How to Simulate 5G Network Projects Using MATLAB

To simulate the 5G network projects within MATLAB that has needs to designing the advanced technologies like millimeter-wave (mmWave) communication, massive MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output), beamforming, OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing), and more. MATLAB’s 5G Toolbox delivers the extensive functionality for replicating the 5G New Radio (NR) systems that allowing the analysis and experimenting of the 5G modules. The below process will help you simulate the 5G network projects in MATLAB:

Steps to Simulate 5G network projects in MATLAB

  1. Set Up 5G NR System Parameters

Describe crucial metrics for the 5G NR system like carrier frequency, bandwidth, subcarrier spacing, and the amount of resource blocks (NRBs).

Example: Define simple metrics for a 5G NR system.

% 5G NR System Parameters

carrierFrequency = 28e9;  % Carrier frequency in Hz (28 GHz for mmWave)

bandwidth = 100e6;        % Bandwidth in Hz (100 MHz)

subcarrierSpacing = 30e3;  % Subcarrier spacing in Hz (30 kHz)

nrb = 273;  % Number of resource blocks (maximum for 100 MHz bandwidth)

% Display system parameters

disp(‘5G NR System Parameters:’);

disp([‘Carrier Frequency: ‘, num2str(carrierFrequency / 1e9), ‘ GHz’]);

disp([‘Bandwidth: ‘, num2str(bandwidth / 1e6), ‘ MHz’]);

disp([‘Subcarrier Spacing: ‘, num2str(subcarrierSpacing / 1e3), ‘ kHz’]);

disp([‘Number of Resource Blocks (NRBs): ‘, num2str(nrb)]);

  1. Generate 5G NR Waveform

In 5G, Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing is utilized for the physical layer waveform. We can be used the MATLAB’s 5G Toolbox to make a 5G NR downlink waveform.

Example: Generate a 5G NR OFDM waveform.

% OFDM configuration

ofdmInfo = nrOFDMInfo(‘NSizeGrid’, nrb, ‘SubcarrierSpacing’, subcarrierSpacing);


% Generate random symbols for the resource grid

numSymbols = ofdmInfo.NSubcarriers * ofdmInfo.SymbolsPerSlot;

resourceGrid = (randi([0 1], numSymbols, 1) * 2 – 1) + 1i*(randi([0 1], numSymbols, 1) * 2 – 1);

% Generate the OFDM waveform

waveform = nrOFDMModulate(‘NSizeGrid’, nrb, ‘SubcarrierSpacing’, subcarrierSpacing, ‘Grid’, resourceGrid);

% Plot waveform



title(‘5G NR OFDM Waveform’);

xlabel(‘Sample Index’);


  1. Model 5G NR Channel

The 5G channel contains impairments such as path loss, fading, and Doppler shift. We can be replicated diverse channel models lilke urban, rural, and high-speed mobility environments.

Example: Replicate a 5G channel with Rayleigh fading and Doppler shift.

% 5G NR Channel Parameters

delayProfile = ‘TDL-C’;  % Tapped Delay Line (TDL) channel model

dopplerShift = 300;      % Doppler shift for high mobility (in Hz)

% Create a 5G TDL channel model

nrChannel = nrTDLChannel(‘DelayProfile’, delayProfile, ‘DopplerShift’, dopplerShift, …

‘CarrierFrequency’, carrierFrequency, ‘SampleRate’, ofdmInfo.SampleRate);

% Pass the waveform through the channel

fadedWaveform = nrChannel(waveform);

% Add AWGN to the faded waveform

snr = 20;  % Signal-to-noise ratio in dB

receivedWaveform = awgn(fadedWaveform, snr, ‘measured’);

% Display the received waveform



title(‘5G NR Received Waveform (with Fading and Noise)’);

xlabel(‘Sample Index’);


  1. Simulate Massive MIMO and Beamforming

Massive MIMO is a primary technology within 5G to maximize the capacity and coverage. We can replicate the beamforming methods in which several antennas are utilized that to concentrate the signals toward certain users.

Example: Simulate beamforming for massive MIMO.

% MIMO parameters

numTxAntennas = 64;  % Number of transmit antennas

numRxAntennas = 4;   % Number of receive antennas

% Create a 5G MIMO channel model

mimoChannel = comm.MIMOChannel(‘NumTransmitAntennas’, numTxAntennas, ‘NumReceiveAntennas’, numRxAntennas, …

‘PathGainsOutputPort’, true);

% Transmit the OFDM waveform using beamforming

[receivedSignal, pathGains] = mimoChannel(waveform);

% Plot the received signal at one of the antennas



title(‘5G MIMO Received Signal’);

xlabel(‘Sample Index’);


  1. Measure Key 5G Performance Metrics

The key Performance parameters in 5G network simulations like throughput, latency, Bit Error Rate (BER), and Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR). We can compute these parameters according to the received waveform.

Example: Compute Bit Error Rate (BER) after the channel.

% Demodulate the received waveform

demodulatedData = nrOFDMDemodulate(‘NSizeGrid’, nrb, ‘SubcarrierSpacing’, subcarrierSpacing, ‘Waveform’, receivedWaveform);

% Compare transmitted and received data to calculate BER

numErrors = sum(real(resourceGrid) ~= real(demodulatedData));

ber = numErrors / numSymbols;

disp([‘Bit Error Rate (BER): ‘, num2str(ber)]);

  1. Simulate mmWave Communication

Millimeter-wave (mmWave) communication functions at too high frequencies such as 28 GHz, 60 GHz and is a main portion of 5G. We can design the mmWave channels, which suffer from high path loss however offer high capacity.

Example: Simulate mmWave channel characteristics.

% mmWave channel model (28 GHz)

mmWaveChannel = nrTDLChannel(‘DelayProfile’, ‘TDL-D’, ‘DopplerShift’, 200, …

‘CarrierFrequency’, 28e9, ‘SampleRate’, ofdmInfo.SampleRate);

% Pass the waveform through the mmWave channel

fadedMmWaveSignal = mmWaveChannel(waveform);

% Add AWGN to the mmWave signal

snrMmWave = 10;  % SNR for mmWave in dB

receivedMmWaveSignal = awgn(fadedMmWaveSignal, snrMmWave, ‘measured’);

% Display the received mmWave signal



title(‘5G mmWave Received Waveform’);

xlabel(‘Sample Index’);


  1. Advanced 5G Network Simulations

For more innovative 5G projects, we can discover:

  • Network Slicing: Replicate distinct slices of the 5G network for different use cases like eMBB, URLLC, mMTC.
  • Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA): Execute the NOMA schemes for spectral effectiveness.
  • 5G NR Standalone and Non-Standalone Modes: Design both 5G NR standalone and non-standalone operation along with LTE.
  • 5G Core Network Simulation: Replicate the fundamental network functionalities such as user mobility, handover, and resource allocation.

These projects focused on how to simulate the 5G Network projects using MATLAB’s 5G toolbox and how to calculate the key performance of 5G network using the above given process in MATLAB. If you have more advanced simulation concepts regarding this topic, we will be sent.

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