How to write thesis for final year project

For doing a project in your final year you should need to do more practical work like designing, programming, analysis, prototype development and testing. In order to get a better grade and good marks for your project, you have to produce an impressive result of your work by handling it professionally. You have to mainly focus on the structure of your thesis and prepare an outline with short description of each chapter and sections. The perfect format for writing a thesis paper is not defined yet, because each discipline follows different kind of structure. Some of the important sections and chapters to be included in your thesis paper are listed below:

  1. Title Page of the Thesis

You may get some instruction from institution to fill this page with information but the main details should be entered here are the title of your project, your name, name of your supervisor and your institution, your department or discipline name, the year also the submission date.

  1. Plagiarism Declaration

The source which you have used for collecting data and gathering information for your work for writing thesis, have to be marked clearly and also the original author of the content has to be cited properly.

You have to make sure whether everything is cited properly in order to avoid plagiarism, either now or in the future. You have to know which will count for plagiarism and which will not come under it.

  1. The Abstract of the Thesis

Abstract will be present in the beginning of your thesis and include the summary of your whole project within limited words allocated for it.

Include the following in your abstract to make it better:

The main objective of your thesis should be clearly stated with a single sentence.

When you have implemented any of your design in your project then explain its testing process chosen to evaluate its performance.

The result of your project should be more specific in summary form.

You should not use any equations, circuit diagrams or any images in your abstract, it should only hold text.

Chapter 1: Introduction of the Thesis

Little more information extra from the abstract is included in the introduction. The introduction section is placed next to the abstract, so the reader will read this section next to that. This section also has the summary; about the problem you addressed and solved, also mention about the objective of project and methodology you opted to produce the result.

The reader should completely know what is your research objective? The reason behind choosing it, the process involved in it also about your success rate after reading the introduction section.

Chapter 2: Literature Review for Thesis

This is nothing bur the review of already existing literatures related to your project topic. The review on the literature should be done before starting your project because it helps you know about the work done earlier and makes you to not repeat it. The two main factors of literature review are:

The first use of literature review is that to make the readers understand the background information related to it to know about the previous work done in this topic which is mentioned at the end of report. After reading this section completely one should know completely about the area in which you are working.

The second use of literature review is that, to demonstrate the importance of the work made by original author, because the reader might not know the impact the work of that author.

Basically this section should define the relevance of the work you did with the existing work in that field.

The reviewing of literature can help you to take some reference from various sources like for images. To avoid copyright issues you have to acknowledge the original source from where you took reference. To do this one has to give proper credits to the source or author along with the caption given to the specific image.

The content in literature review section should describe only about existing knowledge based on the topic rather than giving details about your work.

Chapter 3: Method/ Implementation/ Design

This is the section where you have to describe about your work. Explain about the process which helped you to attain your result. You can also describe about the piece of work which further need investigation or that part which could be eliminated. You have to value the time of reader’s and make sure to provide them better knowledge.

Some of the sections which can be included in your chapter 3 are mentioned below:

Maths – Mention about the mathematical analysis you chose to implement in your work, in your report. The equations you use in your paper should be neatly typeset with the usage of any equation editor.

Clearly mention about the methodology you opted for your project work.

When you implement something new to your project, the design which helped you to make it possible should also be included in the report. This design may include code sections, sketch of components manufactured, circuit diagrams, algorithm also graphs. When you use any diagrams in paper, make it professional using any drawing tool.

You can use any screenshots or photos to make users value your work and it will also be beneficial for them. The images can convey information to the reader’s more effectively than the text written.

Chapter 4: Testing and Results for Thesis

Most of the students focus more only on their practical works and leaving behind the writing of thesis, which will lead to loss in your marks for writing.

You have to evaluate the performance of your work by measuring fast and hard numbers with the help of testing your work. Also add if you have used any graphs or tables, to the report.

Keep in mind that the result you present should be explained with the same circumstances from which the result is obtained. Try to include the following also:

The graphs you use should be given with title to explain it.

Clearly label each co-ordinate and the units of graphs.

The graph printed should be legible, whether it is in black and white or with color scheme.

Chapter 5: Thesis Conclusion

This chapter should have the same structure as the introduction chapter but in a concluding way because the readers now came across various chapters in between them.

You have to remind readers about the problem been addressed and the objective of project, also explain how you have fulfilled your goals by doing analysis on your project.

Suggest some ideas for future scope of the research and explain about the area which needs further investigation.

References for Thesis Final Year Project

The final year project has many references listed in it, lack of those may seem doubtful. The long list of many reputable references show the readers how much effort you have put for the work, that’s why you could cite these much credible sources.

The Final Year Project Thesis Appendix

This section can hold some extra information which is not available in the main content but you want your readers to know about it, you can mention that here.

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