Mobile Security Projects

The term mobile security refers to secured mobile devices with several safety and countermeasures. In fact, new generation cyber-attacks are tackled by mobile security solutions. The security services are offered in various numbers of ways as you know that. For instance, mobile devices with smart locks such as patterns, fingerprints, face locks & pin numbers.  Are you an enthusiast surfing for an article regarding your mobile security projects doings? Then you’ve come to the right area.

The said security services are known to everyone apart from this do you know anything about network security? Yes, the network is encrypted by the cryptography techniques such as asymmetric and symmetric. Here, public and private keys are generated in order to achieve safe data transmission over the untrusted Internet. The aim behind this is to ensure, only the intended person is getting data.

Implementing Mobile Security Projects for Final Year Students

For example, HTTPS is the encrypted protocol of HTTP which is proposed to assure secured data transmission. Moreover, mobile devices can be secured only by the users as there are many chances to tempt the user to click malicious links trapped by cyber thieves. The main idea behind this article is to educate the users to be aware of attacks and also aimed to offer the concepts needed to conduct mobile security projects.

Classifications of Mobile Security   

  • Device Security
    • Security Systems
      • Remote Deletion & Pin Code
      • Security Alarms & Updates
      • Mobile Device Management
    • Operating Systems
      • Vulnerable OS
      • OS Updates
    • Data Privacy
      • Sensitive Data
      • Encryption
      • Backup
  • Communication Channel Security
    • Physical Channels
      • Physical Links
      • Bluetooth
      • Physical Access
    • Networks
      • Virtual Private Network
      • Auto Connect Network
      • Unencrypted Network
  • Browsing & Communication Security
    • Account Setting
      • Privacy Settings
      • Two-factor Authentications
      • Password Caches
      • Default Password
      • Password Updates
      • Password Range
      • Strength Password
    • Digital Communication
      • Junk E-mails
      • Hyperlinks
      • Spam E-mails
      • Unknown Senders
      • Attachments
    • Browsers
      • Plugins
      • Popups
      • File Downloads
      • Fake Certificates
      • Infected Sites
  • Applications Security
    • Application Management
      • Privacy Setting
      • Advertisements
      • Suspicious Updates
      • Security Updates
    • Application Installation
      • Unsigned Applications
      • Rating & Permission
      • Untrusted Sources

Above listed are the so many aspects that come under mobile devices which is ranging from device security to application security.  If there is a plus there also be a minus as you know very well. If you struggle to implement mobile security projects, reach our expert panel team. In fact, mobile security services are bound to some limitations. In this regard, let us have the section with limitations of mobile security.  

Limitations of Mobile Security

  • Security & Accessibility
    • Traditional approaches are failing to secure the mechanisms and they are restricting users to download needed applications
    • The authentication process is complex hence limits users to connect with other security devices by this way they are resulting in no user-friendliness
  • Scalability & Capacity 
    • DSTA enhanced the mobile device smartcard technology which is a 2FA (Two Factor Authentication) solution based
    • The components of smart card technology are in need of several requirements e.g. reader needs client app & smartcard middleware
    • Besides client app needs a driver & middleware to transmit the data over the reader & smartcard correspondingly
    • Mobile security solutions permit the users only by the personal identification number (PIN) with two-factor authentication via smartcards
    • In fact, smartcards are well suited for desktops instead of mobile security devices which may cause interface & smartcard reader sourcing constraints
    • Smart card technology is to be customized whenever the external parts of mobile devices got changes if it is not changing, it will surely affect the connectivity with the operating system
  • Limitations of Hardware
    • Mobile devices’ processors are limited to the user interfaces, memory capacities & connectivity so that it is resulting in mobile device’s low power efficiency
    • Data transmission in mobile devices may cause huge costs as the amount of data is larger in size and results in low mobile security solution optimization

The aforementioned are the major limitations arouse in mobile security in general. Some of the limitations are faced by many mobile phone users, one among them is low power efficiency as the mobile devices are limited to shorter mobile charges which may affect the hardware performance.

There are so many attacks being exploited at the various layer levels like layers in the OSI model. Yes, we are going to let you know the types of mobile security threats going through in mobile devices for the ease of your understanding. 

What are the Types of Mobile Security Threats?

  • User Layer Attacks
    • This is not an exact technical exploit like mobile malware samples
    • They trigger users to supersede the mechanisms which are secured
    • Hence it is considered as one of the key vulnerability classes
  • Software-Centric
    • Software-based services are directing users to the infected sites in which cyber-attacks hidden behind to perform malicious activities
  • Device Independent
    • It is targeting the highly protected mobile device services
    • They eavesdrop on the private details of users then propagates & intrudes in the backend with or without the user’s knowledge
  • Hardware-Centric
    • These exploits cannot be done remotely instead of physical access
    • It is also intended to break up confidentiality for example forensic investigations may reveal the personal details

The itemized above are the various threatening activities faced by many of the mobile users in the world. Do you also face these kinds of threats? Then quickly take actions according to the cyber activities that you’ve faced. If you are confused about eradicating such threats you can approach our researchers at any time.

As technology is becoming enhanced in a gigantic manner, there are vast possibilities and loopholes are detected by the cyber-attackers to wash out the intended person or concern. So we are advising you to make sure that, your devices are free from malicious behaviors. Let’s we can have further discussions in the following section by means what are attacks can be exploited in mobile devices to make you aware which is recent days.

