.

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