To simulate the Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing (GPSR) protocol using MATLAB necessitates executing a geographic-based routing algorithm in which nodes send packets depends on its locations. GPSR works in two modes they are greedy forwarding, where packets are sent to the nearby node to the destination, and perimeter mode that is utilized once greedy sending fails by reason of local minima. Follow the provided steps of GPSR projects that can be simulated using MATLAB:
Steps to Simulate GPSR Protocol in MATLAB
- Define the Network Topology:
- Make a wireless network in which nodes are shared arbitrarily in a provided area. The node positions denote the geographic coordinates that are utilized within GPSR creating routing decisions.
% Number of nodes in the network
num_nodes = 20;
% Define the size of the simulation area (e.g., 100×100 units)
area_size = 100;
% Randomly generate positions for the nodes
nodes = area_size * rand(num_nodes, 2); % Random (x, y) coordinates
% Define the communication range (maximum distance between nodes for a link)
comm_range = 30;
% Plot the network topology
scatter(nodes(:, 1), nodes(:, 2), ‘filled’);
xlabel(‘X coordinate’);
ylabel(‘Y coordinate’);
title(‘Network Topology for GPSR Simulation’);
grid on;
hold on;
- Create Adjacency Matrix for Neighboring Nodes:
- Find out which nodes are in communication range of each other that will create the links within the network.
% Calculate the pairwise distances between all nodes
distances = pdist2(nodes, nodes);
% Create an adjacency matrix where 1 indicates a link between nodes
adjacency_matrix = distances <= comm_range & distances > 0;
% Plot the links between neighboring nodes
for i = 1:num_nodes
for j = i+1:num_nodes
if adjacency_matrix(i, j)
plot([nodes(i, 1), nodes(j, 1)], [nodes(i, 2), nodes(j, 2)], ‘k–‘);
- Implement GPSR Greedy Forwarding Mode:
- In greedy forwarding, packets are sent to the neighbor, which is geographically near to the destination. If there are no neighbors nearby to the destination then the protocol changes to perimeter mode.
Example of Greedy Forwarding:
% Define the source and destination nodes
source_node = 1;
destination_node = num_nodes;
% Get the position of the destination node
destination_pos = nodes(destination_node, :);
% Initialize current node as the source node
current_node = source_node;
% Start packet forwarding
fprintf(‘Starting GPSR from Node %d to Node %d\n’, source_node, destination_node);
while current_node ~= destination_node
% Get the current node’s position
current_pos = nodes(current_node, :);
% Find all neighbors of the current node
neighbors = find(adjacency_matrix(current_node, :));
% If no neighbors, switch to perimeter mode (later step)
if isempty(neighbors)
fprintf(‘No neighbors for Node %d. Switching to perimeter mode.\n’, current_node);
% Compute the distances from neighbors to the destination
distances_to_dest = vecnorm(nodes(neighbors, 🙂 – destination_pos, 2, 2);
% Find the closest neighbor to the destination
[min_dist, idx] = min(distances_to_dest);
next_node = neighbors(idx);
% Check if the closest neighbor is closer to the destination
if min_dist < norm(current_pos – destination_pos)
fprintf(‘Forwarding packet from Node %d to Node %d (Greedy Mode)\n’, current_node, next_node);
current_node = next_node;
fprintf(‘No closer neighbor found for Node %d. Switching to perimeter mode.\n’, current_node);
- Implement GPSR Perimeter Mode (Optional):
- Once greedy forwarding be unsuccessful that is no neighbors are closer to the destination then the protocol changes to perimeter mode. In perimeter mode, packets are sent utilizing a right-hand rule to pass through the network until greedy sending can restart.
The right-hand rule can be executed by finding the relative positions of the nodes and then sending the packet along the edges of the network or the boundary.
% Function to implement perimeter mode using the right-hand rule
function next_hop = perimeter_mode(current_node, adjacency_matrix, nodes)
% In perimeter mode, follow the right-hand rule
% (Find the neighbor that forms the rightmost turn)
neighbors = find(adjacency_matrix(current_node, :));Â % Get neighbors
if isempty(neighbors)
next_hop = -1;Â % No neighbors in perimeter mode
% Placeholder for the perimeter forwarding (you can implement based on geometry)
next_hop = neighbors(1);Â % In this example, just select the first neighbor
fprintf(‘Perimeter mode: Forwarding to Node %d\n’, next_hop);
% Example usage after greedy mode fails
if current_node ~= destination_node
next_node = perimeter_mode(current_node, adjacency_matrix, nodes);
if next_node ~= -1
current_node = next_node;
fprintf(‘No more nodes in perimeter mode. Packet delivery failed.\n’);
- Packet Forwarding Process:
- Aggregate both greedy forwarding and perimeter mode making the complete GPSR protocol. Packets are send utilizing the greedy mode until local minima are met, after which perimeter mode takes over.
% Start with greedy forwarding
current_node = source_node;
while current_node ~= destination_node
% Try greedy forwarding first
neighbors = find(adjacency_matrix(current_node, :));
if isempty(neighbors)
fprintf(‘No neighbors for Node %d. Switching to perimeter mode.\n’, current_node);
current_node = perimeter_mode(current_node, adjacency_matrix, nodes);
% Greedy forwarding logic
distances_to_dest = vecnorm(nodes(neighbors, 🙂 – destination_pos, 2, 2);
[min_dist, idx] = min(distances_to_dest);
next_node = neighbors(idx);
if min_dist < norm(nodes(current_node, 🙂 – destination_pos)
fprintf(‘Greedy Mode: Forwarding packet from Node %d to Node %d\n’, current_node, next_node);
current_node = next_node;
fprintf(‘Switching to perimeter mode from Node %d\n’, current_node);
current_node = perimeter_mode(current_node, adjacency_matrix, nodes);
% If no valid node in perimeter mode, terminate
if current_node == -1
fprintf(‘Packet delivery failed.\n’);
- Performance Metrics:
- Calculate the performance parameters like:
- Packet Delivery Ratio: Ratio of effectively delivered packets to total packets transmitted.
- End-to-End Delay: Duration for a packet to move from origin to destination.
- Routing Overhead: The amount of control messages or routing decisions created for the period of the simulation.
Example of calculating end-to-end delay:
% Example packet transmission speed (e.g., 1 unit per second)
transmission_speed = 1;
% Calculate the number of hops for packet transmission
num_hops = 5;Â % Example value (based on route)
end_to_end_delay = num_hops / transmission_speed;
fprintf(‘End-to-End Delay: %.2f seconds\n’, end_to_end_delay);
- Simulate Multiple Packet Flows (Optional):
- We can replicate several packet flows by arbitrarily choosing diverse source and destination pairs and implementing the GPSR protocol to each flow.
num_flows = 10;
for flow = 1:num_flows
% Randomly select source and destination nodes
source_node = randi(num_nodes);
destination_node = randi(num_nodes);
% Run the GPSR protocol for this flow
fprintf(‘Simulating GPSR from Node %d to Node %d\n’, source_node, destination_node);
% Repeat the GPSR logic (greedy and perimeter modes)
This manual guides via replicating the GPSR (Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing) protocol using MATLAB. GPSR is a geographic-based protocol in which packets are sent according to its position related to the destination. This contains greedy forwarding and perimeter mode for routing around the network voids or obstacles.
Key steps include:
- Describing the network topology.
- Executing greedy forwarding and perimeter mode.
- Sending packets and calculating performance.
We delivered a standard approach for simulating and executing the GPSR (Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing) protocol projects within MATLAB platform. If you want any information on this topic, we will send it too.
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