Latest Security Attacks in Mobile Devices

RF Jamming

Radio Frequency (RF) & electromagnetic interferences may be vulnerable to wireless signals. Satellite station is interfered with by RF jams which will result in unsuccessful signal transmitting to other stations. 


It is the attack where the cyber crook never leaves any piece of evidence that he was accessed and copied information from the victim. Cyber-attacks can access messages, emails, contact lists & calendars of the user without his knowledge. 

Replay Attacks

In this attack, the attackers eavesdrop and observe the information communicated between the source and destination. This is also known as a playback attack & intended to manipulate the data which causes data transmission delay. 


This attack is held through Bluetooth devices by sending unauthorized data from one device to another device. Bluetooth is a wireless technology that can perform in shorter ranges (mobile to mobile or mobile to computer) 

WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) Attacks

WPA2 is the replacement of WEP & WPA, here crooks are not able to recognize the encrypted keys even they observed network traffic. Besides, WPA2 is subject to vulnerabilities because attackers can examine the data packets sent through the intended user. 

WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) Attacks

It is aimed to offer the security measures as given in WLAN and act as a security protocol that assures privacy. WEP attempts can be tackled by physical security countermeasures by supporting cryptography techniques. The encryption key used here is also used for decryption hence cyber crooks may benefit and may get access. 

War Driving

It is the method to detect every possible access point using the freely available Wi-Fi connection, they can copy a large amount of data in a few minutes. 


This attack can be done via short messages by sending fraudulent information with malicious links and even calling the users to reveal sensible data. They may get details about the credit and debit card numbers, account numbers, and other bank details which make bank balance zero.

The links attached in the SMS direct the user to an infected web page and where the user cannot control the device from downloading unknown files. That files are injected with some malicious codes which are harmful to the devices.

The above listed are the various kinds of attacks being performed by cyber attackers. In fact, they are very wise in stealing confidential data by triggering the users to access their sensitive data assets. As this article is titled with the mobile security projects, we would like to share the research areas in mobile security for the enthusiasts who are eagerly waiting for this section. Come let’s get into the next section.

Top 20+ Research Areas for Mobile Security Projects

  • Mobile Computing using Blockchain
  • Security Apps & Protocols’ Performance Valuations
  • Security Threats and Countermeasures
  • Cryptographic Encryption Protocols
  • Web 2.0 based Security Methods
  • Ubiquitous based Computing Security Techniques
  • Trojan, Virus, Worms Security
  • Phishing, Spam E-mail & Security
  • Network Management & Security
  • IoT Applications & Security
  • IDS & IPS Security Systems
  • System & Database Security
  • Peer-to-Peer Network Protection
  • Sensor, Mobile, Ad Hoc Network Security
  • Wireless & Wired Network Security
  • Integrated Computing Technologies
  • 5G Mobile Services & Network Slicing
  • Smart Mobile Communications
  • WSN, V2X & D2D
  • IoT, Fog & Cloud Computing

Security threats such as Mobile Information Management (MiM), replay attacks, session hijacking, Distributed Denial of Services (DDoS) can be researched further to eradicate malicious activities. Apart from this, there are so many attacks are getting increased day by day hence the need for mobile security research getting weightage. 

“Trends of the mobile security devices are vast in numbers but not least to its significant features”

In this sense, doing mobile security projects will result in secured data transmission mediums. Actually, the security of mobile devices needs multi-tiered techniques and methods. For instance, two-factor authentications can be said. On the other hand, there are so many approaches are existed but they may vary according to their performance. Selecting an appropriate approach is very important here we have illustrated some of the trends for ease of your understanding. 

Current Trends in Mobile Security

  • Secure Web Gateway
    • Secure web gateways are featured with resilient cloud security
    • It identifies the former attacks and prevents in real-time execution
    • Cloud-based security can detect attacks and helps to prevent other branches
    • Domain name system & network layers are tackled from ransomware, phishing & malware (virus) attacks
  • Cloud Access Security Broker
    • It is the toolbox which is acting as a gateway between internal network & cloud
    • Data loss prevention is the engine that secures the network from data breaches and helps to identify the suspicious cloud applications
  • E-mail Security
    • E-mail is the primary medium of cyber-attacks to exploit malware & ransomware
    • It ensures the end to end channel encryption, data loss prevention, countermeasures for threats, threats blocking, and even detecting
  • Virtual Private Network
    • It is the network that is fully encrypted virtually & ensures secure data transmission
    • It permits the user to remotely connect the devices and abolishes the interference of unauthorized persons
  • Endpoint Security Solutions
    • This is used in the remotely accessed networks & monitors the network’s asset
    • These solutions concurrently scan the malicious behaviors of the network & protect the network from security exploitations
    • If any illegitimate activities are found, they alert the security team before the malware’s execution

So far, we have come up with the essential concepts in mobile security. Further, we hope that you would have understood the explained areas. In fact, we can mitigate the attacks being exploited in our mobile devices by deploying security applications. If you are in need of any assistance in security services, then feel free to interact with our researchers. Let’s start to work on your mobile security projects with proper considerations.

“Exhibit your potentials and different perceptions to tackle the cyber crooks’ illegitimate activities”

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