Mini Project for CSE Using Python

Mini Project for CSE Using Python are widely done by us across various domains so drop us a query we give you tailored research guidance with novel ideas and topics. By including a vast array of topics, we list out some intriguing projects that you can attain within a limited span of time.

  1. Artificial Intelligence
  • Project: AI-Based Tic-Tac-Toe Game
  • Outline: A Tic-Tac-Toe game has to be executed, in which the computer utilizes the Minimax algorithm to play in opposition to the user.
  • Required Tools: Pygame and Python.
  1. Machine Learning
  • Project: House Price Prediction
  • Outline: On the basis of various characteristics such as count of bedrooms, dimension, and location, we forecast house prices by developing a machine learning model.
  • Required Tools: Pandas, Scikit-learn, and Python.
  1. Data Science
  • Project: Customer Segmentation Using K-Means
  • Outline: Through the K-Means clustering method, the customer segmentation process must be carried out in terms of purchasing activity.
  • Required Tools: Matplotlib, Python, Pandas, and Scikit-learn.
  1. Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  • Project: Sentiment Analysis on Twitter Data
  • Outline: Plan to identify whether the tweets indicate negative, positive, or neutral sentiments by examining them.
  • Required Tools: Tweepy, NLTK, and Python.
  1. Web Development
  • Project: Simple Blog Platform
  • Outline: In order to enable users to develop, alter, and delete blog posts, a basic blog environment should be developed.
  • Required Tools: SQLite, Flask, and Python.
  1. Cybersecurity
  • Project: Basic Network Packet Sniffer
  • Outline: As a means to seize and examine network traffic, a simple network packet sniffer has to be created.
  • Required Tools: Scapy and Python.
  1. Blockchain
  • Project: Basic Blockchain Implementation
  • Outline: Including simple facilities like verifying the chain and developing blocks, we employ a basic blockchain.
  • Required Tools: Python.
  1. Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Project: Temperature Monitoring System
  • Outline: Through a sensor, track and log temperature data by developing an IoT-related framework.
  • Required Tools: SQLite, Flask, Raspberry Pi, and Python.
  1. Computer Vision
  • Project: Object Detection Using OpenCV
  • Outline: To identify faces or other objects in videos or images, a simple object detection framework must be applied with Haar cascades.
  • Required Tools: OpenCV and Python.
  1. Automation
  • Project: Web Scraper for Job Listings
  • Outline: A web scraper should be created, which saves the job openings in a CSV file by retrieving them from prominent job websites.
  • Required Tools: Requests, BeautifulSoup, and Python.
  1. Game Development
  • Project: Pong Game
  • Outline: For enabling two players to play in opposition to each other, a basic Pong game has to be developed.
  • Required Tools: Pygame and Python.
  1. Cloud Computing
  • Project: File Storage System on AWS S3
  • Outline: To allow users to upload, download, and delete files, a simple file storage framework must be employed with AWS S3.
  • Required Tools: Boto3 (AWS SDK) and Python.
  1. Big Data
  • Project: Twitter Data Analysis Using PySpark
  • Outline: In order to detect patterns and tendencies, a wide range of Twitter data should be examined through PySpark.
  • Required Tools: Hadoop, PySpark, and Python.
  1. Data Visualization
  • Project: Interactive COVID-19 Dashboard
  • Outline: With the intention of visualizing COVID-19 cases, worldwide mortalities, and recoveries, we build a collaborative dashboard.
  • Required Tools: Pandas, Plotly, Dash, and Python.
  1. Networking
  • Project: Simple Chat Application Using Sockets
  • Outline: A simple chat application has to be employed, in which numerous users utilize a server to interact with each other.
  • Required Tools: Socket programming and Python.
  1. Database Management
  • Project: Student Management System
  • Outline: As a means to handle student logs (CRUD processes), a student management framework must be created.
  • Required Tools: Tkinter, SQLite, and Python.
  1. Mobile Application Development
  • Project: To-Do List App Using Kivy
  • Outline: A basic to-do list mobile application should be developed, in which missions can be upgraded, appended, and deleted by users.
  • Required Tools: Kivy and Python.
  1. Artificial Neural Networks
  • Project: Handwritten Digit Recognition
  • Outline: By utilizing the MNIST dataset, handwritten digits have to be identified. For that, we create a neural network.
  • Required Tools: Keras, TensorFlow, and Python.
  1. Reinforcement Learning
  • Project: Q-Learning for Gridworld
  • Outline: Focus on resolving a basic gridworld issue by applying the Q-Learning algorithm.
  • Required Tools: NumPy and Python.
  1. Software Engineering
  • Project: Bug Tracker
  • Outline: For handling and monitoring software errors, a basic bug tracking framework has to be created.
  • Required Tools: SQLite, Django, and Python.
  1. Cryptography
  • Project: Caesar Cipher Encryption/Decryption
  • Outline: Plan to apply a basic tool such as Caesar Cipher encryption and decryption.
  • Required Tools: Python.
  1. Artificial Intelligence in Gaming
  • Project: AI for Maze Solving
  • Outline: An efficient AI must be applied, which utilizes the A* algorithm to resolve a maze that is randomly created.
  • Required Tools: Pygame and Python.
  1. Parallel Computing
  • Project: Parallel Matrix Multiplication
  • Outline: In order to enhance functionality, we execute matrix multiplication by means of parallel processing.
  • Required Tools: Multiprocessing and Python.
  1. Robotics
  • Project: Line Following Robot Simulation
  • Outline: A line-following robot has to be simulated, which considers sensor input to track a path.
  • Required Tools: ROS (Robot Operating System) and Python.
  1. Augmented Reality (AR)
  • Project: AR-Based Measurement Tool
  • Outline: Through a smartphone camera, enable users to assess actual-world objects. For that, an AR-based application should be developed.
  • Required Tools: ARToolkit, OpenCV, and Python.
  1. Digital Image Processing
  • Project: Image Filters and Transformations
  • Outline: Different image filters and conversions have to be applied. It could include edge identification, sharpening, and blurring.
  • Required Tools: OpenCV and Python.
  1. Signal Processing
  • Project: Audio Signal Noise Reduction
  • Outline: For audio signals, a simple noise minimization algorithm has to be employed.
  • Required Tools: NumPy, SciPy, and Python.
  1. Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
  • Project: Voice-Controlled Home Automation System
  • Outline: Enable users to regulate devices at home by creating an efficient voice-controlled framework.
  • Required Tools: Pyttsx3, SpeechRecognition, and Python.
  1. Bioinformatics
  • Project: DNA Sequence Alignment
  • Outline: To order DNA sequences with the aid of algorithms such as Smith-Waterman or Needleman-Wunsch, we apply a robust tool.
  • Required Tools: Biopython and Python.
  1. Quantum Computing
  • Project: Simulation of Quantum Gates
  • Outline: For simple quantum circuits and quantum gates (for instance: Hadamard, Pauli-X), a simulator must be developed.
  • Required Tools: Qiskit and Python.

Relevant to different domains such as machine learning, natural language processing, artificial intelligence, and others, we suggested a few fascinating projects, along with topics, concise outlines, and major tools.

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