How to Simulate Packet Flooding Attack Projects Using OMNeT++

To simulate a packet flooding attack in OMNeT++ includes to generate a network in which an attacker transmit an overwhelming amount of packets to a target, trying to deplete its resources, like bandwidth or CPU capacity. This kind of attack can be part of a Denial of Service (DoS) attack or a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack if multiple attackers are intricate.

Here’s how you can simulate a packet flooding attack project using OMNeT++ and the INET framework.

Steps to Simulate Packet Flooding Attack Projects in OMNeT++

  1. Set up OMNeT++ and INET Framework
  • Install OMNeT++: Download and install OMNeT++.
  • Install INET Framework: The INET framework deliver necessary network protocol models such as TCP/IP, UDP, and ICMP that are necessary for simulating network communication and attacks. We can download it from the INET GitHub page or install it using OMNeT++’s package manager.
  1. Understand Packet Flooding Attack

A packet flooding attack has needed to include the attacker transmit a massive volume of packets to the target server or node, overwhelming its ability to process incoming traffic. Flooding attacks can utilize numerous protocols like ICMP (ping flood), TCP SYN flood, or UDP flood. These attacks aim to create the target unresponsive to legitimate requests.

  1. Define the Network Topology (NED File)

We need to describe a network topology that contain a legitimate server or target, clients (if needed), and the attacker that will act as the flooding attack.

Example NED File for Packet Flooding Attack Simulation:

network PacketFloodingAttackNetwork



client: StandardHost {



attacker: StandardHost {



router: Router {



server: StandardHost {




client.pppg++ <–> PointToPointLink <–> router.pppg++;

attacker.pppg++ <–> PointToPointLink <–> router.pppg++;

server.pppg++ <–> PointToPointLink <–> router.pppg++;


In this topology:

  • client is a legitimate user sending traffic to the server.
  • attacker is the node that will begins the flooding attack against the server.
  • router associates the different nodes in the network.
  1. Configure Legitimate Traffic between Client and Server

To replicate normal traffic, we need to set up the client to transmit regular TCP or UDP traffic to the server. This supports you see how the flooding attack affects legitimate communication.

Example Configuration for Client in omnetpp.ini:

network = PacketFloodingAttackNetwork

sim-time-limit = 100s

# Legitimate traffic from client to server (HTTP-like traffic)

*.client.numTcpApps = 1

*.client.tcpApp[0].typename = “TcpBasicClientApp”

*.client.tcpApp[0].connectAddress = “server”

*.client.tcpApp[0].connectPort = 80

*.client.tcpApp[0].sendBytes = 500000  # Send 500KB of data

# Configure the server to respond to legitimate traffic

*.server.numTcpApps = 1

*.server.tcpApp[0].typename = “TcpBasicServerApp”

*.server.tcpApp[0].localPort = 80

In this configuration:

  • client transmit 500 KB of TCP traffic to the server over port 80 (simulating HTTP-like traffic).
  • server responds to the client’s traffic as a legitimate server.
  1. Implement Packet Flooding Attack

The attacker will flood the target server with a high volume of packets that can be TCP, UDP, or ICMP. For simplicity, we can execute a UDP flood, in which the attacker continuously transmits UDP packets to the server at high frequency.

Example C++ Code for Packet Flooding Attacker (UDP Flood):

class PacketFloodAttacker : public cSimpleModule



simtime_t floodInterval;  // Interval between packets (to control flood rate)

cMessage *floodTimer;     // Timer to schedule the next packet


virtual void initialize() override;

virtual void handleMessage(cMessage *msg) override;

void sendFloodPacket();


void PacketFloodAttacker::initialize()


floodInterval = par(“floodInterval”);  // Get the interval from .ini file

floodTimer = new cMessage(“floodTimer”);

scheduleAt(simTime(), floodTimer);  // Start the attack immediately


void PacketFloodAttacker::handleMessage(cMessage *msg)


if (msg == floodTimer) {


scheduleAt(simTime() + floodInterval, floodTimer);  // Schedule the next packet



void PacketFloodAttacker::sendFloodPacket()


cPacket *floodPacket = new cPacket(“FloodPacket”);

