How to Simulate Epidemic Protocol Projects Using MATLAB

To simulate an epidemic routing protocol using MATLAB that has to design the data packet dissemination within a network, which specifically in delay-tolerant networks (DTNs). The epidemic protocol is according to the principle of spreading messages (or “infection”) from one node to another until every node has received the message. This method is generally utilized within mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs) or opportunistic networks in which direct end-to-end connectivity probably not possible.

Given below is a step-by-step guide to configure an epidemic routing simulation in MATLAB:

Steps to Simulate Epidemic Routing Protocol Projects in MATLAB

  1. Define Network Parameters
  • Configure network metrics like the amount of nodes, transmission range, simulation time, and mobility parameters if nodes shift.
  • Describe the first states for each node that is message-holding or non-holding.
  1. Initialize Node Positions and States
  • Set nodes arbitrarily in a 2D space (for simplicity).
  • Allocate one node as the first “source” node that has the message to distribute.

numNodes = 20;       % Number of nodes

range = 50;          % Transmission range

areaSize = [100, 100]; % Area of simulation (100×100 grid)

maxTime = 200;       % Total simulation time

dt = 1;              % Time step for the simulation

% Initialize node positions randomly

nodePositions = rand(numNodes, 2) .* areaSize;

% Initialize message state for each node (0: no message, 1: has message)

messageState = zeros(numNodes, 1);

sourceNode = 1; % Source node to start with the message

messageState(sourceNode) = 1;

  1. Define Node Mobility (Optional)
  • If simulation contains node mobility then we can utilize an arbitrary mobility model to modernize the places at each time step.

% Random mobility for each node at each time step

speed = 2; % Movement speed of nodes per time step

directions = rand(numNodes, 1) * 2 * pi; % Random directions

for t = 1:maxTime

% Update node positions

nodePositions(:,1) = nodePositions(:,1) + cos(directions) * speed;

nodePositions(:,2) = nodePositions(:,2) + sin(directions) * speed;

% Keep nodes within the simulation area

nodePositions = mod(nodePositions, areaSize);


  1. Implement Epidemic Routing Logic
  • At each time step, verify which nodes are in the transmission range of each other.
  • If a node along with the message is in range of a node without it then transmit the message to the new node.
  • Monitor message transfers.

% Epidemic routing process

for t = 1:maxTime

for i = 1:numNodes

for j = i+1:numNodes

% Check if nodes i and j are within range

if norm(nodePositions(i,:) – nodePositions(j,:)) <= range

% If one has the message, transfer it to the other

if messageState(i) == 1 && messageState(j) == 0

messageState(j) = 1; % Node j receives the message

elseif messageState(j) == 1 && messageState(i) == 0

messageState(i) = 1; % Node i receives the message





% Optional: Plot node positions and states


hold on;

plot(nodePositions(messageState==1, 1), nodePositions(messageState==1, 2), ‘ro’); % Nodes with message

plot(nodePositions(messageState==0, 1), nodePositions(messageState==0, 2), ‘bo’); % Nodes without message

axis([0 areaSize(1) 0 areaSize(2)]);

title([‘Time step: ‘, num2str(t)]);



  1. Collect and Analyze Results
  • Monitor the amount of nodes, which have received the message over time.
  • Estimate performance parameters like message delivery ratio and time to entire message dissemination.

% Check message delivery

deliveryRatio = sum(messageState) / numNodes;

disp([‘Delivery Ratio: ‘, num2str(deliveryRatio)]);

Explanation of Key Components

  • Node Pairing and Transmission: Every single node verifies their proximity to others and if it is in the described range then spreads the message.
  • Mobility Model (Optional): A mobility model replicates real-world situations in which nodes move arbitrarily in a confined area.
  • Performance Analysis: We can monitor and examine efficiency of the protocol depends on how rapidly and completely the message spreads via the network.

Through the structured process, we have utterly delivered the instruction along with examples regarding the simulation and configuration of Epidemic Protocol Projects using MATLAB tool. If you have any doubts from this manual, we will clarify it.

Contact us for personalized help with your Epidemic Protocol Project. We also provide assistance with MATLAB simulation results, and our team specializes in mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs) and opportunistic networks. Send us your details via email, and you will receive excellent guidance.

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