To simulate the Molecular Communication (MC) projects using NS3, which needs a particular set of extensions or modules since molecular communication is not portion of old wireless communication systems. Molecular communication is a bio-inspired communication paradigm in which data is sent through molecules instead of electromagnetic waves, and it is specifically helpful in biological and nanoscale environments.
NS3 does not natively support molecular communication. But, researchers have prolonged NS3 to replicate the molecular communication, and we can be used the third-party libraries or improve custom models according to the existing research. One of the most well-known NS3 extensions for molecular communication is N3Sim that is a nanoscale network simulator for molecular communication combined with NS3.
Steps to Simulate Molecular Communication Projects in NS3
- Install N3Sim or a Molecular Communication Extension in NS3
We will require an NS3 version with molecular communication capabilities, before we begin. If we are using N3Sim that is a tool created particularly for replicating the molecular communication in nanonetworks then we can follow these steps:
Install N3Sim:
- Download and Install N3Sim: N3Sim can be combined into NS3 to replicate the diffusion-based molecular communication systems. We can clone the N3Sim repository and then we follow the installation guidelines:
git clone
- Configure N3Sim: Incorporate it with NS3 and we follow the guidelines for compiling it together with NS3. The integration is done by prolonging NS3’s functionality to support molecular communication.
- Molecular Communication Models in N3Sim
In N3Sim, molecular communication is modelled using the below given elements:
- Transmitter: Emits molecules into the environment, encoding data into molecular concentrations or particular molecule types.
- Channel: Replicates diffusion or flow-based propagation of molecules via a medium (e.g., fluid or air).
- Receiver: Absorbs or identifies molecules, decoding the sent information.
The primary concentrate in molecular communication replications is modeling the diffusion of molecules and their communication with the receiver. This method can be ruled by laws such as Fick’s Law of Diffusion.
- Example Code for a Molecular Communication Simulation
The following is an instance, which demonstrates how we can be replicated a molecular communication scenario using N3Sim (or a molecular communication framework integrated with NS3). This example configures a simple diffusion-based molecular communication system.
Basic Example Code for Molecular Communication Simulation:
#include “ns3/core-module.h”
#include “ns3/network-module.h”
#include “ns3/mobility-module.h”
#include “ns3/n3sim-module.h”
using namespace ns3;
NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE (“MolecularCommunicationSimulation”);
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
// Set up command-line arguments
CommandLine cmd;
cmd.Parse (argc, argv);
// Create nodes for the transmitter and receiver
NodeContainer molecularNodes;
molecularNodes.Create (2); // One transmitter and one receiver
// Set up mobility for the nodes (optional, you can make the transmitter or receiver mobile)
MobilityHelper mobility;
mobility.SetMobilityModel (“ns3::ConstantPositionMobilityModel”);
mobility.Install (molecularNodes);
// Set the position of the transmitter and receiver
Ptr<ConstantPositionMobilityModel> transmitterMobility = molecularNodes.Get (0)->GetObject<ConstantPositionMobilityModel> ();
Ptr<ConstantPositionMobilityModel> receiverMobility = molecularNodes.Get (1)->GetObject<ConstantPositionMobilityModel> ();
transmitterMobility->SetPosition (Vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)); // Position the transmitter at the origin
receiverMobility->SetPosition (Vector (5.0, 0.0, 0.0)); // Position the receiver 5 units away
// Configure the transmitter node
Ptr<MolecularTransmitter> transmitter = CreateObject<MolecularTransmitter> ();
transmitter->SetTransmitRate (1); // Set the rate of molecular release
transmitter->SetTotalMolecules (1000); // Number of molecules to release
molecularNodes.Get (0)->AddApplication (transmitter);
// Configure the receiver node
Ptr<MolecularReceiver> receiver = CreateObject<MolecularReceiver> ();
receiver->SetDetectionThreshold (10); // Minimum number of molecules needed for detection
molecularNodes.Get (1)->AddApplication (receiver);
// Configure the channel (diffusion-based molecular propagation)
Ptr<MolecularChannel> channel = CreateObject<MolecularChannel> ();
channel->SetDiffusionCoefficient (1e-9); // Diffusion coefficient in m^2/s
channel->SetMedium (“fluid”); // Set the medium type (e.g., fluid, air)
// Connect the transmitter and receiver via the molecular channel
channel->AddTransmitter (molecularNodes.Get (0));
channel->AddReceiver (molecularNodes.Get (1));
// Start simulation
Simulator::Run ();
Simulator::Destroy ();
return 0;
Explanation of Code:
- Node Creation: Two nodes are made to signify the molecular transmitter and receiver.
- Mobility: The mobility model is optional, however we can set the place of the transmitter and receiver. We can be used various mobility models if required (e.g., the receiver could be mobile).
- Molecular Transmitter: The transmitter emits molecules into the channel at a specified rate. This rate can be denoted the transmission of a binary message (e.g., the presence or absence of molecules encodes bits).
- Molecular Receiver: The receiver identifies molecules which attain it and can decrypt data rely on the focus of identified molecules.
- Diffusion-Based Channel: A molecular communication channel is configured with a diffusion coefficient which models how molecules are propagate via a medium (e.g., fluid or air).
- Advanced Features for Molecular Communication
We can be expanded this simple replication to discover more difficult situations, like:
- Different Propagation Models: Replicate various molecular propagation models, like diffusion with drift (for flow-based systems) or reaction-diffusion
- Noise in Molecular Communication: Insert the noise models which replicate the random motion of molecules (Brownian motion) and other interference sources in molecular communication.
- Multi-Receiver Systems: Mimic scenarios in which several receivers are placed in various locations, and each receives are molecules from the similar or distinct transmitters.
- Energy Models: If the simulation contains an energy-constrained nano-machines then we can be execute an energy models, which deplete according to the molecule transmission and reception.
- Analyzing Molecular Communication Performance
To estimate the performance of molecular communication systems, we can be used the below metrics:
- Bit Error Rate (BER): Estimate the error rate in decoding messages sent through molecules.
- Delay: Calculate the time taken for molecules to travel from the transmitter to the receiver.
- Concentration: Compute the concentration of molecules at the receiver over time.
- Molecule Loss: Replicate the loss of molecules in the course of propagation because of diffusion or other environmental factors.
- Running the Simulation
Here, we compile and run the simulation using the following command:
./waf –run scratch/molecular-communication-simulation
Make certain that N3Sim or the molecular communication extension we are using is appropriately combined with NS3.
- Additional Tools for Molecular Communication
- N3Sim: A dedicated tool for replicating the molecular communication systems, particularly diffusion-based communication.
- BNSim: Another simulator improved for replicating biochemical communication networks, particularly molecular nanonetworks.
These tools can be supported to expand the functionality of NS3 to replicate the molecular communication systems exactly.
- Custom Molecular Communication Models
If we require particular aspects are not available in N3Sim or other extensions then we can be executed custom models in NS3 by altering the channel, transmitter, and receiver to contain molecular communication performance, like:
- Reaction-Diffusion Models: Replicate the chemical reactions in the communication medium.
- Particle-Based Propagation: Mimic molecule movement according to the particle physics.
Ultimately, we had presented in depth concepts and relevant example coding with explanation are helps you to simulate the Molecular Communication Projects then analyse its outcomes using NS3 tool. For more necessities, we will guide you through upcoming manual.
If you want to work on Molecular Communication Projects using NS3, you should check out We have all the tools and resources you need to help you find the best research ideas and topics that fit what you’re looking for. Our team specializes in nanoscale network simulation.