How to Simulate Centralized Routing Projects Using MATLAB

To simulate Centralized Routing within MATLAB, we can make a design in which a central controller sustains the global network view, computes optimal paths, and modernizes routing tables for every node. It is general in Software-Defined Networking (SDN) configurations in which a central controller has comprehensive knowledge of the network topology and it is responsible for discovering and sharing routes.

Here, we indicate the step-by-step procedure to configuring a centralized routing simulation using MATLAB.

Steps to Simulate Centralized Routing in MATLAB

  1. Define Network Topology:
    • Signify nodes and links within the network utilizing an adjacency matrix or a graph object.
    • Allocate weights to each link, which denoting cost, latency, or bandwidth.
  2. Initialize Central Controller:
    • The controller has a global view of the network, thus it sustains an update adjacency matrix along with link weights.
    • The controller computes the optimal path for each pair of nodes utilizing Dijkstra’s algorithm or Floyd-Warshall algorithm for all-pairs shortest paths.
  3. Calculate and Distribute Routing Tables:
    • For each node, the controller computes a routing table which indicates the next hop for attaining each destination.
    • These routing tables are then distributed to each node which allowing them to forward packets rely on the controller’s optimal paths.
  4. Simulate Packet Forwarding:
    • Packets are forwarded based on the centrally calculated routing tables.
    • If a link flops or network topology modifies then the central controller recalculates and redistributes the routing tables.
  5. Visualize and Analyze Results:
    • Plot the network topology and emphasize the paths utilized by packets.
    • Monitor parameters like path length, packet delay, and amount of hops for estimating the centralized routing efficiency.

Example Code Outline

Below is a MATLAB code framework to simulate centralized routing.

% Define network topology as an adjacency matrix with link weights

adjMatrix = [

0 2 0 0 7;

2 0 3 8 0;

0 3 0 1 6;

0 8 1 0 4;

7 0 6 4 0


numNodes = size(adjMatrix, 1);

% Central Controller calculates routing tables for each node using Dijkstra’s algorithm

function routingTables = calculateRoutingTables(adjMatrix)

numNodes = size(adjMatrix, 1);

routingTables = cell(numNodes, 1);

for source = 1:numNodes

% Use Dijkstra’s algorithm to find the shortest path from the source to each node

[~, prev] = dijkstra(adjMatrix, source);

routingTables{source} = prev;



% Dijkstra’s algorithm function for finding shortest path from source

function [dist, prev] = dijkstra(adjMatrix, source)

numNodes = size(adjMatrix, 1);

dist = inf(1, numNodes);  % Initialize distances to infinity

dist(source) = 0;          % Distance to itself is 0

visited = false(1, numNodes);

prev = NaN(1, numNodes);   % Previous node in optimal path

for i = 1:numNodes

% Find the unvisited node with the smallest distance

[~, u] = min(dist + visited * inf);

visited(u) = true;

% Update distances to neighboring nodes

for v = 1:numNodes

if adjMatrix(u, v) > 0 && ~visited(v)  % Check for edge and if unvisited

alt = dist(u) + adjMatrix(u, v);

if alt < dist(v)

dist(v) = alt;

prev(v) = u;






% Centralized routing table calculation

routingTables = calculateRoutingTables(adjMatrix);

% Display routing tables for all nodes

disp(‘Centralized Routing Tables:’);

for i = 1:numNodes

disp([‘Routing table for node ‘, num2str(i), ‘:’]);



% Function to simulate packet forwarding based on centralized routing tables

function forwardPacket(src, dest, routingTables)

current = src;

path = [current];

while current ~= dest

nextHop = routingTables{current}(dest);

if isnan(nextHop)

disp(‘No path available.’);



path = [path, nextHop];

current = nextHop;


disp([‘Packet path from ‘, num2str(src), ‘ to ‘, num2str(dest), ‘: ‘, num2str(path)]);


% Test packet forwarding from a source to destination

srcNode = 1;

destNode = 5;

disp(‘— Packet Transmission —‘);

forwardPacket(srcNode, destNode, routingTables);

% Visualize the network topology

G = graph(adjMatrix);


plot(G, ‘EdgeLabel’, G.Edges.Weight);

title(‘Network Topology’);

Explanation of the Code

  • Network Topology: The adjacency matrix adjMatrix describes the network including nodes as routers and links denoted by weights.
  • Central Controller: The calculateRoutingTables function within the central controller computes the routing tables for every node utilizing Dijkstra’s algorithm.
  • Routing Table Setup: The controller’s routingTables array stores every single node’s routing table. Each entry in routingTables is a prev array, which indicates the next hop for attaining each destination from that node.
  • Packet Forwarding: The forwardPacket function sends packets according to the centralized routing table. It tracks the next hops described by the controller until attaining the destination.
  • Visualization: The network topology is showed using MATLAB’s graph and plot functions indicating the links and weights.

Visualization and Analysis

To examine and envision centralized routing:

  • Network Visualization: Plot the nodes, links, and paths are taken by packets from the origin to the destination.
  • Performance Metrics: Monitor and record parameters like path length, hop count, and total transmission cost.

Extending the Simulation

For a more thorough centralized routing simulation:

  • Link Failures and Updates: Launch link failures by setting link weights to infinity (inf). Recompute routing tables within the controller and monitor how routes adjust.
  • Load Balancing: Execute alternative paths or round-robin load balancing for several packet flows.
  • Dynamic Network Conditions: Modify link weights periodically and update routing tables to monitor how the centralized method adjusts to the network changes.

Using above steps to efficiently simulate the Centralized Routing Projects in MATLAB tool and delivered the sample snippets regarding this project. We are equipped to elaborate how to Centralized Routing projects works in other simulation environment.

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