To simulate a Flat Topology in OMNeT++, which encompasses making a network in which all nodes are considered equally, with no hierarchical structure. This kind of topology is frequently used in wireless sensor networks (WSNs), peer-to-peer networks, or other distributed systems in which there is no central coordinator. Nodes are communicate directly with one another, and routing decisions are usually created depends on the factors such as distance, energy, or protocol-specific criteria.
We will walk you through step-by-step process to simulate a Flat Topology in OMNeT++:
Steps to Simulate Flat Topology Projects in OMNeT++
- Understand Flat Topology
- Flat Topology: In a flat network topology, all nodes are equal, meaning no node performs as a central server, base station, or coordinator. The nodes are communicate directly with one another, creating routing and data dissemination decentralized. This is general in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), in which sensors are employed over a large area and each node gathers and sends data.
- Use INET Framework
For replicating flat topologies in OMNeT++, the INET Framework offers numerous models for wireless communication, routing, and flat network configurations (e.g., peer-to-peer or mesh). INET framework will be helpful here as it already contains modules such as WirelessHost, AdhocHost, and multiple routing protocols for flat topology simulations.
- Define the Flat Network Structure in NED (NED File)
In a flat topology, nodes are directly connected to each other, and the routing of data among them is decentralized. In this instance, we will describe a set of nodes, which communicate using wireless links, like in an ad-hoc network.
Sample NED File (FlatTopology.ned)
package flatnetwork;
import inet.node.inet.WirelessHost;
import inet.networklayer.configurator.ipv4.IPv4NetworkConfigurator;
network FlatTopology
int numNodes = default(8); // Number of nodes in the flat network
@display(“bgb=600,600”); // Define the size of the network display
configurator: IPv4NetworkConfigurator {
// Define nodes for the flat topology
node[numNodes]: WirelessHost {
connections allowunconnected:
// No direct connections between nodes, all communication will be wireless
In this NED file:
- WirelessHost denotes the nodes that can perform as routers and clients.
- IPv4NetworkConfigurator allocates an IP addresses to nodes and supports set up the network.
- No physical connections are described because nodes will communicate using wireless links delivered by the INET framework.
- Define Node Configuration and Routing Protocols
In a flat topology, routing is delivered, meaning each node independently creates a routing decisions. A generally utilized routing protocol for this intention is Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) that is already obtainable in INET.
- Configure the Network in omnetpp.ini
The omnetpp.ini file sets up the network settings, routing protocols, mobility models, and traffic generation. Here’s how we can set up a flat topology with AODV routing and wireless communication.
Sample OMNeT++ Configuration (omnetpp.ini)
network = FlatTopology
sim-time-limit = 100s # Run the simulation for 100 seconds
*.configurator.config = xmldoc(“inet/examples/adhoc/config.xml”)
# Enable AODV routing protocol
*.node[*].hasTcp = false
*.node[*].hasUdp = true
*.node[*].hasIpv4 = true
*.node[*].routingProtocols = “^Aodv”
# Configure wireless interfaces
*.node[*].wlan[0].typename = “Ieee80211Nic”
*.node[*].wlan[0].mac.useAck = true
*.node[*].wlan[0].bitrate = 54Mbps
*.node[*].wlan[0].radio.transmitter.communicationRange = 250m
# Node positions (Randomly distributed for a flat network)
*.node[0].mobility.initialX = uniform(50, 550)
*.node[0].mobility.initialY = uniform(50, 550)
*.node[1].mobility.initialX = uniform(50, 550)
*.node[1].mobility.initialY = uniform(50, 550)
*.node[2].mobility.initialX = uniform(50, 550)
*.node[2].mobility.initialY = uniform(50, 550)
*.node[3].mobility.initialX = uniform(50, 550)
*.node[3].mobility.initialY = uniform(50, 550)
*.node[4].mobility.initialX = uniform(50, 550)
*.node[4].mobility.initialY = uniform(50, 550)
*.node[5].mobility.initialX = uniform(50, 550)
*.node[5].mobility.initialY = uniform(50, 550)
*.node[6].mobility.initialX = uniform(50, 550)
*.node[6].mobility.initialY = uniform(50, 550)
*.node[7].mobility.initialX = uniform(50, 550)
*.node[7].mobility.initialY = uniform(50, 550)
- Run the Simulation
In this flat topology:
- Routing: AODV is allowed for routing that means nodes will dynamically find routes to communicate with each other.
- Wireless Communication: Nodes will communicate through wireless links, and their communication range is set to 250 meters.
- Random Placement: Nodes are randomly located on the 600×600 simulation grid.
- Visualize and Analyze
After running the simulation, we can envision:
- Communication Patterns: Nodes will dynamically form routes and communicate according to the AODV protocol.
- Routing Behavior: Routes will be found dynamically as nodes try to transmit messages to one another.
- Performance Metrics: We can collect information on packet delivery rates, latency, energy consumption (for wireless sensor networks), and so on.
- Enhance the Simulation
Here are a few ways to improve the simulation:
- Add Traffic Generation
To replicate real data transmission, we can set up each node to generate traffic using UDP or TCP. Here’s how we can configure a simple UDP communication among two nodes.
*.node[0].app[0].typename = “UdpBasicApp”
*.node[0].app[0].destAddresses = “node[7]”
*.node[0].app[0].destPort = 5000
*.node[0].app[0].messageLength = 1024B
*.node[0].app[0].sendInterval = exponential(1s) # Random interval for sending
*.node[7].app[0].typename = “UdpSink” # Node 7 will act as the receiver
- Dynamic Node Mobility
Flat networks can aid from simulating node mobility. We can be used a mobility model such as RandomWaypointMobility to replicate dynamic movement of the nodes in the course of the simulation.
*.node[*].mobility.typename = “RandomWaypointMobility”
*.node[*].mobility.speed = uniform(1mps, 10mps) # Speed between 1 and 10 meters per second
- Failure and Recovery
Replicate node failures by disabling specific nodes in the course of the simulation and monitoring how the routing protocol manages failures.
// Example of failing a node during the simulation
void Node::handleMessage(cMessage *msg)
if (simTime() > 50 && uniform(0, 1) < 0.1) {
// Fail the node after 50 seconds with a 10% chance
EV << “Node failed.\n”;
return; // Node fails and doesn’t send or receive messages
- Energy Efficiency (for WSNs)
In wireless sensor networks, energy consumption is a critical factor. We can model energy consumption for each node and calculate how energy-efficient the network is in the course of communication.
*.node[*].energyStorage.capacity = 10000J # Set the energy capacity of each node
*.node[*].energyStorage.energyConsumption = 0.1J/s # Simulate energy consumption over time
- Performance Metrics
We can prolong the simulation to gather performance parameters like:
- Throughput: Calculate how much data is effectively sent.
- Latency: Track the time it takes for messages to travel among the nodes.
- Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR): Assess the percentage of successfully delivered packets.
Above simple instruction, along with example coding for Flat Topology Projects, was replicated and enhanced through analysis environment OMNeT++. Moreover, we will be distributed further specifies as per your needs.
To carry on simulation in projects with flat topologies We will give you clear instructions with the greatest outcomes using the OMNeT++ tool. If required, we will provide additional information on this subject in your designated area along with the simulation’s findings. To get the greatest results from, we work on distributed systems such as peer-to-peer networks and wireless sensor networks (WSNs) that are relevant to your projects.