Generally speaking, finding a research topic in your domain is the first step in proposal writing. At first, we share enormous research topics in your domain. If you need domain selection assistance, you can get help from our experts. For all, we provide novel and individual ideas for your research even if you can’t find them in any of the journals. For that, we refer to hundreds of research papers on your topic and we make a new one. During research proposal writing, we can also accept your university/supervisor template, but all the requirements are given to us before the research proposal writing stage.
Let’s look at some of our research proposals for your reference. It includes Aim & Objectives, Research Issues / Gaps, Specific Problems, Proposed Methodology, Literature Survey, and Research Highlights.
Delay and Energy Aware Intelligent Agents based Refined Data Gathering Model for Wireless Sensor Networks
Pages: 19
Category: SCI LEVEL
Subject: Wireless Sensor Networks
Reference: 20
Hybrid Renewable Energy System (Wind and Solar Energy) Using Optimized CNN with Circular Reward Based Markov Chain Model
Pages: 17
Category: SCI LEVEL
Subject: Wind Turbine Solar Energy
Reference: 20
Emergency and Delay aware MAC Protocol for Physiological Data Transmission in WBAN Environment
Pages: 20
Category: SCI LEVEL
Subject: WBAN
Reference: 20
Semantically Meaningful Frames Extraction and Classification from Video Clips: Optimized Deep Belief Networks
Pages: 20
Category: SCI LEVEL
Subject: Video Processing
Reference: 20
Authentication Vertical Handover for Multi-Tier Networks in Video Transmission
Pages: 18
Category: SCI LEVEL
Subject: Vertical Handover
Reference: 20
EventSafe: Reliable Safety Message Dissemination & Sense Event Classification in Cluster based Vehicular Adhoc Network
Pages: 18
Category: SCI LEVEL
Subject: VANET
Reference: 20
Stable Cluster Formation and D2D Communication to Enable Cellular-V2X Communication
Pages: 21
Category: SCI LEVEL
Subject: V2X Communication
Reference: 20
Multi-AUV Assisted Data Collection and Path Planning for Optimizing Movement in Three Dimensional Underwater Sensor Network
Pages: 20
Category: SCI LEVEL
Subject: Underwater Sensor Network
Reference: 20
Constructing an Energy Management and Fault Prediction Model for Solar Energy Sources using Hybrid Bi-LSTM with Differential Evolution and J48 Classifiers
Pages: 16
Category: SCI LEVEL
Subject: Solar Energy Systems
Reference: 20
AI-E2TRLB: Artificial Intelligence based Energy Efficient Task Routing and Load Balancing for SDN based IoT Applications
Pages: 19
Category: SCI LEVEL
Subject: SDN
Reference: 20
Difference Thresholding Mediated Capsule Network For Feature Fusion And Classification For Remotely Sensed Images
Pages: 16
Category: SCI LEVEL
Subject: Remote Sensing
Reference: 20
Defend against Cybersecurity Attacks and Distributed State Estimation for SmartGrid Power Systems via Secure Intelligence Schemes
Pages: 16
Category: SCI LEVEL
Subject: Power Systems
Reference: 20
Intelligent Energy Optimized Multi-Microgrid Model for Dynamic Mode Detection using Deep Reinforcement Learning and Neutrosophic Intelligence
Pages: 16
Category: SCI LEVEL
Subject: Power Electronics
Reference: 20
Optimized MAC Scheduling for URLLC in Industrial IEEE 802.11ax Communication
Pages: 18
Category: SCI LEVEL
Subject: Networking
Reference: 20
Natural Language Processing based Sentiment Analysis for Online Social Networks based on Deep Learning Model
Pages: 18
Category: SCI LEVEL
Subject: Natural Language Processing
Reference: 20
SDN Enabled Vehicular Named Data Networking for Secure Emergency Dissemination and Content Retrieval through Evolved Interest Packet
Pages: 17
Category: SCI LEVEL
Subject: Named Data Networking
Reference: 20
Dynamic Load Balancing For LTE Network Management Using Deep Learning Approaches
Pages: 18
Category: SCI LEVEL
Subject: LTE
Reference: 20
