How to Simulate Routing Information Protocol Using OMNeT++

To simulate a Routing Information Protocol (RIP) project using OMNeT++ and the INET framework, we will replicate a distance-vector routing protocol in which the routers periodically interchange their routing tables with neighbours. RIP performs by estimating the shortest path according to hop count, and its model for smaller, less complex networks.

Here’s how you can simulate a RIP routing project in OMNeT++:

Steps to Simulate Routing Information Protocol Projects in OMNeT++

  1. Install OMNeT++ and INET Framework
  • Download and install OMNeT++.
  • Clone or download the INET framework from INET GitHub repository.
  • The INET framework that contain to support for numerous routing protocols, that involves RIP that simplifies work.
  1. Verify RIP Support in INET
  • The INET framework that contain RIP as one of its routing protocols. We don’t need to execute it from scratch.
  • Make sure that the INET framework is installed appropriately, and RIP is available.
  1. Set up Network Topology in NED
  • We need to describe a network topology in which the routers utilize RIP to estimate the routes. We need to replicate a basic network of routers and hosts to illustrates RIP routing.

Example NED file for a simple network topology with routers and hosts:

network RIPNetwork {


router[3]: Router {

@display(“p=” + (100 + index * 100) + “,200”);


host[2]: StandardHost {

@display(“p=” + (50 + index * 200) + “,100”);


connections allowunconnected:

host[0].ethg++ <–> Eth100M <–> router[0].ethg++;

router[0].ethg++ <–> Eth100M <–> router[1].ethg++;

router[1].ethg++ <–> Eth100M <–> router[2].ethg++;

host[1].ethg++ <–> Eth100M <–> router[2].ethg++;


  • This NED file generates a simple network with 3 routers and 2 hosts. RIP will be utilized by the routers to calculate routes among the hosts.
  1. Configure the Simulation in omnetpp.ini
  • In the omnetpp.ini file, configure the network’s parameters, which contain the routing protocol (RIP), simulation time, and the traffic generation among the hosts.

Example omnetpp.ini configuration:

network = RIPNetwork

sim-time-limit = 100s

# Enable RIP on routers

**.router[*].routingProtocol = “RIP”

**.router[*].hasRIP = true

# Application traffic settings

**.host[0].numApps = 1

**.host[0].app[0].typename = “UdpBasicApp”

**.host[0].app[0].destAddresses = “host[1]”

**.host[0].app[0].sendInterval = 1s

**.host[0].app[0].messageLength = 512B

**.host[1].numApps = 1

**.host[1].app[0].typename = “UdpSink”

# Configure RIP parameters

**.router[*].rip.updateInterval = 30s  # How often routers exchange RIP tables

**.router[*].rip.invalidInterval = 180s  # Time after which a route is considered invalid

**.router[*].rip.holdDownInterval = 180s  # Hold-down timer before a new route can be accepted

**.router[*].rip.flushInterval = 240s  # Time after which invalid routes are removed


  • Routing Protocol: Each router is configured to utilize RIP by way of the routing protocol (**.router[*].hasRIP = true).
  • Traffic Generation: A UDP application creates traffic from host [0] to host [1].
  • RIP Parameters: we can configure the intervals for route updates, invalidation, hold-down, and flushing.
  1. Configure Interfaces
  • Each router and host needs to have Ethernet interfaces for communication. We can configure the interfaces in the omnetpp.ini file for the simulation.

Example Ethernet configuration for routers:

# Ethernet interface configuration for routers

**.router[*].eth[*].mac.dataRate = 100Mbps

**.router[*].eth[*].mac.frameLength = 1500B

**.router[*].eth[*].ipv4.ip = “192.168.x.x”

**.router[*].eth[*].ipv4.netmask = “”

This make sure the routers and hosts have apprpriate IP addresses and can exchange data.

  1. Run the Simulation
  • Open OMNeT++ IDE and run your simulation.
  • As the simulation execute, RIP will periodically interchange routing tables among routers. We need to monitor how routes are calculated and updated according to the information received from neighboring routers.
  1. Analyse the Simulation
  • Utilize OMNeT++’s simulation tools to track the behaviour of RIP in the network. We can observe the routing table updates, route changes, and packet forwarding in real-time.
  • Key metrics to observe include:
    • Route Convergence: How quickly RIP converges on the optimal routes.
    • Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR): The percentage of packets successfully delivered among  the hosts.
    • End-to-End Delay: The time taken for packets to travel from source to destination.
    • Control Overhead: The number of RIP update packets interchanged in the course of the simulation.
  1. Extend or Customize the RIP Configuration (Optional)
  • We need to customize or prolong the RIP simulation by adapting the following:
    • Scalability: Replicate a larger network with more routers and hosts to monitor how RIP scales.
    • Different Topologies: Test with different network topologies (mesh, tree, star) to see how RIP act as in numerous layouts.
    • Link Failures: Establish link or node failures to validate on how RIP manages route invalidation and recovery.
    • Mobility: Mimic a mobile environment in which the nodes or routers move, and track on how RIP adjusts to topology changes (this might require integrating a mobility model).

Example Visualization of RIP Simulation:

During the simulation, we need to envision packet forwarding and routing table updates in real-time. We will see how RIP exchanges routing information and how routes are updated dynamically according to network conditions.

Additional Notes:

  • RIP Version: We can replicate whether RIPv1 (classful routing) or RIPv2 (classless routing with support for subnet masks). INET by default supports RIPv2 that is more flexible.
  • Metric Limitations: RIP utilizes hop count as its only parameter, and the maximum number of hops is 15. Any destination beyond 15 hops is measured unreachable.

We had explicit the information about the simulation process with examples regarding the Routing Information Protocol that was executed using the tool of OMNeT++ and also we provide the additional notes for this process. We plan to elaborate on the Routing Information Protocol procedure in other simulation scenarios.

Please contact with your project requirements, including the foundational and reference papers, and we will provide you with comprehensive results. Seek assistance on the distance-vector routing protocol for your projects. Allow to manage the simulation of your Routing Information Protocol projects, and we assure you that you will receive your simulation results promptly and with exceptional quality. Project performance evaluations are conducted by us, customized to meet your specific project needs.

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