Tossim Simulator

Let’s check out all the required information to download the tossim simulator with the guidance of our research professionals.

Keynotes about Tossim Simulator

Tossim simulator is defined as the simulator to execute the network embedded system C (nseC) model on the TinyOS/MICA hardware. Additionally, we have enlisted the most common utility functions in the following.

  • removeChannel(ch, output)
  • addChannel(ch, output)
  • radio()
  • mac()
  • init()
  • timeStr()
  • time()
  • runNextEvent()
  • getNode(id)
  • currentNode()

Programming Languages in Tossim Simulator

In addition, our technical professionals have highlighted some programming languages which support the source code based on tossim simulator in the following.

  • Python
  • C++

Source Code for Tossim Simulator

For your ease, we have provided some sample source code to create the network simulation using Tossim.

  • Import the header packages

from sys import *

from random import *

from TOSSIM import *

from tinyos.tossim.TossimApp import *

  • Tossim based configuration

n = NescApp()

t = Tossim(n.variables.variables())

r =

  • Create topology using tossim

f = open(“topo.txt”, “r”)

for line in f:

s = line.split()

if (len(s) > 0):

if (s[0] == “gain”):

r.add(int(s[1]), int(s[2]), float(s[3]))

Consequently, we have well equipped research experts to provide guidance for the research scholars. So, reach us aid the complete research guidance.

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  • award1
  • award2