To simulate Software-Defined Networking with Named Data Networking (SDN-NDN) in MATLAB that includes incorporating the SDN’s control plane with NDN’s data-centric communication model. The main goal is to utilize the SDN to handle the fundamental network organization and since NDN manages the data forwarding and recovery according to content names instead of IP addresses.
Here’s a step-by-step guide to simulate SDN-NDN projects using MATLAB:
Steps to Simulate SDN-NDN Projects Using MATLAB
- Define Network Topology
Initiate by describing the topology of the network that contains switches, hosts, and SDN controllers. NDN sends data according to named content, subsequently the nodes will request content by name, and the sent the logic that will be executed by the SDN controller.
% Network topology parameters
numSwitches = 5; % Number of SDN switches
numHosts = 10; % Number of hosts (nodes)
areaSize = 1000; % Network area size (in meters)
% Random positions of switches and hosts
switchPositions = areaSize * rand(numSwitches, 2);
hostPositions = areaSize * rand(numHosts, 2);
% Plot network topology
hold on;
scatter(switchPositions(:, 1), switchPositions(:, 2), ‘filled’, ‘r’);
scatter(hostPositions(:, 1), hostPositions(:, 2), ‘filled’, ‘b’);
legend(‘SDN Switches’, ‘Hosts’);
xlabel(‘X (meters)’);
ylabel(‘Y (meters)’);
title(‘SDN-NDN Network Topology’);
grid on;
- Implement Named Data Networking (NDN) Forwarding
In NDN, content is requested according to names. When a host requests information, it transmits an Interest packet which propagates via the network. If the requested content is available, it is transmit back as a Data packet.
Interest Packet Processing
Execute the forwarding logic for interest packets. When an interest is be given at a switch, it validate if it has a fits data packet. If not, it send the interest to its neighbours.
% Interest packet processing
function processInterest(switchID, contentName, contentStore, pendingInterestTable, neighbors)
% Check if content is in content store
if isKey(contentStore, contentName)
disp([‘Switch ‘, num2str(switchID), ‘ has the content: ‘, contentName]);
% Forward the interest to neighboring switches
for neighbor = neighbors
disp([‘Forwarding interest for ‘, contentName, ‘ from Switch ‘, num2str(switchID), ‘ to Switch ‘, num2str(neighbor)]);
Data Packet Processing
When a switch obtains a data packet in response to a curiosity, it dispatches the data back to the requesting node. The data could also be cached in the content to kept it for future requests.
% Data packet processing
function processData(switchID, contentName, contentStore, pendingInterestTable)
% Cache the content in the content store
contentStore(contentName) = ‘Data for ‘ + contentName;
disp([‘Switch ‘, num2str(switchID), ‘ has cached the content: ‘, contentName]);
% Forward the data to the requesting host
if isKey(pendingInterestTable, contentName)
requestingHost = pendingInterestTable(contentName);
disp([‘Forwarding data for ‘, contentName, ‘ to Host ‘, num2str(requestingHost)]);
- SDN Controller for Managing Flow Tables
The SDN controller handle the flow tables in switches and commands how interest and data packets should be forwarded. It can also install forwarding rules according to content names.
% SDN Controller logic
function installFlowRule(switchID, contentName, nextHop, flowTable)
% Install flow rule in the switch’s flow table
flowTable(switchID).(contentName) = nextHop;
disp([‘Controller installs flow rule: Switch ‘, num2str(switchID), ‘ forwards ‘, contentName, ‘ to Switch ‘, num2str(nextHop)]);
- Simulate Interest and Data Flow
Mimic a host requesting content by transmitting an interest packet to the nearest switch. The switch sends the interest based on the NDN logic, and the data is reverted via the same path.
% Simulate interest flow from a host
contentName = ‘Video1’; % Requested content name
hostID = 1; % ID of the requesting host
sourceSwitchID = 1; % Switch connected to the host
% Initialize content store, pending interest table, and flow table
contentStore = containers.Map(); % Store content at switches
pendingInterestTable = containers.Map(); % Store pending interests
flowTable = containers.Map(); % Store forwarding rules at switches
% Send interest to the network
processInterest(sourceSwitchID, contentName, contentStore, pendingInterestTable, [2, 3]);
% Simulate the reception of data by a neighboring switch
processData(2, contentName, contentStore, pendingInterestTable);
- Performance Metrics
We can measure the performance of the SDN-NDN system according to the parameters like:
- Content Retrieval Time: The time taken to recover content according to the interest and data forwarding latency.
- Cache Hit Ratio: The percentage of requests which are fulfilled by cached content in switches.
- Traffic Load: The number of traffic created by interest and data forwarding.
Example of calculating cache hit ratio:
totalRequests = 100;
cacheHits = 80; % Example: 80 out of 100 requests were satisfied by cache
cacheHitRatio = (cacheHits / totalRequests) * 100;
fprintf(‘Cache Hit Ratio: %.2f%%\n’, cacheHitRatio);
- Traffic Simulation
Utilize MATLAB to mimic the network traffic created by interest and data packets. We can replicate different traffic patterns, like periodic content requests or bursty traffic.
% Simulate traffic between hosts and switches
numRequests = 50; % Total number of content requests
for request = 1:numRequests
hostID = randi([1 numHosts]); % Random host requesting content
contentName = [‘Content’, num2str(randi([1 10]))]; % Random content name
sourceSwitchID = randi([1 numSwitches]); % Switch connected to the host
% Process the interest for the requested content
processInterest(sourceSwitchID, contentName, contentStore, pendingInterestTable, [2, 3]);
- Advanced Features (Optional)
We can optimize the simulation by incoporating:
- Caching Strategies: Execute different caching approaches such as Least Recently Used (LRU), Least Frequently Used (LFU)) to handle content storage at switches.
- Security Mechanisms: Incorporate security characteristics like content verification, encryption, or access control.
- Quality of Service (QoS): Execute QoS mechanisms to select certain kinds of traffic or content.
Example SDN-NDN Project Ideas:
- Cache Optimization in SDN-NDN: Replicate and measure different caching techniques for NDN in SDN scenarios to exploit cache hit ratio and reduce the delay.
- Energy-Efficient NDN over SDN: Execute and replicate energy-efficient forwarding approaches for NDN over SDN by enhancing flow installation and caching to minimize energy consumption.
- Security in SDN-NDN: Improve a security mechanism which make sure secure content delivery in an SDN-NDN system and measure its effects on performance.
- Load Balancing in SDN-NDN: Mimic load balancing approaches in an SDN-controlled NDN environment to share content requests and enhance network throughput.
This procedure has covered the overall demonstration which is essential to know before implementing the Software-Defined Networking with Named Data Networking into the simulation using MATLAB tool. You can include their example project ideas into the simulation for future optimization. We will offer the additional records, if needed.
If you’re looking to simulate SDN-NDN projects using MATLAB, the team at is here to help. We understand that it can be tough, so we offer tailored services to meet your unique requirements. Our focus is on performance evaluation related to your projects. Don’t hesitate to reach out for more research assistance!