SDN Simulation Tools

What is SDN?

The software defined networks are denoted as the evolution in the field of networking and the data plane is detached from the control plane with all the controlling process. Additionally, the centralized controller is used to process the tasks based on management. The environment of software defined network includes three significant planes such as,

  • Data plane
  • SDN switches
  • Southbound interface
  • Control plane
  • SDN controller
  • Application plane
  • Applications
  • Northbound interface

Uses of SDN Simulation Tools

All the research fields have its own functions and advantages. As a consequence, the following is about the significance of advantages and uses in SDN simulation tools.

  • The S3P and NFV management are integrated with SDN and this integration is deployed to perform the process of stability, scalability and security
  • OpenDaylight projects are introduced in the new carbon and that is paying more attention for cable operator support, metro Ethernet and IoT with the enhancement of integration along with OpenStack to achieve the cloud OS

Substantial Applications in SDN Simulation Tools

Research scholars have to know the background of research field before starting the project and it is beneficial for the researchers to develop the project. For that reason, we have stated the notable applications which are existing in the research filed based on SDN simulation tools.

  • Network slicing application in 5G beyond based SDN
  • Network slicing with the development of 5G network has the significant phase in the applications based on the mobile networks and that meets all the personalized requirements. The new framework of QoS based on network slicing in 5G with NEV and SDN provides the key QoS indicators in various application scenarios
  • SD-WAN based application
  • SD-WAN is one of the software defined approaches which is used to regulate the WAN. It is capable to create the application based on cost reduction along with the transport independence such as 4G/5G LTE, MPLS and some other types of connection. It is used to design the public cloud applications related to the optimization of SaaS efficiency
  • Threat detection and migration through SDN and NFV
  • It is capable to recognize the network traffic and that is one of effective quality to defend and block the attack. In addition, it is considered as the effective and efficient method to be utilized in the unsampled network flow data such as the structural design of network, switches and routers, IPFIX and sFlow collected from probes and NetFlow with the application process in migration and threat detection

SDN Controllers

For your reverence, we have enlisted the SDN controllers that are functional in the process of software defined networking simulation tools.

  • OpenDaylight
  • It is functional with the java programming language
  • Supportive for multiple southbound protocols
  • Flexible, pluggable and modular controller platform
  • Ryu
  • Python is the programming language used in this controller
  • It includes the sFlow/Netflow and NETCONF libraries which are reusable based on event management
  • It is supportive for the development of several components
  • Floodlight plus
  • It is considered as the new version of floodlight to support OF 1.3
  • Floodlight
  • It is an open source agent and based on the modular and beacon structural design
  • Maestro
  • It is multi thread controller and used in the modular network control applications
  • Beacon
  • It is the rapid and dynamic develop and it is event based threaded cross platform
  • POX
  • This controller is the component based framework and its main objectives are Window, Mac OS and Linux
  • NOX
  • It is the event based programming model, asynchronous and component based framework. In addition, the NOX-MT is the multithreaded process with the enhancement of response time and throughput

Fundamental SDN Simulation Tools

Simulation tools are essential to develop the research and they deployed to produce the acquire results. Here, in the software defined networking simulation we are using some tools and they are listed below.

  • Cooja
  • EstiNet


In general, the Cooja is one of the Contiki network simulators and it permits both the large and small networks in Contiki motes which have to be simulated and the Contiki operating system includes the effort on low power IoT devices. Through the usage of Cooja, SD6WSN: software defined 6LoWPAN wireless sensor network architecture is developed to control based on the characteristics of the data traffic in 6LoWPAN as per the SDN approaches.