QoS Provisioning Via Intrusion Detection and Prevention for Wireless Networks Using Intellectual Approaches
Pages: 19
Category: SCI LEVEL
Subject: Intrusion Detection System
Reference: 20
Dynamic Cluster based WSN-IoT for Secure and Energy aware Data Aggregation – A Deep Approach
Pages: 19
Category: SCI LEVEL
Subject: Internet of Things
Reference: 20
A Novel Automatic Signal Modulation Classifier Using Attention Module Aided Deep Learning
Pages: 15
Category: SCI LEVEL
Subject: Digital Signal Processing
Reference: 20
Visual and Semantic Analytics Approach for Content based Medical Image Retrieval using Machine Learning and Similarity Matching
Pages: 18
Category: SCI LEVEL
Subject: Digital Image Processing
Reference: 20
Forensic Investigation and Digital Evidence Detection in Smart Cloud enabled SDN Environment using Modified Blockchain Technology
Pages: 17
Category: SCI LEVEL
Subject: Digital Forensics
Reference: 20
Research Proposal: Emergency Message Dissemination through Secure Stable Matching Theory under D2D Environment
Pages: 18
Category: SCI LEVEL
Subject: D2D Communication
Reference: 20
Cooperative and Synchronized Spectrum Sensing and PAPR Aware Resource Allocation in Cluster based CRN-CSS 5G
Pages: 20
Category: SCI LEVEL
Subject: Cognitive Radio Networks
Reference: 20
RT-NRT: Real-Time and Non-Real-Time Tasks Oriented Scheduling by SLA Constraints and VM Load Balancing in Cloud Data Centers
Pages: 16
Category: SCI LEVEL
Subject: Cloud Computing
Reference: 20
ProFeC-IoT: Novel Protected Fog Enabled Cloud Environment for IoT Applications Using Blockchain and Secure Offloading Technique
Pages: 20
Category: SCI LEVEL
Subject: Blockchain
Reference: 20
Refining Path & Buffer Management for Real-Time Video Transmission Over 5G Multi-RAT Systems
Pages: 20
Category: SCI LEVEL
Subject: 5G
Reference: 20
Four Tiered Intrusion Detection and Prevention Model for SDN/NFV Assisted Ecosystem in 5G Communications
Pages: 18
Category: SCI LEVEL
Subject: Network Security
Reference: 20
Vibrant Mode Evolution for Quality of Service Enhancing Under OBS-DWDM Using Intellectual Schemes
Pages: 22
Category: SCI LEVEL
Subject: Optical Networks
Reference: 20
Pilot Contamination Mitigation for Wideband Massive MIMO 5G Networks through Optimal Assignment and Network Construction
Pages: 17
Category: SCI LEVEL
Subject: MIMO
Reference: 20
Constructing Energy Efficient Clusters with Tunable Route for Packets Transmission in 3D Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Pages: 16
Category: SCI LEVEL
Subject: MANET
Reference: 20
Power Aware Secure and Scalable Model for M2M Communication Assisted Smart City Applications
Pages: 18
Category: SCI LEVEL
Subject: M2M Communication
Reference: 20
LDSO-SDA: Lightweight Deduplication and Storage Optimization in Secure Data Analysis For HDFS Environment
Pages: 18
Category: SCI LEVEL
Subject: Hadoop
Reference: 20
Multi-Query Scheduling and Data Retrieval using Customized Frameworks for Secure Grid Servers Environment
Pages: 18
Category: SCI LEVEL
Subject: Grid Computing
Reference: 20
High Performance Task Allocation and Security Aware Data Transmission for Heterogeneous Fog Environments
Pages: 17
Category: SCI LEVEL
Subject: Fog Computing
Reference: 20
BLOCTRIO – Authenticated Subgraph Query Search In Large Scale Database Using Blockchain HDFS
Pages: 18
Category: SCI LEVEL
Subject: Data Mining
Reference: 20
User Level Security Management and Insider Threat Detection From Cyber Activities using CNN-LSTM Model
Pages: 18
Category: SCI LEVEL
Subject: Cyber Security
Reference: 20
Cat Swarm Optimized Resource Allocation and Relay Assisted Message Forwarding under Cellular V2X & D2D Communication Environment
Pages: 16
Category: SCI LEVEL
Subject: Cellular Network
Reference: 20
Secure Data Deduplication and Classificationin Hadoop Distributed File System using Intelligent Solutions
Pages: 17
Category: SCI LEVEL
Subject: Big Data
Reference: 20