To simulate an IPv4 protocols using OMNeT++, which encompasses modeling the Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) and its connected aspects, like routing, packet forwarding, fragmentation, reassembly, and more. OMNeT++ together with the INET framework is ideal for replicating an IPv4 networks as it offers complete models for IPv4, TCP/UDP, routing, and other Internet protocols. We will walk you through the simulation method on how to simulate IPv4 protocol projects using OMNeT++ and INET:
Steps to Simulate IPV4 Protocols projects in OMNeT++
- Install OMNeT++ and INET Framework
- Download and Install OMNeT++: We download the latest version of OMNeT++ from the official OMNeT++ website. We follow the installation guidelines for operating system (Windows, Linux, macOS).
- Install the INET Framework: The INET framework delivers models for networking protocols that containing IPv4. We can install INET by cloning its repository:
git clone
- Open OMNeT++ IDE, go to File > Import… > Existing Projects into Workspace and import the INET project.
- Build the project by right-clicking on the INET project and choosing Build Project.
- Understand IPv4 Protocol
IPv4 is the most broadly utilized protocol for communication over the Internet. It manages the packet addressing, routing, and delivery. In a simulation environment, we can model the following IPv4 aspects:
- Packet forwarding: According to the destination IP address.
- Routing: Dynamic routing (e.g., OSPF, RIP) or static routing.
- Packet fragmentation and reassembly: For large packets, which require to be divided through several frames.
- Quality of Service (QoS): Variation of packet priority utilizing the Type of Service (ToS) field.
- Set up Network Topology in NED
We require to describe a network of IPv4 routers and hosts. A basic topology can include several routers and hosts are connected through wired or wireless links.
Example NED File (IPv4Network.ned):
package ipv4network;
import inet.node.inet.Router;
import inet.node.inet.StandardHost;
import inet.linklayer.ethernet.EthernetInterface;
import inet.networklayer.ipv4.Ipv4RoutingTable;
import inet.physicallayer.common.packetlevel.RadioMedium;
import inet.networklayer.contract.Ipv4;
network IPv4Network
radioMedium: RadioMedium {
router1: Router {
router2: Router {
host1: StandardHost {
host2: StandardHost {
connections allowunconnected:
host1.ethg++ <–> EthernetInterface <–> router1.ethg++;
router1.ethg++ <–> EthernetInterface <–> router2.ethg++;
router2.ethg++ <–> EthernetInterface <–> host2.ethg++;
- Router: Denotes a router, which forwards packets rely on IPv4 addresses.
- StandardHost: Signifies a host (computer, device) that transmits and receives IPv4 traffic.
- EthernetInterface: Denotes the network interface of each device.
- RadioMedium: Represents a wireless communication medium (for wireless simulations, if applicable).
- Connections: Devices are associated using wired Ethernet interfaces.
- Configure IPv4 and Routing in omnetpp.ini
The omnetpp.ini file is utilized to set up an IPv4 settings, routing protocols, and traffic flows for the simulation.
Example omnetpp.ini Configuration:
network = IPv4Network
sim-time-limit = 100s
# Configure IPv4 addresses for hosts and routers
*.router1.hasIpv4 = true
*.router1.ipv4.routingTable.typename = “Ipv4RoutingTable”
*.router1.interfaces[*].ipv4.address = “”
*.router1.interfaces[*].ipv4.netmask = “”
*.router2.hasIpv4 = true
*.router2.ipv4.routingTable.typename = “Ipv4RoutingTable”
*.router2.interfaces[*].ipv4.address = “”
*.router2.interfaces[*].ipv4.netmask = “”
*.host1.hasIpv4 = true
*.host1.ipv4.routingTable.typename = “Ipv4RoutingTable”
*.host1.interfaces[*].ipv4.address = “”
*.host1.interfaces[*].ipv4.netmask = “”
*.host2.hasIpv4 = true
*.host2.ipv4.routingTable.typename = “Ipv4RoutingTable”
*.host2.interfaces[*].ipv4.address = “”
*.host2.interfaces[*].ipv4.netmask = “”
# Static routing setup
*.router1.ipv4.routingTable.staticRoutes = xmldoc(“staticroutes.xml”)
*.router2.ipv4.routingTable.staticRoutes = xmldoc(“staticroutes.xml”)
# Application traffic
*.host1.numApps = 1
*[0].typename = “UdpBasicApp”
*[0].destAddresses = “”
*[0].destPort = 5000
*[0].messageLength = 1024B
*[0].sendInterval = exponential(1s)
*.host2.numApps = 1
*[0].typename = “UdpSink”
*[0].localPort = 5000
- IPv4 Addressing: Each device within the network has its own IPv4 address and subnet mask.
