How to Simulate Ring Mesh Hybrid Topology Using MATLAB

To simulate the Ring-Mesh Hybrid Topology in MATLAB has needs to follow a series of steps and it integrates the features of both ring and mesh topologies. In this topology, there is numerous smaller mesh networks are associated in a ring structure that enables each mesh subnetwork to interact with its neighbouring mesh clusters across the ring connections. This hybrid topology upsurges the flexibility and redundancy by integrating the advantages of both topologies.

Below is the detailed procedure on how to simulate the Ring-Mesh Hybrid Topology in MATLAB

Steps to Simulate a Ring-Mesh Hybrid Topology in MATLAB

  1. Define the Network Structure
    • Generate multiple mesh subnetworks, place them in a circular (ring) organization.
    • Describe connections in each mesh subnetwork and link the neighboring mesh networks in a ring pattern.
  2. Establish Intra-Mesh and Inter-Mesh Connections
    • Utilize a distance threshold to introduce mesh connections inside each subnetwork.
    • Associate each mesh’s central node (or an intended “gateway” node) to the neighboring mesh clusters to create the ring.
  3. Simulate Data Transmission
    • Execute data transmission inside each mesh subnetwork and via the ring for inter-mesh communication.
    • Utilize multi-hop routing in mesh clusters if required.
  4. Visualize the Topology
    • Generate nodes and association within each mesh subnetwork and demonstrates the ring connections among mesh networks.
  5. Evaluate Performance Metrics
    • Evaluate the parameters like total data routed, delay, or packet success rate.

Example MATLAB Code for Simulating a Ring-Mesh Hybrid Topology

Here’s a MATLAB script to replicate a simple ring-mesh hybrid topology with multiple mesh clusters associated in a ring structure.

% Parameters

numMeshes = 4;                     % Number of mesh subnetworks (clusters)

nodesPerMesh = 5;                  % Number of nodes per mesh network

meshRadius = 8;                    % Radius for node placement within each mesh

ringRadius = 20;                   % Radius for the ring connecting each mesh

communicationRange = 10;           % Maximum distance for a connection within each mesh

transmissionDelay = 0.5;           % Delay per transmission (in seconds)

dataPackets = randi([10, 30], numMeshes, nodesPerMesh); % Data packets each node sends within the mesh

% Define positions for mesh centers in a ring arrangement

theta = linspace(0, 2*pi, numMeshes + 1);

theta(end) = [];

meshCenters = [ringRadius * cos(theta)’, ringRadius * sin(theta)’];

% Define positions for nodes within each mesh network

meshNodePositions = cell(numMeshes, 1); % Cell array to store node positions in each mesh

for m = 1:numMeshes

% Randomly place nodes within each mesh around the mesh center

meshNodePositions{m} = meshCenters(m, 🙂 + meshRadius * (rand(nodesPerMesh, 2) – 0.5);


% Plot the Ring-Mesh Hybrid Topology


hold on;

% Plot each mesh network and intra-mesh connections

for m = 1:numMeshes

% Plot nodes in each mesh

plot(meshNodePositions{m}(:,1), meshNodePositions{m}(:,2), ‘bo’, ‘MarkerSize’, 8, ‘DisplayName’, [‘Mesh ‘, num2str(m)]);

% Plot intra-mesh connections based on communication range

for i = 1:nodesPerMesh

for j = i+1:nodesPerMesh

distance = norm(meshNodePositions{m}(i,:) – meshNodePositions{m}(j,:));

if distance <= communicationRange

plot([meshNodePositions{m}(i,1), meshNodePositions{m}(j,1)], [meshNodePositions{m}(i,2), meshNodePositions{m}(j,2)], ‘k–‘);





% Connect the central nodes of each mesh to form the ring structure

for m = 1:numMeshes

nextMesh = mod(m, numMeshes) + 1; % Determine the next mesh in the ring

% Connect the centers of each mesh network to form the ring

plot([meshCenters(m,1), meshCenters(nextMesh,1)], [meshCenters(m,2), meshCenters(nextMesh,2)], ‘r-‘, ‘LineWidth’, 1.5);


title(‘Ring-Mesh Hybrid Topology’);

xlabel(‘X Position’);

ylabel(‘Y Position’);

grid on;

axis equal;

hold off;

