How to Code a Flight Simulator

Most significantly, our technical people have the required knowledge about the flight simulator thus we can provide the topical research guidance for the research scholars. Let’s start this article with the creation of flight simulator in Ns-3.

Create Flight Simulation Using Ns-3

Firstly, we have to create the flight simulation using Ns-3 and create the code in main file in the scratch folder along with the file extension .cc.

Creation of Flight Simulation

Source Code for Flight Simulation

For your ease, we have highlighted the notable source code for the flight simulation using Ns-3.

  • To include the header files

#include “ns3/ipv4-list-routing.h”

#include “ns3/fanet-helper.h”

#include “ns3/uav-module.h”

  • To create the node container



UAV_Nodes.Create (numUAV);

BS_Node.Create (1);

USER_Nodes.Create (numUSER);

SERVER_Node.Create (1);

  • For flight configuration

BS_Devices = wifi.Install (wifiPhy, wifiMac, BS_Node);

UAVHelper uav;

uav.SetDeviceAttribute (“ForceEtherType”, BooleanValue (true) );

NetDeviceContainer uavdev = uav.Install (UAV_Devices);

Execution of Flight Simulation

To execute the flight simulation, we have to implement the below mentioned commands in the terminal.

cd /home/research/ns-allinone-3.26/ns-3.26

sudo ./waf –run  FlightMain –vis

Implementing Flight Simulation

Then, we’ll acquire the result for flight simulation through selecting the auto generated XML file as mentioned in the following image.

Result of NetAnimator

To this end, we have highlighted all the required notes based on writing code for flight simulator. If you have any doubts, then reach us!!!

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