- Routing Table: Routers utilize an Ipv4RoutingTable to forward packets according to the destination IP addresses.
- Static Routing: Static routes are loaded from an external XML file (e.g., staticroutes.xml).
- UDP Application: Host1 transmits UDP traffic to Host2 using the IPv4 protocol, and Host2 performs as a receiver (UDP sink).
- Define Routing in the staticroutes.xml File
The routing table expresses the routers how to forward packets depends on the destination IP address.
Example staticroutes.xml Configuration:
- Destination: Identifies the destination subnet.
- Netmask: Describes the subnet mask.
- Gateway: Identifies the next-hop IP address for attaining the destination.
- Interface: The outgoing interface used to forward the packet.
- Implement Dynamic Routing Protocols (Optional)
If we require to mimic dynamic routing protocols such as OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) or RIP (Routing Information Protocol) then we can set up the INET models for these protocols.
OSPF Configuration Example:
*.router1.ospfRouter.routerId = “”
*.router1.ospfRouter.areas = “0”
*.router1.ospfRouter.area[0].interfaceName = “eth0”
*.router1.ospfRouter.area[0].helloInterval = 10s
*.router2.ospfRouter.routerId = “”
*.router2.ospfRouter.areas = “0”
*.router2.ospfRouter.area[0].interfaceName = “eth0”
This configuration allows OSPF on the routers, and they will actively swap routing data to make an optimal routes rely on the network topology.
- Run the Simulation
- Build the Project:
- Right-click on the project in OMNeT++ and select Build Project.
- Run the Simulation:
- Right-click on omnetpp.ini and select Run As > OMNeT++ Simulation.
- The Qtenv GUI will begin, and we can be monitored the network topology, packet exchanges, and routing behaviour in real-time.
- Monitoring and Visualization:
- Utilize OMNeT++’s built-in visualizer to observe how packets are routed over the network.
- Check the routing tables of routers to make certain that appropriate forwarding behavior.
- Observe application layer traffic and its influence on network performance.
- Analyse the Results
- Routing Table Examination:
- Verify the routing tables of each router to make certain that the routes have been appropriately configure (for both static and dynamic routing).
- Packet Forwarding:
- Monitor how packets are forwarded via the network and check that they attain the correct destination.
- Performance Metrics:
- Examine parameters such as throughput, delay, packet loss, and routing convergence time (if using dynamic routing).
- OMNeT++ offers detailed logs and scalar or vector files, which permit to calculate the performance over time.
- Extend the Simulation
- Multiple Subnets: Expand the network with several subnets, routers, and hosts to mimic a larger and more complex IPv4 network.
- Fragmentation and Reassembly: Replicate IPv4 packet fragmentation by setting up MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) sizes on the network interfaces and monitor how IPv4 fragments and reassembles packets.
- IPv6 Compatibility: Insert support for IPv6 together with IPv4 (dual-stack simulation) and monitor how the two protocols coexist in a shared environment.
- Traffic Engineering: Utilize QoS aspects of IPv4 (Type of Service field) to prioritize specific types of traffic (e.g., VoIP or video streams) and then estimate its effect on network performance.
We taught you on how to execute and simulate the IPV4 Protocols projects with the help of given method in the OMNeT++ simulation environment. We will propose more details on this concept through the appropriate simulation tools. Our experts guarantee top-notch customized services tailored to your specific requirements. At, we will be your reliable partner for simulating IPv4 Protocols Projects using the OMNeT++ tool. Our expertise encompasses IPv4, TCP/UDP, routing, and various other Internet protocols.