Blockchain Authentication Research Topics

Blockchain is an evolving technology which stores the transaction history with ensuring security, transparency and integrity. By reading this paper you can further understand more related to this technology.

  1. Define Blockchain

Blockchain constitute for digital ledger technology which is decentralized and distributed. The role of this is to record transactions (not only financial transactions) in several systems with maintaining transparency, security and integrity. This system is tamper proofed and highly secure for verifying and storing different information’s because it is designed in order to behave resistant for data modification.

  1. What is Blockchain?

The block chain technology record and store the transaction with ensuring immutability, transparency and security of data. It has many blocks and each block have the transaction list. The transactions are added to those blocks by following a consensus mechanism after completely verifying it, when following this mechanism it becomes difficult to make changes in the previously recorded data. Uses of blockchain have become more important in cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and also in the voting systems, supply chain industry where more security, transparency and trust is necessary.

  1. Where Blockchain is used?

This technology is used widely because of its decentralization feature, security, immutability and transparency of data. Blockchain is used in many industries which involves transaction management. This is an evolving technology which will bring new innovations and applications in various sectors.

  1. Why Blockchain is proposed? Previous Technology Issues

Blockchain technology is proposed in order to solve the persistent challenges and issues existing in the traditional centralized database and mechanism. The most important problems addressed by blockchain technology are issues related to trust, security, transparency, intermediaries, data integrity and data ownership.

Trust: Users believe the central authority like government or bank for their transactions, so they need to be trust worthy. By using blockchain we can avoid the central authority and generate trust among people by using consensus mechanisms and cryptographic algorithms of blockchain.

Security: Making use of Blockchain can avoid data breaches, unauthorized access and cyber-attacks.

Transparency: Users can view and also verify their transactions in Blockchain, which is not available in traditional methods.

Intermediaries: This method avoids intermediaries like lawyers, notaries or banks by making use of peer-to-peer transactions.

Data Integrity: In traditional methods alteration of data can be done without any audit trail, which is eliminated in Blockchain.

Data Ownership: In blockchain the user can have control to their data and can decide on its access.

  1. Algorithms / Protocols

The algorithms provided for Blockchain Technology to overcome the previous issues faced by it are: SHA-256 Algorithm, Consensus Algorithm, “Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)”, “Dynamic Adaptive Advanced Encryption Standard” (DA-AES), Proof of Block and Trade Algorithm.

  1. Comparative study / Analysis

The approaches which were proposed to overcome the issues faced by Blockchain Technology are tested using different methodologies to analyze its performance. The comparison is done by using metrics like Latency (ms), Resource Utilization (%), Computation time (s), Scalability (%) and Overhead.

  1. Dataset LINKS / Important URL

Here are some of the links provided for you below to gain more knowledge about Blockchain Technology which can be useful for you:

  1. Blockchain Applications

The uses of Blockchain Technology have become more popular in several industries, from which some of them are mentioned here such as: Cryptocurrencies, Smart contracts, Healthcare, Identity verification, Energy trading, Food safety, Real estate, Insurance, Education, Voting system, financial services and Supply chain management.

  1. Topology

The topology for block chain may vary depending on the participants, purpose and consensus mechanism. The main topology used for it is private blockchain and public blockchain sometimes the hybrid model is also used. Some of the topologies used are Hybrid, Public, Consortium, Cross-chain network, Private and Side-chains.

  1. Environment

The suitable environment for the operation of blockchain technology should have the operational and technical conditions required for it. This includes many considerations and compounds for the functioning of blockchain to ensure sustainability and security. Some of the key elements in it are Nodes, Blockchain software, Data storage, Economic incentives, Smart contracts, Scaling solutions, Consensus Mechanism, Auditing and monitoring tools, User Interface, Governance model, Security measures and Network infrastructure.

  1. Simulation Tools

Here we provide some simulation software for previous works, which is established with the usage of python software with version 3.11.4

  1. Results

After going through this paper you can now clearly understand about the blockchain working mechanism, algorithms used in it, applications of it also the topologies used in it.

