How to Simulate ODMRP Protocol Projects Using MATLAB

To simulate the On-Demand Multicast Routing Protocol (ODMRP) in MATLAB has includes to generate a multicast routing mechanism, in which source nodes occasionally transmits to join requests, and intermediate nodes to generate the forwarding groups to broadcast the message. ODMRP is usually utilized in multicast ad-hoc networks, generating it effective for applications essential group communication.

Here’s how to simulate the ODMRP protocol in MATLAB:

Steps to Simulate ODMRP in MATLAB

  1. Define Network Parameters:
    • Set the amount of nodes, transmission range, simulation area, and time.
    • Describe multicast group membership.

numNodes = 20;       % Number of nodes

range = 50;          % Communication range

areaSize = [100, 100]; % Simulation area (100×100 grid)

maxTime = 200;       % Simulation time

dt = 1;              % Time step

% Node positions

nodePositions = rand(numNodes, 2) .* areaSize;

% Multicast group definition

multicastGroup = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11]; % Nodes in multicast group

  1. Initialize States:
    • Mark nodes as weather part of the multicast group or not.
    • Generate a table to hold node sending group data.

% Initialize multicast group membership state

isMulticastMember = zeros(numNodes, 1);

isMulticastMember(multicastGroup) = 1; % 1 if in multicast group

% Forwarding table to store forwarding group state (1 if forwarding group)

forwardingGroup = zeros(numNodes, 1);

  1. Define Source Node and Join Query Mechanism:
    • Describe a source node which will transmit a “Join Query” occasionally to the multicast group.
    • Nodes in the multicast group react by generating forwarding group accesses.

sourceNode = 1; % Source node initiating multicast

joinInterval = 20; % Interval to send Join Queries

% Function to broadcast join query from source to multicast group

function sendJoinQuery(sourceNode, nodePositions, range, numNodes)

for j = 1:numNodes

if norm(nodePositions(sourceNode,:) – nodePositions(j,:)) <= range

forwardingGroup(j) = 1; % Node becomes part of forwarding group




  1. Propagate Join Reply Back to the Source:
    • When multicast group members obtain the Join Query, they react with a Join Reply besides the path, design intermediate nodes by way of part of the forwarding group.

% Function for multicast group members to respond

function sendJoinReply(nodePositions, range, multicastGroup)

for i = 1:numNodes

if isMulticastMember(i) == 1

for j = 1:numNodes

if norm(nodePositions(i,:) – nodePositions(j,:)) <= range

forwardingGroup(j) = 1; % Node becomes part of forwarding group






  1. Simulate ODMRP Protocol Operation:
    • At each time step, broadcast the Join Query and update the forwarding group.
    • The forwarding group nodes send the information to the multicast group members.
    • Update forwarding group membership intermittently.

for t = 1:maxTime

if mod(t, joinInterval) == 0

sendJoinQuery(sourceNode, nodePositions, range, numNodes);

sendJoinReply(nodePositions, range, multicastGroup);


% Visualization of node status


hold on;

plot(nodePositions(isMulticastMember==1, 1), nodePositions(isMulticastMember==1, 2), ‘bo’); % Multicast group

plot(nodePositions(forwardingGroup==1, 1), nodePositions(forwardingGroup==1, 2), ‘ro’); % Forwarding group

plot(nodePositions(sourceNode, 1), nodePositions(sourceNode, 2), ‘ks’, ‘MarkerFaceColor’, ‘k’); % Source node

axis([0 areaSize(1) 0 areaSize(2)]);

title([‘ODMRP Simulation – Time Step: ‘, num2str(t)]);



  1. Evaluate and Analyse Performance Metrics:
    • Gather the data on parameters like packet delivery ratio, average path length, and latency.
    • Validate the multicast delivery success by calculating received packets between multicast group members.

Explanation of Key Steps

  • Join Query Propagation: The source transmits a Join Query occasionally to multicast group members. Intermediate nodes getting the query become part of the progressing group.
  • Join Reply Propagation: When a multicast member obtains a Join Query, it transmits a Join Reply back to the source, validating the forwarding path.
  • Forwarding Group Update: The forwarding group is enthusiastically updated with each Join Query to sustain connectivity for multicast data transmission.

Enhancements to the Simulation

To make a more innovative simulation, we can:

  • Incorporate a mobility design for node movement.
  • It contains packet loss or latency for realistic network scenarios.
  • Evaluate multicast effectiveness by monitoring packet overhead and redundancy via the forwarding group.

In this replication, we clearly expounded and established the sample of On-Demand Multicast Routing Protocol projects that are simulated by using MATLAB tools. Also we outline the further information on how On-Demand Multicast Routing Protocol will perform in other tools in another manual.  team is here to handle your project performance, and we specialize in ad-hoc networks. If you want top-notch simulation support for ODMRP Protocol Projects using MATLAB, just send us your project details via email. We’ve got everything you need to provide the best help. Just tell us what you’re looking for, and we’ll take care of it!

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