How to Simulate EGP Protocol Projects Using MATLAB

To simulate an Exterior Gateway Protocols (EGPs), like the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), using MATLAB that needs to make several autonomous systems (ASes), interrelating them using routers, and executing BGP’s key operations, which encompassing route advertisement, path selection, and route propagation.

The following steps illustrate how to simulate an EGP project (e.g., BGP) in MATLAB:

Steps to Simulate EGP (BGP) in MATLAB

  1. Define the Autonomous Systems and Routers
  • EGP (like BGP) works among numerous autonomous systems (ASes), thus we will require describing a network topology along with diverse ASes. Every single AS has one or more routers, which interact with routers in other ASes.

Example of defining ASes and routers:

numAS = 3;  % Number of autonomous systems

routersPerAS = [3, 2, 4];  % Number of routers in each AS

totalRouters = sum(routersPerAS);  % Total number of routers

% Define the network topology by creating random positions for the routers

routerPositions = rand(totalRouters, 2) * 100;  % Random positions in a 100×100 area

% Define adjacency matrix (infinity means no direct link between routers)

adjacencyMatrix = inf(totalRouters);

% Intra-AS connections (routers inside the same AS)

adjacencyMatrix(1,2) = 1; adjacencyMatrix(2,1) = 1;

adjacencyMatrix(2,3) = 2; adjacencyMatrix(3,2) = 2;

adjacencyMatrix(4,5) = 1; adjacencyMatrix(5,4) = 1;

% Inter-AS connections (BGP connections between ASes)

adjacencyMatrix(3,4) = 3; adjacencyMatrix(4,3) = 3;  % AS1 <–> AS2

adjacencyMatrix(5,7) = 4; adjacencyMatrix(7,5) = 4;  % AS2 <–> AS3

adjacencyMatrix(1,6) = 5; adjacencyMatrix(6,1) = 5;  % AS1 <–> AS3

  1. Implement BGP Path Selection Logic
  • BGP utilizes numerous parameters for path selection that containing AS-Path, local preference, multi-exit discriminator (MED), and next-hop. The AS-Path length is a crucial factor in choosing the shortest route.

Example of implementing BGP path selection:

function [bestPath] = BGP_pathSelection(paths)

% Input: paths is a cell array of AS paths (e.g., { [1 2 3], [1 4 3], … })

if isempty(paths)

bestPath = [];



% Select the path with the shortest AS-Path length

pathLengths = cellfun(@length, paths);

[~, bestIdx] = min(pathLengths);

bestPath = paths{bestIdx};


% Example AS paths to destination

paths = {[1, 2, 3], [1, 4, 3], [1, 5, 6, 3]};

bestPath = BGP_pathSelection(paths);

disp([‘Selected BGP path: ‘, num2str(bestPath)]);

  1. BGP Route Advertisement
  • In BGP, routers publicize the routes they understand to its neighbors. The receiving routers then modernise its routing tables with the new data. If a router obtains a better path then it updates their present route to the destination.

Example of BGP route advertisement:

function routingTable = BGP_routeAdvertisement(routingTable, neighborTable, asPath)

% Update the routing table with the new AS path from the neighbor

for i = 1:length(asPath)

if ~ismember(asPath(i), routingTable)

routingTable = [routingTable; asPath];  % Add the new path




% Example of updating the routing table with a new AS-Path

routingTable = {};

newPath = [1, 2, 3];  % New AS path received from a neighbor

routingTable = BGP_routeAdvertisement(routingTable, routingTable, newPath);


  1. BGP Route Propagation and Convergence
  • BGP routers propagate routes until the network converges that means every routers need to have a consistent opinion of the network. For the period of propagation, routers distribute its optimal routes with their neighbors, and the network updates consequently.

Example of BGP route propagation:

function routingTables = BGP_propagateRoutes(adjacencyMatrix, routingTables)

numRouters = size(adjacencyMatrix, 1);

% Simulate propagation for a fixed number of iterations (for simplicity)

for iter = 1:10

for router = 1:numRouters

neighbors = find(adjacencyMatrix(router, 🙂 < inf);  % Find neighbors

for neighbor = neighbors

% Propagate the routing table to each neighbor

routingTables{neighbor} = BGP_routeAdvertisement(routingTables{neighbor}, routingTables{router}, routingTables{router});





% Example: propagate routes among routers

routingTables = cell(totalRouters, 1);  % Initialize routing tables for each router

routingTables = BGP_propagateRoutes(adjacencyMatrix, routingTables);

  1. Simulate Data Transmission Using BGP Routes
  • After the routing tables are modernized then replicate the data transmission among source and destination routers utilizing the chosen BGP paths.

Instance of replicating data transmission rely on BGP routes:

function transmitData(routingTable, src, dst)

if isempty(routingTable{src})

disp(‘No route found.’);



% Assume the routing table contains the best path to the destination

path = BGP_pathSelection(routingTable{src});

if ~isempty(path)

disp([‘Data transmitted from router ‘, num2str(src), ‘ to router ‘, num2str(dst), ‘ via path: ‘, num2str(path)]);


disp(‘No valid path found.’);



% Simulate data transmission from router 1 to router 7

srcRouter = 1;

dstRouter = 7;

transmitData(routingTables, srcRouter, dstRouter);

  1. Evaluate BGP Performance
  • Estimate the BGP protocol’s performance by calculating parameters like convergence time, routing stability, average path length, and routing overhead.

Example of calculating the average path length:

totalPathLength = 0;

pathCount = 0;

for i = 1:totalRouters

for j = i+1:totalRouters

if i ~= j

path = BGP_pathSelection(routingTables{i});

if ~isempty(path)

totalPathLength = totalPathLength + length(path);

pathCount = pathCount + 1;





avgPathLength = totalPathLength / pathCount;

disp([‘Average path length: ‘, num2str(avgPathLength)]);

  1. Visualize the Network Topology and BGP Routes
  • Envision the network, the connections amongst ASes, and the routes chosen by the BGP protocol by using MATLAB’s plotting tools.

Example of visualizing the network:


hold on;

plot(routerPositions(:,1), routerPositions(:,2), ‘bo’);  % Plot router positions

for i = 1:totalRouters

for j = i+1:totalRouters

if adjacencyMatrix(i,j) < inf

plot([routerPositions(i,1), routerPositions(j,1)], …

[routerPositions(i,2), routerPositions(j,2)], ‘r-‘);  % Plot links




title(‘BGP Network Topology and Links’);

hold off;


To replicate an Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP) like BGP in MATLAB:

  1. Describe the network topology that encompassing many autonomous systems and routers.
  2. Execute BGP path selection in which routers select the optimal route depends on the parameters such as AS-Path length.
  3. Execute BGP route advertisement, where routers exchange route data.
  4. Mimic BGP route propagation until the network converges.
  5. Replicate data transmission using the routes chosen by BGP.
  6. Compute performance using parameters such as average path length, convergence time, and routing stability.
  7. Envision the network and BGP routes utilizing MATLAB’s plotting capabilities.

We meticulously outlined the series of steps for simulating Exterior Gateway Protocols (EGPs), such as the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Protocol projects using MATLAB environment.  Should further innovative details be needed, we are prepared to offer it.

EGP Protocol Projects, expertly simulated using MATLAB by, promise to deliver exceptional results. We provide modified project concepts and conduct thorough performance analyses tailored to your specific areas of interest.

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