// Set packet size and other parameters

floodPacket->setByteLength(512);  // Example size of the packet (512 bytes)

EV << “Sending flood packet to the server” << endl;

send(floodPacket, “out”);  // Send the packet to the server


In this code:

  • floodInterval determines the time among consecutive flood packets.
  • floodTimer schedules the continuous sending of UDP packets.
  • sendFloodPacket() transmit a UDP packet to the server to replicate the flooding.
  1. Configure Packet Flooding Attack in omnetpp.ini

To regulate the rate of flooding and set up the attacker, we adjust the .ini file to specify how usual packets are sent.

Example Configuration for Packet Flooding Attack in omnetpp.ini:

network = PacketFloodingAttackNetwork

sim-time-limit = 100s

# Configure attacker to send flood packets to the server

*.attacker.numApps = 1

*[0].typename = “PacketFloodAttacker”

*[0].floodInterval = 0.01s  # Send flood packets every 0.01 seconds

# Configure legitimate client-server communication

*.client.numTcpApps = 1

*.client.tcpApp[0].typename = “TcpBasicClientApp”

*.client.tcpApp[0].connectAddress = “server”

*.client.tcpApp[0].connectPort = 80

*.client.tcpApp[0].sendBytes = 500000  # Legitimate traffic from client to server

# Server setup to handle legitimate traffic

*.server.numTcpApps = 1

*.server.tcpApp[0].typename = “TcpBasicServerApp”

*.server.tcpApp[0].localPort = 80

In this setup:

  • attacker sends UDP flood packets to the server every 0.01 seconds, replicates a flooding attack.
  • client transmit legitimate traffic to the server, simulating normal user behavior.
  1. Run the Simulation

Once you have configured the network and configured the legitimate traffic and flooding attack, we need to execute the simulation using OMNeT++.

  • Qtenv or Tkenv: Utilize OMNeT++’s graphical interface to track on how the flooding attack affects the server and the legitimate traffic.
  • Performance Metrics: Evaluate the number of dropped packets, server delays, or how the server’s performance reduces in the load of the attack.
  1. Analyse the Results

After executing the simulation, measure the following metrics:

  • Server Overload: Validate how the server’s response time reduces as it gets overwhelmed with the flood of packets.
  • Packet Loss: Assess how many legitimate packets from the client are dropped because of the attack.
  • Traffic Volume: Measure the volume of packets transmits by the attacker and how the network resources are consumed.
  1. Extend the Simulation

Here are a few ways to expand the simulation of a packet flooding attack:

  1. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS): mimic multiple attackers (or a botnet) simultaneously flooding the server.
  2. Defense Mechanisms: Execute countermeasures such as rate-limiting, intrusion detection systems (IDS), or firewalls to prevent the attack.
  3. ICMP or TCP Flooding: Adjust the attack to transmit TCP SYN packets (SYN flood) or ICMP Echo Requests (ping flood) rather than UDP packets.
  4. Performance Comparison: Relate the effect of different kinds of flooding attacks (UDP, TCP, ICMP) on the server.

Example Project Structure:


├── src/

│   └── PacketFloodingAttackNetwork.ned    # Network topology for packet flooding attack

│   └──             # Flooding attacker implementation

├── omnetpp.ini                            # Simulation configuration

└── Makefile                               # Build file for compiling the project

Through this page, we gather the unique information about how to simulate and analyse the outcomes for packet flooding attack in OMNeT++ tool and we plan to provide more information regarding packet flooding attack performance in other simulation tools.

Our specialists focus on Denial of Service (DoS) attacks and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, enabling us to provide project topics that are specifically designed to meet your requirements. Trust to oversee your Packet Flooding Attack Projects utilizing the OMNeT++ tool simulation, as we assure prompt delivery and superior outcomes.

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