To simulate Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANET) protocols in MATLAB have includes to designing a dynamic network in which the vehicles (nodes) interact with each other and organization like Roadside Units (RSUs). VANET protocols that contain routing protocols such as Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV), Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), and particular protocols intended for vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication.
Here’s a detailed procedure on how to simulate VANET protocols in MATLAB:
Steps to Simulate VANET Protocols in MATLAB
- Define the Vehicular Network Topology
- Initiate by describing a set of vehicles (nodes) transferring in a 2D area such as a road or city block. Every vehicle can transmit according to a predefined or random mobility design.
Example of defining vehicle positions and movement:
numVehicles = 10; % Number of vehicles
numRSUs = 2; % Number of Roadside Units (RSUs)
networkArea = [0 100 0 100]; % Simulation area (e.g., 100×100 meters)
% Random initial positions for vehicles
vehiclePositions = rand(numVehicles, 2) * 100;
% Fixed positions for RSUs
RSUpositions = [50, 50; 80, 80]; % Example positions for RSUs
- Vehicle Mobility Model
- VANET has includes vehicles moving over time. Utilize a mobility model (such as random waypoint, Manhattan grid model) to modernize the positions of vehicles at each time step.
Example of a simple mobility model:
maxSpeed = 10; % Maximum speed of vehicles (m/s)
timeSteps = 100; % Number of time steps for the simulation
vehicleSpeed = rand(numVehicles, 1) * maxSpeed; % Random speed for each vehicle
vehicleDirection = rand(numVehicles, 1) * 2 * pi; % Random direction for each vehicle
for t = 1:timeSteps
% Update vehicle positions based on speed and direction
for v = 1:numVehicles
vehiclePositions(v, 1) = vehiclePositions(v, 1) + vehicleSpeed(v) * cos(vehicleDirection(v));
vehiclePositions(v, 2) = vehiclePositions(v, 2) + vehicleSpeed(v) * sin(vehicleDirection(v));
% Ensure vehicles stay within the area boundaries
vehiclePositions(v, 🙂 = min(max(vehiclePositions(v, :), [0 0]), [100 100]);
- Define Communication Model
- Each vehicle interacts with closest vehicles and RSUs in a particular communication range. We can describe a communication design by using an adjacency matrix, in which the link exists if two vehicles or a vehicle and RSU are inside a communication range.
Example of defining communication links:
communicationRange = 30; % Communication range in meters
adjacencyMatrix = inf(numVehicles + numRSUs); % Initialize with infinity (no link)
% Establish communication links between vehicles and RSUs
for i = 1:numVehicles
for j = i+1:numVehicles
distance = norm(vehiclePositions(i,:) – vehiclePositions(j,:));
if distance <= communicationRange
adjacencyMatrix(i,j) = distance;
adjacencyMatrix(j,i) = distance;
% Communication with RSUs
for r = 1:numRSUs
distanceToRSU = norm(vehiclePositions(i,:) – RSUpositions(r,:));
if distanceToRSU <= communicationRange
adjacencyMatrix(i,numVehicles + r) = distanceToRSU;
adjacencyMatrix(numVehicles + r,i) = distanceToRSU;
- Implement VANET Routing Protocol (e.g., AODV, DSR)
- Routing protocols are utilized to introduce and sustain paths among vehicles. In Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing (AODV), routes are determined only when required, using Route Requests (RREQ) and Route Replies (RREP).
Example of implementing AODV route discovery:
function route = AODV(adjacencyMatrix, src, dst)
numNodes = size(adjacencyMatrix, 1);
visited = false(1, numNodes);
queue = [src]; % Start from the source node
parent = zeros(1, numNodes); % Keep track of the path
% Breadth-first search for route discovery
while ~isempty(queue)
currentNode = queue(1);
queue(1) = []; % Dequeue current node
if currentNode == dst
% Path found, reconstruct route
route = dst;
while parent(currentNode) ~= 0
route = [parent(currentNode), route];
currentNode = parent(currentNode);
% Explore neighbors
neighbors = find(adjacencyMatrix(currentNode,:) < inf);
for neighbor = neighbors
if ~visited(neighbor)
visited(neighbor) = true;
parent(neighbor) = currentNode;
queue = [queue, neighbor]; % Enqueue neighbor
route = []; % No route found
- Implement Data Transmission
- After a route is introduced, replicate data transmission among vehicles or among vehicles and RSUs.
Example of data transmission:
function transmitData(adjacencyMatrix, src, dst)
% Discover route using AODV
route = AODV(adjacencyMatrix, src, dst);
if isempty(route)
disp(‘No route found’);
disp([‘Data transmitted from node ‘, num2str(src), ‘ to node ‘, num2str(dst), ‘ via route: ‘, num2str(route)]);
% Simulate data transmission from Vehicle 1 to Vehicle 7
srcVehicle = 1;
dstVehicle = 7;
transmitData(adjacencyMatrix, srcVehicle, dstVehicle);
- Evaluate VANET Performance
- After replicating the protocol, we can measure numerous parameters like average path length, routing overhead, packet delivery ratio, and end-to-end delay.
Example of calculating average path length:
totalPathLength = 0;
pathCount = 0;
for i = 1:numVehicles
for j = i+1:numVehicles
if i ~= j
route = AODV(adjacencyMatrix, i, j);
if ~isempty(route)
totalPathLength = totalPathLength + length(route);
pathCount = pathCount + 1;
avgPathLength = totalPathLength / pathCount;
disp([‘Average path length: ‘, num2str(avgPathLength)]);
- Visualize the VANET Topology and Routes
- Utilize MATLAB’s plotting functions to envision the positions of vehicles, RSUs, and the interaction links.
Example of visualizing the network:
hold on;
plot(vehiclePositions(:,1), vehiclePositions(:,2), ‘bo’); % Plot vehicles
plot(RSUpositions(:,1), RSUpositions(:,2), ‘rs’, ‘MarkerSize’, 10); % Plot RSUs
for i = 1:numVehicles
for j = i+1:numVehicles
if adjacencyMatrix(i,j) < inf
plot([vehiclePositions(i,1), vehiclePositions(j,1)], …
[vehiclePositions(i,2), vehiclePositions(j,2)], ‘k-‘);
% Plot links between vehicles and RSUs
for r = 1:numRSUs
if adjacencyMatrix(i, numVehicles + r) < inf
plot([vehiclePositions(i,1), RSUpositions(r,1)], …
[vehiclePositions(i,2), RSUpositions(r,2)], ‘r–‘);
title(‘VANET Topology’);
hold off;
To replicate VANET protocols in MATLAB:
- Outline the vehicular network topology by placing vehicles and RSUs.
- Implement a mobility model to replicate vehicle movement over time.
- Describe the communication design to introduce links among vehicles and RSUs.
- Execute VANET routing protocols, like AODV or DSR, to determine and sustain the routes.
- Replicate data transmission among vehicles or from vehicles to RSUs.
- Measure the key parameters such as path length, routing overhead, and packet delivery ratio.
- Envision the network topology and communication links.
From this demonstration, we deliver the basic process for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks project that includes installation procedure, analyse and envision the results using MATLAB analysis tool. Further specific details will be added later.
To embark on your journey of simulating VANET Protocols Projects in MATLAB, we invite you to share your project specifications with us via email. Our dedicated team is poised to lead you towards remarkable success. We assure you of the finest project concepts and themes. Our expertise encompasses routing protocols, including Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV), Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), and other specialized protocols, all meticulously handled by our skilled professionals.