% Step 1: Simulate Intra-Mesh Data Transmission

disp(‘Intra-Mesh Data Transmission Simulation:’);

for m = 1:numMeshes

for i = 1:nodesPerMesh

fprintf(‘Node %d in Mesh %d sends %d packets to nearby nodes…\n’, i, m, dataPackets(m, i));

pause(transmissionDelay); % Simulate transmission delay



% Step 2: Simulate Inter-Mesh Data Transmission through the Ring

disp(‘Inter-Mesh Data Transmission Simulation:’);

for m = 1:numMeshes

nextMesh = mod(m, numMeshes) + 1;

fprintf(‘Mesh %d sends data to Mesh %d through the ring connection…\n’, m, nextMesh);


fprintf(‘Mesh %d received data from Mesh %d\n’, nextMesh, m);


% Display Network Metrics (Example: Total Data Transmitted)

totalDataTransmitted = sum(dataPackets(:));

disp([‘Total data transmitted within the network: ‘, num2str(totalDataTransmitted), ‘ packets’]);

Explanation of Code

  1. Node Positioning and Mesh Arrangement:
    • Each mesh subnetwork’s center is organised in a circular (ring) pattern with a radius well-defined by ringRadius.
    • Nodes inside each mesh are positioned randomly inside a radius of meshRadius from the mesh center.
  2. Topology Visualization:
    • Each mesh network’s nodes are designed in blue, with dashed lines demonstrating intra-mesh connections according to communicationRange.
    • Rock-hard red lines denote connections among mesh centers, creates the ring structure.
  3. Data Transmission Simulation:
    • Intra-Mesh Transmission: Each node inside a mesh sends data to its neighbouring nodes.
    • Inter-Mesh Transmission via Ring: Each mesh cluster interacts with the next cluster in the ring.
  4. Network Metrics Calculation:
    • The number data routed inside the network by all nodes is estimated and showed as a parameter.

Extensions and Variations

  1. Multi-Hop Routing within Mesh Networks:
    • Execute multi-hop routing techniques such as Dijkstra’s algorithm in each mesh network to allow communication among distant nodes.
  2. Variable Transmission Delays:
    • Establish random latency for intra-mesh and inter-mesh communications to replicate real network conditions.
  3. Evaluate Additional Performance Metrics:
    • Evaluate packet success rates, end-to-end delay, and total throughput for a detailed performance evaluation.
  4. Simulate Node and Link Failures:
    • Establish possible node or link failures to learn on how the network adjusts, specifically in a ring where redundancy is valuable.

Visualization of Data Transmission Metrics

To demonstrate on how many packets each node in a mesh network sends, we can utilize a bar plot.

% Plot the number of packets each node in each mesh network transmits


bar(1:numMeshes, sum(dataPackets, 2));

title(‘Data Packets Transmitted by Nodes in Each Mesh’);

xlabel(‘Mesh Index’);

ylabel(‘Packets Transmitted’);

grid on;

Advanced Simulation Scenarios

  1. Dynamic Topology Changes:
    • Enable nodes within each mesh to transmit, updating connections by way of they come inside or go outside the communication range of other nodes.
  2. Traffic Load and Congestion Analysis:
    • Upsurge traffic inside a certain mesh networks or among mesh networks to evaluate congestion impacts and flexibility.
  3. Implement Quality of Service (QoS) Routing:
    • Select particular data flows within each mesh or via the ring for more effective data management in high traffic.

From this manual, you can able to explore the numerous contexts and techniques that will enable to simulate the Ring-Mesh Hybrid Topology using MATLAB tool and it has detailed simulation procedures, extension of this concepts and performance analysis and finally it provides the sample codes. If you did like to know more details regarding this process we will offered it.

We work on Ring Mesh Hybrid Topology Projects using MATLAB. If you’re looking for customized simulation ideas, feel free to contact us for great advice.

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