Mininet is an open source software that is used to simulate a software defined network (SDN) and its compatible controllers, switches and hosts. It comes in handy for networking enthusiasts and beginners to get experience working with the fast growing SDN technology.
Install Mininet
To install Mininet you need to open the Ubuntu terminal window and execute the following command for install the Mininet package,
cd mininet/util
sudo ./ -a
Create simulation using Mininet
Create simulation include three steps. They are,
Step 1:
Create a simulation folder with your process name.
Step 2:
Create a network configuration file with file extension .mn
Step 3:
Process the file with file extension .py
Run simulation using Mininet
Followed by, installing Mininet and creating a simulation and next process is to run a simulation. To run a simulation, you need to execute the following command line in the Ubuntu terminal,
cd /home/research/mininet/Trust_Management_Framework
sudo ./
After run the simulation using Mininet, then it’s time to select the network configuration file. Network configuration is the process of assigning network settings, policies, flows and controls.
Select the network configuration file,
The result of run simulation using Mininet with 50 host, 10 -switch and 1-controller nodes.
Result of run simulation:
We hope that you can understand to use Mininet from our eloquent guidelines. If you have any queries please contact us to clarify that.