Cooja Simulator

Cooja simulator is related to the cross-layer Java-based wireless sensor network simulator and it is circulated among the Contiki simulator. It permits the simulation process for several levels of physical layer to application layer and emulation for the set of hardware sensor nodes. 

Performance analysis of Cooja Simulator

Notable Benefits in Cooja Simulator

Here, we have enlisted the major uses of the Cooja

  • It is used to calculate the average lifetime of nodes and sensor nodes
  • It utilized to measure the current consumption and power consumption
  • This simulator is used to reduce the packet size through the header compression
  • It transmits the packets along with the compressed IPv6 header 

Vital Modules in Cooja Simulator

Let us discuss the notable modules and the purpose of those modules in the Cooja 

Modules and their Functions

  • DHCP
    • The internet application modules are accessible through DHCP
    • DHCP client and server application in the node must be present for the utilization of DHCP
    • The nodes which have the static address in the subnet means it does not require the DHCP
  • Collect View
    • Tins application is offered in the Contiki OS resource code and it consists of sink mote and several source mote
    • The sink mote receive the network, power, sensor, and the properties of the node which is sent by the source mote 

Novel Classes in Cooja Simulator

There are various classes in the system models. Hereby, we have listed down the significant classes in the Cooja

Classes and their Uses

  • Positioner
    • It is utilized to determine the primary sites in motes
  • Mote Interface
    • It signifies the mote property and it is the simulated hardware marginal such as the LEDs and buttons 

Integrated Tools in Cooja

We have well-experienced research team for your research assistance and we provide a detailed description of the tools for your ease we have highlighted some tools in the Cooja as below

Tools and its Purposes

  • Avrora
    • It is based on the cycle-accurate instruction-level sensor network simulator and it weighs the network up to 10,000 nodes
    • In addition, Avrora is utilized in Cooja for the emulation of Atmel AVR related services 

System Specification in Cooja Simulator

For your reference, we have listed down the important programming languages used in the Cooja 

Programming Languages in Cooja

  • Java
  • C

The notable operating system in the Cooja simulator is are listed below 

OS Support in Cooja

  • Contiki-3.0
  • Ubuntu-14.04

The versions in the Cooja simulator are useful for the research scholars to update their knowledge. The versions are 

Versions in Cooja Simulator

  • Contiki OS 

Key Protocols in Cooja

Our research experts are well versed in all the protocols and we provide support for your research protocols. Here, we have listed the significant protocols in the Cooja simulator

  • Collection Tree Protocol
    • It is the de facto standard collection protocol used in the wireless sensor network
    • It has the capability to create the routing tree for the data transferring process in the sensor roots
  • Multi-User Chat
    • It is used for the execution of incoming and outgoing chat rooms based on the group chat messages
    • The particular length of JID is assumed in the name of the chat room 

Topmost Subjects in Cooja Simulator

Hereby, we have listed down the recent subjects in the Cooja

  • Ontology Models
    • In health technology systems, the internet of things is one of the potential technology
    • It provides the best indoor and outdoor monitor settings with the outline of updated data of the corona patients in the surroundings
    • It is based on the remote access and alarm based bio wearable sensor system
    • Using this system we can easily detect the COVID-19 patients 

Required Parameters in Cooja

For the evaluation process in the research project, parameter plays a significant role. Thus, the research team have provided the Cooja parameters

  • Mac Protocol
  • Data Rate Transfer
  • Use Authentication
  • Operating System
  • Number of Nodes
  • Path Control Size
  • Frequency
  • Network Topology
  • RPL  Protocol 
  • Minimum Hop Rank Increase
  • DIO Interval Doubling
  • Experiment Duration
  • Startup Delay 

Foremost Subjects in Cooja Simulator

Therefore, we provide complete support for research scholars to gather more knowledge and implement the process of the subject in the Cooja

Skymote Type Configuration Syntax in Cooja

For your ease, our research experts have listed down the significant syntaxes used in the Cooja

public class SkyMoteType extends MspMoteType {

private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SkyMoteType.class);

protected MspMote createMote(Simulation simulation) {

return new SkyMote(this, simulation);


public boolean configureAndInit(Container parentContainer, Simulation simulation, boolean visAvailable)

throws MoteTypeCreationException {

/* SPECIAL CASE: Cooja started in applet.

