How to Simulate Ping Sweep Attack Projects Using MATLAB

To simulate ping sweep attack in MATLAB, it is a network investigation approach in which an attacker transmits ICMP echo requests (pings) to a range of IP addresses to regulate that hosts are active. It is also known as an ICMP sweep. This is usually utilized to detect potential targets for additional attacks.

To mimic a ping sweep attack in MATLAB, we can:

  1. Describe a network of IP addresses.
  2. Transmit an ICMP echo requests to each IP.
  3. Receive echo replies for active hosts.
  4. Log active hosts and envision the network status.

Steps to Simulate a Ping Sweep Attack in MATLAB

  1. Define Network Parameters and IP Addresses
  2. Simulate Ping Requests to Each IP Address
  3. Identify Active Hosts Based on Replies
  4. Visualize Network Activity
  1. Define Network Parameters and IP Addresses

Describe the IP range and set metrics for replicating ping reply. Active hosts will reply to pings, though inactive hosts will not.

% Simulation Parameters

numIPs = 20;                  % Number of IPs to scan

activeIPsProb = 0.5;          % Probability that an IP is active

pingSuccessProb = 0.9;        % Probability of a successful ping reply for active hosts

% Generate a list of IP addresses (simulated)

ipRange = “192.168.1.” + (1:numIPs);

activeHosts = rand(1, numIPs) < activeIPsProb;  % Randomly set active/inactive status

  1. Simulate Ping Requests to Each IP Address

Loop via each IP address, replicating an ICMP echo request (ping). If the IP is active, there’s a high possibility it will response.

% Initialize ping response storage

pingResults = false(1, numIPs);  % Stores true if ping reply received, false otherwise

% Simulate ping sweep

disp(‘Starting ping sweep…’);

for i = 1:numIPs

fprintf(‘Pinging %s… ‘, ipRange(i));

if activeHosts(i) && rand < pingSuccessProb

% Active host successfully replies

pingResults(i) = true;

fprintf(‘Host is active.\n’);


% No reply received

pingResults(i) = false;

fprintf(‘No reply.\n’);



disp(‘Ping sweep completed.’);

  1. Identify Active Hosts Based on Replies

Show the tilt of active IP addresses according to successful ping replies.

% Display active hosts based on ping results

activeIPs = ipRange(pingResults);

disp(‘Active IP addresses:’);


  1. Visualize Network Activity

Plot a basic envision of the ping sweep outcomes, marking active and inactive hosts.

% Visualization of ping sweep results


hold on;

bar(1:numIPs, pingResults, ‘FaceColor’, ‘b’); % Blue bars for active hosts

title(‘Ping Sweep Results’);

xlabel(‘IP Address Index’);

ylabel(‘Ping Response’);




grid on;

% Mark active hosts

for i = 1:numIPs

if pingResults(i)

text(i, 1.05, ‘Active’, ‘HorizontalAlignment’, ‘center’, ‘Color’, ‘g’);


text(i, 0.5, ‘Inactive’, ‘HorizontalAlignment’, ‘center’, ‘Color’, ‘r’);



hold off;

Explanation of Key Components

  • IP Range and Active Hosts: The IP range is defined, and each IP is arbitrarily allocated by way of active or inactive.
  • Ping Requests and Replies: Each IP receives a replicated ping request. Active hosts react with a specific probability, since inactive hosts do not react.
  • Visualization: A bar plot demonstrate the ping sweep outcomes, marking each IP by way of active or inactive.

Possible Extensions

  1. Firewall Simulation: Incorporate a firewall rule which bottlenecks pings to specific IPs, replicating the impact of firewalls on ping sweeps.
  2. Stealth Mode: Enhance timing intervals among pings to mimic a furtive scan which prevent detection by intrusion detection systems (IDS).
  3. Network Size Variation: Upsurge the amount of IP addresses to mimic a larger network.
  4. Multiple Subnet Scanning: Expand the simulation to scan through multiple subnets to classify active hosts over a larger network.

In this setup, we clearly learned and gain knowledge on how the Ping Sweep Attack project will perform in the network simulation environment using the tool of MATLAB and also we deliver the sample snippets to complete the process. More details regarding this process will also be shared. Our expert team is here to assist you in simulating Ping Sweep Attack projects using MATLAB. Stay connected with us for comprehensive explanations and timely delivery of outstanding results. Reach out to us as we delve into concepts such as identifying potential targets for further attacks in your project.

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