To Simulate the VANET (Vehicular Ad-hoc Network) protocols in OPNET has involves following a sequence of steps to configure the network situation for describe the mobility patterns to set up protocol parameters metrices. Here’s a general instruct to supports the following procedures started:
Steps to stimulate the VANET Protocols Projects using OPNET
- Set up the Project Environment
- Create a New Project: Open OPNET to generate innovative project and configure the topology to the same environment we necessary to replicate an urban, highway, etc.
- Define Network Topology: Dwelling the road networks and connections besides to describe the region in which vehicles would be transfer.
- Add VANET Nodes: Utilized a mobile node to characterize a vehicle. To configure the every node with applicable parameters metrices such as speed, acceleration, and direction.
- Implement Mobility Models
- Select a Mobility Model: VANET replications to need consistency vehicle association. To utilized the designs such as Random Waypoint, Gauss-Markov, or Manhattan Grid for urban environments or Highway Mobility for highway situations.
- Configure Node Mobility: To configure the every vehicle node’s speed to mobility constraints and road-following behavior based on the selected designs.
- Protocol Stack Configuration
- Configure Routing Protocols: VANET regularly utilized their protocols such as AODV, DSR, OLSR, or VANET-specific protocols like as GPSR, DSDV. Enhance this nodes’ protocol stack and set up parameters metrices such as routing bring up to date intervals for hello message intervals and route lifetime.
- DSRC/WAVE Protocols: Intended for dedicated short-range transmission we could be to ensure the DSRC (802.11p) or Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE) protocols if helps in the OPNET configuration.
- Set up Traffic Models
- Define Communication Types: To configure the transmission environments like as Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I).
- Application Traffic: To set up the congestion generation for several applications such as safety messaging, infotainment. In generally utilized their application layers for VANETs has contains the CBR (Constant Bit Rate) or bursty traffic designs for emergency communication.
- Data Rates and Packet Size: Regulate their packet sizes and data rates to equal consistency the transmission designs. To secure their applications could be utilized smaller further frequent packets although infotainment can be utilized the big sporadic packets.
- Simulation Parameters and Scenarios
- Set Simulation Time: Describe the replication of periodic to according on the environments such as minutes for traffic intersections or hours for highway scenarios.
- Create Multiple Scenarios: To configure the several situations through differences in traffic density of speed or ecological situations to study protocol performance under multiple environments.
- Performance Metrics and Data Collection
- Define Metrics: VANET replications the characteristics to concentrate the parameter metrics like as packet delivery ratio, end-to-end delay, throughput, and routing overhead.
- Set up Data Collection: To set up an OPNET to gather a log this parameter metrics. We could be also needed to improve custom data gathering points for precise protocol behaviors for sample, route discovery time.
- Run the Simulation and Analyze Results
- Execute the Simulation: To process the replication of assure which all nodes to track their described the mobility and transmission protocols.
- Analyze Data: Utilized an OPNET’s investigation tools to observe the gathered data and create a plot for performance parameter metrics to classify the potential problem or insights in protocol performance.
In this presented guide elaborately offer the complete procedures to support you to simulate the VANET Protocols over the network using the tool of OPNET. More information regarding this process is provided in further script.
For any projects involving VANET protocols that utilize OPNET simulation and configuration, we invite you to reach out to us for optimal results.