As the matter of fact, our experienced technical professionals are well qualified and ready to provide appropriate guidance in wireless network platform. Without any delay, let’s see the list of wireless network simulation tools in the following.
Wireless Network Simulation Tools List
- NS-2
- Matlab
- Cooja
- OMNeT++
- NS-3
Modules in Wireless Network Simulation Tools
Substantially, we have enlisted the modules based on the wireless network simulation tools along with its specifications.
- OMNeT++
- Castalia
- It is the simulator for wireless sensor networks (WSN), body area networks (BAN)
- Simu5g
- It permits the one to simulate network scenarios where 4G and 5G coexist, in both StandAlone (SA) and E-UTRA/NR dual connectivity (ENDC) deployments
- SimuLTE
- It is permitting the complex system level performance evaluation of LTE and LTE advanced networks for the OMNeT++ framework
- Ns3
- Underwater acoustic network (UAN) module is the API of the ns-3
- It is deployed to perform 6LoWPAN compression of IPv6 packets with the specification of RFC 4944 and RFC 6282
To this end, we are ready to give suggestion on the stage where you face some difficulties and required assistance for your research.