Nam Ns2

Are you guys gone exhausted of searching the sufficient article about Nam Ns2? No worries!!! You guys are at the right stand. Come now let’s start this article with the processes that are required to implement Nam in Ns2.

Ns2 Code for Nam

For your reference, our technical experts have highlighted the sample code based on Ns2 for Nam.

  • Define Nam trace file object in Ns2 Tcl file

set namtrace                [open Output.nam w]

$ns trace-all $tracefd

$ns namtrace-all-wireless $namtrace $val(x) $val(y)

  • Execution of Nam trace file using Nam package in Ns2 Tcl file

global ns tracefd namtrace

$ns flush-trace

close $tracefd

close $namtrace

exec nam Output.nam &

Execute Nam in Ns2

We have to start the Nam in Ubuntu for the execution of Ns2 based auto generated trace file through the execution of below mentioned commands in the terminal and acquire the result as mentioned in the following image.

cd /home/research/Desktop/ns2_simulation

sudo ./ns nam_based_main.tcl

Execution of Nam in Ns2

As mentioned above, we have highlighted the result which is acquired through the execution of Ns2 trace file in Nam.

Result of Running Ns2 Trace File

The research scholars can reach us to acquire some assistance based on the implementation of Nam in Ns2.

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