How to Simulate Switching Protocols Projects Using MATLAB

To simulate switching protocols in MATLAB has numerous steps to follow and it includes to generating a network of interrelated switches or routers and replicate how packets are transmit among them. Switching protocols like Ethernet switching, Virtual LAN (VLAN) switching, Spanning Tree Protocol (STP), and Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS), are utilized to capably route packets via a network and mitigate the loops or congestion.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to simulate switching protocols in MATLAB:

Steps to Simulate Switching Protocols in MATLAB

  1. Define Network Topology
  • Initiate by describing a network topology which includes of switches and hosts. All switches are associated to other switches and hosts using links.

Example of defining switches and hosts in a network:

numSwitches = 4;  % Number of switches

numHosts = 6;     % Number of hosts

totalNodes = numSwitches + numHosts;  % Total nodes (switches + hosts)

% Random positions for switches and hosts in a network area

switchPositions = rand(numSwitches, 2) * 100;

hostPositions = rand(numHosts, 2) * 100 + 100;  % Host positions slightly offset

% Adjacency matrix representing links between switches and hosts

adjacencyMatrix = inf(totalNodes);  % Initialize adjacency matrix with infinity

adjacencyMatrix(1,2) = 1; adjacencyMatrix(2,1) = 1;  % Switch 1 <–> Switch 2

adjacencyMatrix(2,3) = 1; adjacencyMatrix(3,2) = 1;  % Switch 2 <–> Switch 3

adjacencyMatrix(3,4) = 1; adjacencyMatrix(4,3) = 1;  % Switch 3 <–> Switch 4

adjacencyMatrix(1,5) = 1; adjacencyMatrix(5,1) = 1;  % Switch 1 <–> Host 1

adjacencyMatrix(4,6) = 1; adjacencyMatrix(6,4) = 1;  % Switch 4 <–> Host 2

  1. Ethernet Switching Simulation
  • In Ethernet switching, switches transmit frames according to MAC addresses. A switch sustains a MAC address table to transmit frames to the appropriate destination.

Example of MAC addresses table creation and frame forwarding:

% Initialize MAC address table (Mapping of MAC address to port)

macTable = containers.Map();  % Empty MAC address table

% Example function for frame forwarding

function macTable = ethernetSwitching(srcMAC, dstMAC, srcPort, adjacencyMatrix, macTable)

if isKey(macTable, srcMAC)

disp([‘Source MAC already known: ‘, srcMAC]);


macTable(srcMAC) = srcPort;  % Learn source MAC and associate it with the source port


if isKey(macTable, dstMAC)

% Forward the frame to the correct port

dstPort = macTable(dstMAC);

disp([‘Forwarding frame to port: ‘, num2str(dstPort)]);


% Broadcast the frame to all ports except the incoming port

disp(‘Broadcasting frame to all ports except source port’);



% Example MAC addresses for hosts

srcMAC = ’00:11:22:33:44:55′;  % Source MAC address (Host 1)

dstMAC = ’66:77:88:99:AA:BB’;  % Destination MAC address (Host 2)

srcPort = 1;  % Source port (Switch 1)

% Simulate frame forwarding

macTable = ethernetSwitching(srcMAC, dstMAC, srcPort, adjacencyMatrix, macTable);

  1. Virtual LAN (VLAN) Simulation
  • VLANs are utilized to isolate networks logically. Switches set up with VLANs transmit packets according to VLAN tags, separating traffic among diverse VLANs.

Example of VLAN assignment and packet forwarding:

% VLAN table (Mapping VLAN ID to list of ports)

vlanTable = containers.Map(‘KeyType’, ‘int32’, ‘ValueType’, ‘any’);

vlanTable(10) = [1, 2];  % VLAN 10 is assigned to ports 1 and 2

vlanTable(20) = [3, 4];  % VLAN 20 is assigned to ports 3 and 4

% Example function for VLAN switching

function forwardVLANFrame(vlanID, srcPort, vlanTable)

if isKey(vlanTable, vlanID)

vlanPorts = vlanTable(vlanID);  % Get ports associated with VLAN ID

if ismember(srcPort, vlanPorts)

disp([‘Frame stays within VLAN ‘, num2str(vlanID)]);

% Forward frame only to other ports within the same VLAN

disp([‘Forwarding frame to VLAN ports: ‘, num2str(vlanPorts)]);


disp(‘Error: Source port not part of the VLAN’);



disp(‘Error: VLAN ID not found’);



% Simulate VLAN frame forwarding

vlanID = 10;  % VLAN ID for the frame

srcPort = 1;  % Source port (part of VLAN 10)

forwardVLANFrame(vlanID, srcPort, vlanTable);

  1. Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) Simulation
  • STP is utilized to mitigate network loops by generating a loop-free topology in Ethernet networks. The protocol prioritize a root bridge and disables redundant links to mitigate the loops.