Blockchain Authentication Research Ideas

  1. Application of data storage management system in blockchain-based technology
  2. A Blockchain Based Fund Management System for Construction Projects – A Comprehensive Case Study in Xiong’an New Area China
  3. A Framework for Asynchronous Cross-Blockchain Smart Contract Calls
  4. Blockchain with Machine Learning for Financial Portfolio Management
  5. A Carbon Emissions Verification Mechanism Based on Blockchain and Reverse Auction
  6. Voting Based Crowd Funding Using Ethereum Blockchain
  7. Blockchain Enabled Applications in the Education Domain and Potential Challenges
  8. Securing Medical Records Using Private Blockchain Technology
  9. Blockchain-Based Decentralized Platform for Electronic Health Records Management
  10. Prioritized Sharding: A Novel Approach to Enhance Blockchain Scalability
  11. Challenges of Blockchain adoption in financial services in China’s Greater Bay Area
  12. towards Adoption of Green Blockchain with Emphasis on Blockchain Type, Consensus Protocols, Data Sharding and Smart Contracts
  13. towards Robust Consensus for Intelligent Decision-making in IoT Blockchain Networks
  14. Design Requirements for Secured and Cost-Efficient Blockchain-Based Data Exchange Frameworks in Healthcare
  15. Research on the Application of Blockchain in the Safe and Trusted Sharing of Government Data
  16. Smart Contract Service Optimization in Blockchain-Cloud Collaborative Computing
  17. A Comprehensive Investigation of Blockchain Technology’s Role in Cyber Security
  18. Revolutionizing Collectibles Trading with Youtooz’s Blockchain-Based Platform
  19. Blockchain Technologies in 5g and Beyond Connections: A Review of the Taxonomy, Practice Area, Prospects, and Challenges
  20. A Systematic Examination of Decentralized Ledger Applications using Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric Models in a Blockchain Network
  21. Enhancing Security Feature in Financial Transactions using Multichain Based Blockchain Technology
  22. Blockchain and Smart Contracts for Telecommunications: Requirements vs. Cost Analysis
  23. Enhancing Parcel Tracking with Blockchain: A Secure and Efficient Solution for Large Shipments of Medicines and Drugs
  24. Automation of Blockchain Network Setup in Offering Blockchain as a Service (BaaS)
  25. A Trustable and Traceable Blockchain-based Secondhand Market with Committee Consensus
  26. A Technique to Avoid Blockchain Denial of Service (BDoS) and Selfish Mining Attack
  27. Data Analytics on Blockchain
  28. Comparative Study of Blockchain Technology in Supply Chain Management
  29. The Evaluation Method of Science and Technology Collaborative Innovation Based on Blockchain Technology
  30. BlockPaaS: Blockchain Platform as a Service
  31. Scaling a Blockchain System from Eventual to Full Atomicity Using Confederation Approach
  32. Modeling of Blockchain and Application Concerns in Blockchain Applications
  33. A Blockchain-Based Model Migration Approach for Secure and Sustainable Federated Learning in IoT Systems
  34. An Exploratory Study on the Impact of Hosting Blockchain Applications in Cloud Infrastructures
  35. An Exploratory Study on the Impact of Hosting Blockchain Applications in Cloud Infrastructures
  36. FLOATING: Federated Learning for Optimized Automated Trajectory Information Storing on Blockchain
  37. An Efficient Rating System Using Blockchain for Recommender Systems
  38. A Survey on Application of Blockchain Technology in Drug Supply Chain Management
  39. Cross-chain Supervision Mechanism of Distributed Notaries for Consortium Blockchain
  40. Research on the Blockchain Digital Capability Platform for “No Proof City”
  41. on the Blockchain Selection in Agri-Food Tracking Systems: Student Paper
  42. A Cross-Chain Transaction Model for Power Blockchain Based on Hash-Locking Mechanism
  43. Blockchain Based Multi-Layer Security Network Authentication System for Uncertain Attack in the Wireless Communication System
  44. FLB2: Layer 2 Blockchain Implementation Scheme on Federated Learning Technique
  45. Blockchain Enabled Autonomous Vehicle Based Vehicular IoT System
  46. Challenges of Blockchain in Higher Education Institutions for Protection against Diploma Forgery
  47. Student Management Model Integrating E-Commerce Based on Blockchain Technology
  48. Blockchain Technology for Secure and Efficient Land Registration Management: A Promising Paradigm Shift in India
  49. A Proposed Architecture for The Indonesia’s National Blockchain
  50. A Secure and Flexible Blockchain-Based Offline Payment Protocol
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