SCI Q1 Journal List

Quartile rankings are consequently derivative for every single journal in each of its subject classifications as per which quartile of the impact factor distribution the journal occupies for that subject category. Reach out this blog to know more about SCI Q1 Journal list,

  • Q1 denotes the top position
    • 25% of the impact factor distribution
  • Q2 for middle-high position
    • Between the top 50% and top 25%
  • Q3 middle-low position
    • Top 75% to top 50%
  • Q4 the lowest position
    • Bottom 25% of the impact factor distribution

Based on impact factor data, the journal citation reports published by the Science citation index (SCI) with the provision of yearly rankings of science and social science journals, in the subject categories relevant for the journal there may be more than one. The attire of the best and finest processes is let to go with all the apt and detailed processes.

“The best way to have a good idea is to have a lot of ideas”

The journal metrics are essential and they are required tools for the readers as well as the authors to decide and submit the next manuscript for publication. The metrics convey some parts of the story of journal quality and the impact. In addition, all the metrics have their limitations, and they are considered as isolation. Moreover, the metrics are used to support and that will interchange the qualitative review.

The strong recommendations are always used as the number of metrics with the qualitative factors which include the aim and scope, readership, and review based on the published content in the research journal. The single article is assessed with its metrics and it is related to the metrics of the journal.

SCI Q1 Journal List

Journal Metrics

Generally, the speed and acceptance data for the full calendar and the citation metrics are updated annually in the mid-year. The significant metrics in a journal which is denoted as the citation metrics and is highlighted in the following,

  • Impact factor
    • The average number of citations is received through the articles which are published in the journal within two years intervals. The journals in all the publications have their impact factor
  • Impact factor best quartile
    • The highest subject divisions in journals are ranked through the journal citation reports. For instance, Q1 journals have the highest impact factors and the 1st 25% of journal lists are occupied in the Q1 journals
  • 5 years impact factor
    • This is the average number of citations received over the articles in the journal within the five year
  • Cite score
    • The average number of citations received through articles in the journal for four years gap. In addition, the journal’s highest cite score ranking in the subject category in the journal. In addition, Q1 journals are in leading
  • SNIP
    • Source normalized impact per paper is the abbreviated form of SNIP. It is the number of citations per paper in a journal and it is divided through the potential of citation in the particular field
  • SJR
    • Scimago journal rank is the average number of citations in one year and that is categorized over the number of articles published in the journal for the past three years

Speed and Acceptance

The average number of days for manuscript submission in a journal includes the first decision related to receiving manuscripts. Then, the number of days in manuscript submission to send out the manuscript for peer review with all manuscripts to the post review first decision. The number of days required from the acceptance of the manuscript until the online publication in a1 journal list is considered as the version of record. Thus, our research experts check the aim and scope of the journal before submitting the manuscript.

So far, we have discussed the significance of Q1 journals and the consequences of impact factors related to that we have highlighted the SCI Q1 journal list with the details about ISSN, impact factors, etc. for your reference. So, click and download excel.

Latest SCI Q1 Journal List

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