Example of implementing a basic Spanning Tree Protocol:

% Function to find the root bridge and create a spanning tree

function [rootBridge, spanningTree] = spanningTreeProtocol(adjacencyMatrix)

numSwitches = size(adjacencyMatrix, 1);

rootBridge = 1;  % Assume the lowest ID switch as root for simplicity

spanningTree = zeros(numSwitches);  % Initialize spanning tree

% Create a spanning tree by connecting the root to all other switches

for i = 2:numSwitches

spanningTree(rootBridge, i) = adjacencyMatrix(rootBridge, i);

spanningTree(i, rootBridge) = adjacencyMatrix(i, rootBridge);


disp([‘Root bridge: Switch ‘, num2str(rootBridge)]);


% Simulate Spanning Tree Protocol

[rootBridge, spanningTree] = spanningTreeProtocol(adjacencyMatrix);

disp(‘Spanning tree adjacency matrix:’);


  1. Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) Simulation
  • MPLS utilizes labels to transmit packets via networks rather than by using traditional IP routing. Each switch allocates a label to the packet, and the transmitting the decisions are depends on these labels.

Example of MPLS label switching:

% MPLS label table (Mapping labels to next hop)

labelTable = containers.Map(‘KeyType’, ‘int32’, ‘ValueType’, ‘any’);

labelTable(100) = 2;  % Label 100 forwards to switch 2

labelTable(200) = 3;  % Label 200 forwards to switch 3

% Example function for MPLS forwarding

function nextHop = mplsForwarding(label, labelTable)

if isKey(labelTable, label)

nextHop = labelTable(label);  % Get next hop based on label

disp([‘Forwarding packet with label ‘, num2str(label), ‘ to next hop: Switch ‘, num2str(nextHop)]);


disp(‘Error: Label not found in label table’);

nextHop = -1;  % No valid forwarding path



% Simulate MPLS label switching

label = 100;  % MPLS label for the packet

nextHop = mplsForwarding(label, labelTable);

  1. Simulate Data Transmission between Hosts
  • After set up the switching protocol such as Ethernet switching, VLAN, STP, or MPLS, replicate data transmission among hosts via the switches.

Example of replicating packet transmission from Host 1 to Host 2:

function simulateDataTransmission(srcHost, dstHost, adjacencyMatrix)

% Find the shortest path between the source and destination hosts

path = shortestPath(adjacencyMatrix, srcHost, dstHost);

disp([‘Data transmitted from Host ‘, num2str(srcHost), ‘ to Host ‘, num2str(dstHost), ‘ through path: ‘, num2str(path)]);


% Example function to calculate the shortest path (Dijkstra’s algorithm)

function path = shortestPath(adjacencyMatrix, src, dst)

% Implement a simple Dijkstra algorithm to find the shortest path

% This is a placeholder function for more advanced routing

numNodes = size(adjacencyMatrix, 1);

dist = inf(1, numNodes);  % Initialize distances with infinity

dist(src) = 0;

visited = false(1, numNodes);

prev = zeros(1, numNodes);  % To reconstruct the path

for i = 1:numNodes

% Find the unvisited node with the smallest distance

[~, u] = min(dist + visited * inf);

visited(u) = true;

neighbors = find(adjacencyMatrix(u, 🙂 < inf);  % Find neighbors

for v = neighbors

alt = dist(u) + adjacencyMatrix(u, v);

if alt < dist(v)

dist(v) = alt;

prev(v) = u;




% Reconstruct the shortest path

path = [dst];

while path(1) ~= src

path = [prev(path(1)), path];



% Simulate data transmission from Host 1 to Host 2

srcHost = 5;  % Host 1

dstHost = 6;  % Host 2

simulateDataTransmission(srcHost, dstHost, adjacencyMatrix);

Here, we clearly discussed about the simulation procedures that were utilized to simulate the switching protocols projects using MATLAB tool and it contains the essential information like step-by step procedure, explanation along with coding. If you need more details then feel free to ask!

Achieve optimal project performance with our team, tailored to your vision. To simulate Switching Protocols in MATLAB, just email us your project details, and we will assist you in achieving successful results. We specialize in protocols such as Ethernet switching, Virtual LAN (VLAN) switching, Spanning Tree Protocol (STP), and Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS).

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