We always desired to get guidance for our homework’s from our childhood till today. It’s just a matter of time and designation we hold now, earlier it was a simple task but now it’s the reflection of your concealed potential. Maintaining collaborations with universities and colleges worldwide, we understand the significance of homework assigned to scholars/students. We are determined towards the Knowledge augmentation of scholars/students with the help of our global support system of eminent experts. We wish to guide our nascent scholars/students in their entire endeavor to accomplish their task with remarkable scores.
We initialize our homework support by having a quick walkthrough on the requirement provided by the scholars/students. Based on the requirement, we craft a rough draft of overall design plan in the below mentioned format-
- Existing problems and disadvantages
- Research gap identified
- Architectural depiction of proposed concept
- Algorithms and Methodology used
- Brief explanation of proposed solution
- Merits and key highlights of proposed work
Our experts then get consent for the designed implementation plan from the scholars/students and begin towards the development stage. Our technical team will have a quick background analysis of the desired concept and initiate the process of implementation based on the current technology and trend. Tool selection is the most significant stage of development as it should be opted with at most heed based on the availability of modules, header files and plug-in required for the desired design concept. We have presented few major tools below for reference purpose-
- Matlab and Simulink
- NS2/NS3
- Omnet++
- Java Framework
- Python
- Dotnet technologies
- Opnet/ Qualnet
- Mininet
With the help of an optimum tool support, our developer completes the system design and brings out the best possible outcome. Final results can be illustrated well as graphs and figures to validate the work quality focused. All these stages are well focused and driven due to our project management team-
- Prominent Mentors and trainers
- Research advisor
- Phenomenal Concept writers and Editors
- Domain specific reviewer
- Code analyst and developers
- Certified technicians and tool experts
Our guidance include complete source code development along with additional artifacts like self explanatory screenshots, Video/text files with execution steps and software installation procedure, Read me file etc. Scholars/students can commit their homework with us today to begin our collaboration towards exploration. Let’s have a glimpse over few major subject areas –
1. Digital Image Processing
- Fingerprint Recognition
- Iris Recognition
- Skull Identification
- Face Emotion Recognition
- Currency Recognition
- Vein and Finger vein Recognition
- Computer Graphics
2. Networking-
- Vehicular Sensor Network
- Wireless communication
- 5G Network
- Wireless sensor Network
- D2D Communication
- Optical Communication
- Network Routing protocols
- Optical Network
- OFDM Wireless Communication
- Underwater Sensor Network
- Wireless Body Area Network
- Molecular Communication
- SDN/software defined Networking
- VANET/Vehicular Adhoc Network
- RPL Protocol
- Satellite Communication
3. Network Security
- Mobile Security
- Cryptography
- C-RAN Security
- Steganography
4. Power Electronics
- Wind Turbine Solar Energy
- Power Systems
- Solar Energy Systems
5. Electronics
- Green Electronics
- Industrial Internet of Things
- Industrial Electronics
- Arduino
6. Computing Technologies
- Mobile Cloud Computing
- Context Aware Computing
- Mobile and Distributed Computing
- Dependable Secure Computing
- Pervasive / Ubiquitous Computing
- Fog Computing and Grid Computing
7. Other Domains List
- Parallel Distributed Systems
- Natural Language Processing
- Artificial Intelligence
- Signals & Systems
- Biomedical Signal Processing