As a general note, there are several research notions based on the computer networking field for the graduation project. Let’s start this article with the list of notions in computer networking.
- Real time traffic analysis in computer communication networks
- Load balancing in computer communication network
- Packet scheduling and transmission security
- Resource allocation
In addition, our technical experts have highlighted some research topics for the research students who are all searching for the research titles in computer networking.
- Application of a dynamic line graph neural network for intrusion detection with semi supervised learning
- Node essentiality assessment and distributed collaborative virtual network embedding in datacenters
- A smart retransmission mechanism for ultra-reliable applications in industrial wireless networks
- Defense against software defined network topology poisoning attacks
- Network aware compute and memory allocation in optically composable data centers with deep reinforcement learning and graph neural networks
- Reliable and cost effective all optical wireless architecture for a broadband access network
Following that, we have described the process of detecting the attack through the utilization of Mininet tool through the implementation of the below mentioned commands.
cd /home/research/mininet/p4factory/mininet/ip_spoofing_attack_detection_and_prevension/scenario1
sudo python –behavioral.exe $PWD/behavioral-model
At this moment, we people have highlighted the result that is acquired through the process of implementing the attack detection.
To this end, we hope that we have provided the required data about the implementation of computer networking and you can reach us to acquire a lot.