In general, we have provided all the essential details about the significance of tossim simulator in WSN through this article.
Step: 1 Download Tinyos
Initially, we have to download tinyos for the performance of tossim simulator process through the URL which is highlighted below.
Step: 2 Compile Tossim with Python
Following that, we have to compile the tossim with python through the implementation of the below mentioned commands.
cd tinyos-main/apps/RadioCountToLeds
make micaz sim
Step: 3 Simulate WSN with Tossim
As a final point, we have to simulate the wireless sensor network with Tossim, so we have to go to the run and click the run module option in IDE as shown in the below mentioned image.
In addition, the research scholars may face various issues while implementing tossim simulator in wireless sensor network. Thus, we are providing the complete support for the scholars. Ping us to aid more!!!