  • SD6WSN nodes
  • All the SD6WSN nodes includes minimum of two components and they are control plane routing and agent. The agent is considered as the CoAP server and that will communicates the controller over the SD6WSNP messages. It is capable to alter the local operating system packet transmission procedure and data plane forwarding. It is interactive with various local operating systems to alter and read the particular mote data. The significant functions of agents are listed in the following
  • It is able to communicate with the operating system to modify the parameters of mote transmission such as RF power and transmission channel
  • It sends the packet in notification to the controller while the entry is not matched
  • In flow table, it sends the data plane packets as per the matched entries
  • Examine the headers of data plane packets
  • Regulates the entries in flow table
  • Sends information to the controller node
  • The border routers are extending their standard in 6LBR with some functions such as
  • Recognize the packets based on the flows of SD6WSN and regulate them appropriately
  • Routing is performed along the networks of 6LoWPAN and IPv6
  • Alerts the controllers when the nodes are removed from 6LoWPAN
  • SD6WSN controller
  • The process of SDN controllers includes three significant modules including
  • Flow control
  • It is used to receive and process the packets in notifications
  • Topology discovery and management
  • It is triggered through the info get notifications and flow mod notifications received from the nodes and inform the alterations in the nearby regions of wireless channels
  • Coordinator
  • It is performed the integration along with the networking applications


EstiNet simulator is supportive in several OF 1.0.0 and 1.3.2 switches and it includes some benefits such as scalability, repetition, quickness and accuracy. The simulation mode of EstiNet includes some functions of SDN controller plane with the controllers such as,

  • Ryu
  • Floodlight
  • NOX
  • POX

It includes the significant and peculiar ability and that is the kernel-reentering simulation methodology. This methodology is used to test the novel controller application programs over the OF researchers is the effective and simple process. The open flow module is considered as add on option for the EstiNet network simulator. The OpenFlow and control protocols are deployed among the switches and controllers in software defined networking. The simulated OpenFlow enabled Ethernet switch is functional with add on simulation methodology is to control the plane over the controllers. In addition, the significant features and advantages of EstiNet are enlisted in the following.

  • Compatible with real world controllers
  • It is the linux based SDN controller program which is directly functional and simulated in the SDN network to control the simulated process of OpenFlow enabled switches. The functions based on SDN controller application and clear up the flaws in design and operation errors
  • Support OpenFlow enabled switches
  • The multiple simulated OpenFlow enabled switches are connected through the frame work of SDN network based on the simulation environment. The foremost development of SDN controller applications are used in the switch resources and the scalability of new SDN applications are tested and evaluated in the environment

Additionally, our research professionals in software defined network have enlisted some of the major functions in the SDN network in EstiNet based on the OpenFlow message operations.

  • OpenFlow table operations
  • Port
  • Per port counters
  • All OpenFlow orts but optional reserved ports
  • Meter table
  • Per meter counters
  • Per band counters
  • 2 band types
  • Dscp remark
  • Drop remark
  • Flow table
  • Per table counters
  • Per flow counters
  • All instructions and actions
  • All match fields but OFPXMT_OFB_PBB_ISID
  • Several flow tables
  • Group table
  • Per group counters
  • Per bucket counters
  • 4 group types
  • Fast failover
  • Indirect
  • Select
  • All
  • OpenFlow v1.3
  • Asynchronous messages
  • Symmetric messages
  • Controller to switch messages
  • Multiple controllers operation

Latest Project Topics in SDN Simulation Tools

Our research professionals have enlisted the notable research topics that are ruling the research platform in the recent days based on process of SDN simulation tools in the following.

  • A model driven framework for the prevention of DoS attacks in the software defined networking (SDN)
  • Credibility based countermeasures against slow HTTP DoS attacks through the utilization of SDN
  • Enhancement in two stage detection of cyber attacks in SDN environment using dynamic thresholding
  • Scalable and energy efficient anomaly detection scheme in wireless SDN based mMTC networks for IoT
  • Multi objective control plane dimensioning in hybrid SDN legacy network

So far, we have shared our knowledge with most interesting and required development scenarios based on software defined networking simulation tools. The research scholars can interact with our technical experts to clarify their research issues and we hope that you would have grasped some information about software defined networking simulation tools through this article. In this end, we say that we are here with our best research team and technical developers to provide assistance. So, the research scholars can feel free to contact us!

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