To simulate the Fisheye State Routing (FSR) protocol within OPNET that needs to include configuring a network for a proactive and link-state-based routing protocol that mainly created for mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs). Use the “fisheye” technique for minimizes the control overhead by FSR, in which nodes often swap thorough topology data along with closest nodes and less detailed data with far nodes. This method permits FSR to manage the dynamic topology effectively of mobile networks.
We offer a detailed guide to replicate the FSR in OPNET:\
Steps to Simulate FSR Protocol Projects in OPNET
- Initialize the Project and Define Network Topology
- Create a New Project: Launch OPNET and initiate a new project that choosing a Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) topology for replicating a dynamic and decentralized network.
- Define the Simulation Area: Configure a huge area in which nodes can easily travel. This area will assist for FSR’s multi-hop interaction and also create the fisheye routing method efficiently in managing the long-distance routes along wtih less control overhead.
- Add and Configure Mobile Nodes
- Place Mobile Nodes: Through the simulation area, we insert several mobile nodes to signify devices within the ad hoc network. Locate sufficient nodes, making a multi-hop environment that is crucial for monitoring the behaviour of FSR.
- Assign Mobility Models: Allocate a mobility model such as Random Waypoint, Manhattan Grid, or Gauss-Markov to every node replicating real-world movement patterns. Set up metrics such as speed and pause times making dynamic topologies that FSR is invented to effectively manage.
- Enable FSR Protocol on Nodes
- Install the FSR Protocol: In OPNET, if obtainable then facilitate the FSR on every node like the routing protocol. Use fisheye scopes to FSR swaps link-state data, thus nodes will contain additional thorough knowledge regarding its close neighbors and less detailed understanding of farthest nodes.
- Configure FSR-Specific Parameters:
- Scope Settings: Configure the fisheye scope levels in which a smaller scope intends more frequent updates receives for nearest neighbors, and a larger scope for distant nodes, which signifies less frequent updates.
- Update Interval: For every fisheye scope level, describe the update interval to manage the frequency of link-state advertisements according to the distance from the source node.
- Link Cost Metrics: Set up link cost parameters depends on the hop count or latency to impact of FSR’s routing decisions and path selection.
- Define Traffic Models
- Application Traffic: Describe diverse kinds of traffic flows, which denote real-world applications like HTTP, FTP, VoIP, or Video Streaming. This application will make data packets, which FSR will route through the network.
- Traffic Patterns:
- Point-to-Point Communication: Configure traffic among the sets of nodes over several distances experimenting the capability of FSR to handle routes depends on the fisheye scopes.
- Multi-Hop Routing: Describe source-destination sets, which need many hops to attain the destination that permitting to monitor the path optimization of FSR.
- Broadcast Communication: Set up broadcast flows such as emergency messages or announcements to examine the capability of FSR to broadcast messages efficiently in the network.
- Simulation Parameters and Scenario Setup
- Set Simulation Duration: Select a replication time that permits FSR to launch the routes and adjust to topology modifications then sustain effective interaction paths.
- Create Multiple Scenarios:
- Varying Node Density: Maximize or minimize the amount of nodes to estimate the scalability of FSR within dense against sparse networks.
- High Mobility vs. Low Mobility: Experiment the performance of FSR under distinct mobility situations like high-speed movement or stationary nodes, observing how successfully it adjusts to frequent topology modifications.
- Traffic Load Changes: Maximise the volume of traffic within the network to estimate the effectiveness of FSR in sustaining low latency also handling high traffic loads.
- Define Performance Metrics and Data Collection
- Key Metrics for FSR Protocol:
- Packet Delivery Ratio: Assess the packet’s ratio effectively distributed to its destinations, which deliberating the reliability of protocol.
- End-to-End Delay: Monitor the duration for packets attaining its destination that shows the FSR’s routing efficiency, which particularly for multi-hop interaction.
- Routing Overhead: Observe the control packets are made by FSR, calculating the protocol’s resource usage, since FSR targets to minimize the overhead via fisheye scopes.
- Hop Count: Compute the average amount of hops for every packet gets to attain their destination that offering insight within path selection.
- Update Interval Impact: Examine the influence of diverse fisheye scope update intervals upon control packet overhead and network performance.
- Data Collection Setup: Record parameters relevant to the packet delivery, end-to-end delay, routing overhead, and hop count, which concentrating on the capability of FSR to effectively route packets using OPNET’s data collection tools.
- Run the Simulation and Analyze Results
- Execute the Simulation: Execute the replication then observe how FSR sustains the routing data through diverse fisheye scopes. Monitor the balance among in depth local data and less frequent global updates that permitting to observe how FSR manages the routing efficiency within dynamic conditions.
- Analyze Results: Create plots for packet delivery ratio, end-to-end delay, routing overhead, and hop count utilizing OPNET’s analysis tools. Measure the efficiency of FSR in distributing packets reliably even though sustaining the low overhead that especially within high-mobility situations.
We had explained the simulation approach for Fisheye State Routing (FSR) Protocol projects has been effectively simulated and analysed using OPNET tool. Further elaborations will be shared in upcoming manual.
If you’re involved in any FSR Protocol Projects that require OPNET simulation and configuration, don’t hesitate to contact the team at Share your project requirements with us, and we will deliver tailored project ideas and topics that align perfectly with your objectives. Our expertise in the “fisheye” technique ensures that we can meet your specific needs efficiently and on time.