How to Simulate Next Hop Protocol Projects Using MATLAB

To simulate a Next Hop Routing Protocol in MATLAB has includes to construct a network in which each node sent packets to the next node (next hop) according to the information in its routing table. The next hop is usually selected according to the shortest path or other parameters such as hop count, link cost, or traffic load. The next hop routing protocols are usually utilized in both wired and wireless networks to control the path for packets from an origin to a destination.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to simulate a Next Hop Routing Protocol in MATLAB:

Steps to Simulate Next Hop Protocol in MATLAB

  1. Define the Network Topology:
  • Initially, describe the network topology with a set of nodes (routers) which are associated through communication links. The connections (links) among nodes can be demonstrated using an adjacency matrix or a graph.


% Number of nodes in the network

num_nodes = 10;

% Define the size of the simulation area (100×100 units)

area_size = 100;

% Randomly generate positions for the nodes

nodes = area_size * rand(num_nodes, 2);  % Random (x, y) coordinates for nodes

% Define communication range (threshold for a link between nodes)

comm_range = 30;

% Plot the network topology


scatter(nodes(:, 1), nodes(:, 2), ‘filled’);

xlabel(‘X coordinate’);

ylabel(‘Y coordinate’);

title(‘Network Topology with Nodes’);

grid on;

hold on;

  1. Create the Adjacency Matrix:
  • Estimate the pairwise distances among the nodes and introduce links amongst nodes that are in communication range.


% Calculate pairwise distances between nodes

distances = pdist2(nodes, nodes);

% Create adjacency matrix based on communication range

adjacency_matrix = distances <= comm_range & distances > 0;

% Plot the links between neighboring nodes

for i = 1:num_nodes

for j = i+1:num_nodes

if adjacency_matrix(i, j)

plot([nodes(i, 1), nodes(j, 1)], [nodes(i, 2), nodes(j, 2)], ‘k–‘);




  1. Routing Table Initialization:
  • Start a routing table for each node. The routing table kept the next hop for every destination node, controlled by the shortest path or other parameters like link cost.


% Initialize the routing table for each node

routing_table = cell(num_nodes, 1);

% Each node will store the next hop for every destination

for i = 1:num_nodes

routing_table{i} = zeros(num_nodes, 1);  % Store next hop for each destination


  1. Implement Shortest Path Algorithm:
  • Utilize Dijkstra’s algorithm (or other shortest path techniques) to regulate the next hop for each node according to the shortest path to the destination.

Example of Dijkstra’s Algorithm:

% Function to compute the shortest paths using Dijkstra’s algorithm

function next_hop = dijkstra(adjacency_matrix, num_nodes, source)

% Initialize distances from source to all other nodes as infinity

distances = inf(1, num_nodes);

distances(source) = 0;

% Initialize visited set

visited = false(1, num_nodes);

% Initialize next_hop table

next_hop = zeros(1, num_nodes);

for i = 1:num_nodes

% Find the unvisited node with the smallest distance

[~, u] = min(distances + visited * inf);

% Mark the node as visited

visited(u) = true;

% Update the distances for neighbors of the current node

neighbors = find(adjacency_matrix(u, :));

for v = neighbors

if ~visited(v)

alt = distances(u) + adjacency_matrix(u, v);

if alt < distances(v)

distances(v) = alt;

next_hop(v) = u;  % Set next hop to reach node v






% Compute the next hop for each node to reach every other node

for i = 1:num_nodes

routing_table{i} = dijkstra(adjacency_matrix, num_nodes, i);


  1. Simulate Packet Forwarding:
  • While the routing tables are settled with the next hops, replicate packet forwarding via the network. The packet is sent from one node to the next until it reaches the destination.


% Function to forward a packet from source to destination

function forward_packet(source, destination, routing_table)

current_node = source;

% Continue forwarding until the destination is reached

while current_node ~= destination

next_hop = routing_table{current_node}(destination);

fprintf(‘Packet forwarded from Node %d to Node %d\n’, current_node, next_hop);

% Move to the next hop

current_node = next_hop;

% Check if there is no valid next hop (i.e., routing failure)

if current_node == 0

fprintf(‘Routing failed. No path from Node %d to Node %d\n’, source, destination);




fprintf(‘Packet successfully delivered from Node %d to Node %d\n’, source, destination);


% Example of forwarding a packet from Node 1 to Node 10

forward_packet(1, 10, routing_table);

  1. Handle Dynamic Changes (Optional):
  • In real-world networks, links fail, or the topology vary. We can replicate link failures by erasure edges from the adjacency matrix and recomposing the routing tables.

Example of simulating a link failure:

% Simulate link failure between Node 1 and Node 2

adjacency_matrix(1, 2) = 0;

adjacency_matrix(2, 1) = 0;

% Recompute routing tables after link failure

for i = 1:num_nodes

routing_table{i} = dijkstra(adjacency_matrix, num_nodes, i);


% Attempt to forward the packet after the link failure

forward_packet(1, 10, routing_table);

  1. Performance Metrics:
  • Assess key parameters to measure the effectiveness of the next hop routing protocol. These parameters can contain:
    • Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR): The ratio of successfully delivered packets to the total amount of packets transmitted.
    • End-to-End Delay: The time taken for packets to reach the destination.
    • Hop Count: The amount of hops the packet takes from origin to destination.
    • Routing Overhead: The amount of control messages transmit to sustain the routing tables.

Example of estimating the end-to-end delay:

% Example of calculating the end-to-end delay based on hop count

hop_count = 4;  % Example value for the number of hops

transmission_delay = 0.002;  % Example transmission delay per hop (2 ms)

% Calculate the total end-to-end delay

total_delay = hop_count * transmission_delay;

fprintf(‘End-to-End Delay: %.4f seconds\n’, total_delay);

  1. Simulate Multiple Packet Flows (Optional):
  • Replicate multiple packet flows among different origin and destination pairs to track the characteristics of the protocol in diverse traffic conditions.


% Simulate multiple packet flows

num_flows = 10;

for flow = 1:num_flows

source_node = randi(num_nodes);

destination_node = randi(num_nodes);

fprintf(‘Flow %d: Forwarding packet from Node %d to Node %d\n’, flow, source_node, destination_node);

forward_packet(source_node, destination_node, routing_table);



This procedure offers a simple framework for replicating a Next Hop Routing Protocol in MATLAB. We can execute routing tables using Dijkstra’s techniques or any other shortest path approaches and replicate the sending of packets according to the next hop information.

Key steps that contain:

  1. Describing the network topology and adjacency matrix.
  2. Settling the routing tables with the next hops.
  3. Replicating packet forwarding and managing dynamic variation in the network.
  4. Evaluating key parameters such as packet delivery ratio, end-to-end delay, and hop count.

In conclusion, we have exhibited the valuable understandings for you to know and empathizes the approaches and its simulation about the Next Hop Routing Protocol in the simulation using MATLAB simulator usually helps you to transmit the information from a source to destination.

To receive the best simulation support for your Next Hop Protocol Projects using MATLAB, please send us all the details of your project via email. We have the capability to provide you with excellent assistance. We can handle parameters like hop count, link cost, and traffic load for you.

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