* Use preconfigured Contiki firmware */

if (Cooja.isVisualizedInApplet()) {

String firmware = Cooja.getExternalToolsSetting(“SKY_FIRMWARE”, “”);

if (!firmware.equals(“”)) {

setContikiFirmwareFile(new File(firmware));



“Creating mote type from precompiled firmware: ” + firmware,

“Compiled firmware file available”, JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);

} else {


“No precompiled firmware found”,

“Compiled firmware file not available”, JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);

return false;




/* If visualized, show compile dialog and let user configure */

if (visAvailable && !simulation.isQuickSetup()) {


/* Create unique identifier */

if (getIdentifier() == null) {

int counter = 0;

boolean identifierOK = false;

while (!identifierOK) {

identifierOK = true;



setIdentifier(“sky” + counter);


for (MoteType existingMoteType : simulation.getMoteTypes()) {

if (existingMoteType == this) {



if (existingMoteType.getIdentifier().equals(getIdentifier())) {

identifierOK = false;







/* Create initial description */

if (getDescription() == null) {

setDescription(“Sky Mote Type #” + getIdentifier());



return MspCompileDialog.showDialog(parentContainer, simulation, this, “sky”);



/* Not visualized: Compile Contiki immediately */

if (getIdentifier() == null) {

throw new MoteTypeCreationException(“No identifier”);



final MessageList compilationOutput = MessageContainer.createMessageList(visAvailable);


if (getCompileCommands() != null) {

/* Handle multiple compilation commands one by one */

String[] arr = getCompileCommands().split(“\n”);

for (String cmd: arr) {

if (cmd.trim().isEmpty()) {




try {




null /* Do not observe output firmware file */,







} catch (Exception e) {

MoteTypeCreationException newException =

new MoteTypeCreationException(“Mote type creation failed: ” + e.getMessage());

newException = (MoteTypeCreationException) newException.initCause(e);



/* Print last 10 compilation errors to console */

MessageContainer[] messages = compilationOutput.getMessages();

for (int i=messages.length-10; i < messages.length; i++) {

if (i < 0) {



logger.fatal(“>> ” + messages[i]);



logger.fatal(“Compilation error: ” + e.getMessage());

throw newException;





if (getContikiFirmwareFile() == null ||

!getContikiFirmwareFile().exists()) {

throw new MoteTypeCreationException(“Contiki firmware file does not exist: ” + getContikiFirmwareFile());


return true;


Vital Applications in Cooja

In the Cooja, there are several applications but we have listed only a few for your reference and the development of the project

  • Energy Efficient
  • The presence of energy-efficient is a must in the communication protocols of the wireless sensor network
  • In a wireless sensor network, low energy adaptive clustering hierarchy protocols is the one of the significant protocol 

Noticeable Algorithms in Cooja

Our research experts in the Cooja are well versed in all the algorithms for your ease we have highlighted the algorithms below

  • Temporary Subscription for Presence
    • It is used to reduce the network traffic functions of inhibited chatty things with the active tiny messages for signalizing the status updates 

Topmost Areas in Cooja

We have listed down the most novel research areas and the implementation process in the Cooja for the research scholars to get a quick grasp of the research subject

  • Data Aggregation
  • It is used to reduce the process of transmission
  • It is used to send long messages through the wireless sensor network nodes
  • Its purposes are comparatively
  • Minimum
  • Maximum
  • Average 

Reach us if you are looking for cloudsim simulation projects

Significant Process in Cooja

The following is the overall process of the Cooja are highlighted below

  • The RPL protocols are analyzed by the simulated node and node type by the functions of button, radio, and other interface with memory
  • The associated memories are connected with the plugin to view and update
  • The updated version id provided to the user 

Important Steps in Cooja

We have listed down some steps which are useful for the process of the Cooja simulator

  • In IOT there are three layers such as sensing, transport, and application layers
  • The application layer functions for monitoring the center LAN
  • The transport layer is used to manage the platforms of IOT
  • The sensing layer is used to transmit the packets from the source to the destination 

Substantial Routing Protocols in Cooja

We have well-experienced research team and they have listed the topmost routing process for the Cooja simulator

  • Minimum Transmission Energy Routing
  • It is used to reduce the sum of squared distance with the intermediate nodes and in general, the routes are selected by using this MTE routing algorithm 

Latest Project Topics in Cooja

For your ease, we have listed down some projects in the Cooja simulator with the implementation process and their description along with screenshots

  • Cooja simulator is used to create a project to perform the process of network construction and transfer the beacon or data
  • Cooja simulator is used to create a project to perform the process of route selection and packet transmission
  • Cooja simulator is used to create a project to perform the process of transferring the sense data to the server
  • Cooja simulator is used to create a project to perform the process of warm hole detection
  • Cooja simulator is used to create a project to perform the process of packet transmission
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