How To Simulate 3D Underwater WSN Projects Using OPNET

To Simulate the 3D Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSNS) in OPNET we  build a network for sensor nodes to share with different depths and horizontal planes to use a 3D underwater scenario. We use the UWSNs applications such as ecological tracking the underwater direction finding, and disaster mitigation. The given below is the approach to configure and Simulate a 3D underwater WSN project in OPNET:

  1. Define the 3D Underwater Network Topology:
  • To create a 3D network design through Underwater Sensor Nodes placed at the different deepness and distances to configure the network
  • To place the nodes on different depths to follow the criteria within the water columns like:
    • Seafloor sensors to track the base-level.
    • Midwater sensors to observing the water quality and aquatic life action.
    • Surface buoys or gateway nodes to communicate the information from underwater nodes to terrestrial networks.
  • To replicate the specific deep-level difficulties of underwater scenarios to set up the positions with variable pressure, light, and temperature
  1. Configure Underwater Communication Channels:
  • To configure the interaction to intermediate according to the features of underwater communication:
    • Acoustic Communication: The long-distance communication for a model with more latency and concise information rate.
    • Optical Communication: The data rates are high however it is appropriate to simply for small area in the pure water.
    • Radio Frequency (RF): The specific area is owing to more attenuation underwater mostly utilized the shallow water or short-range communications.
  • : State the physical features of every channels that includes such as:
    • Propagation Delay: The Acoustic signal transmit almost 1500 m/s in underwater ensuing the more delay than RF or optical interactions.
    • Signal Attenuation: To set up the reduction according to the deepness, distance and kind of the transmission such as acoustic or optical
    • Noise Sources:  It leads the ambient noise like a thermal noise or aquatic life to replicate the real-world surroundings.
  1. Implement 3D Mobility Models for Sensor Nodes (if required):
  • To configure the movable designs used for the nodes to predictable the recent movements to the oceans or underwater vehicles.
  • . Free-floating nodes is used for random 3D movement like buoyancy-controlled sensors they alter the depths.
  • Replicate to gathering the information laterally particular  routes for mobile nodes such as Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, AUVs to set up the predefined routes or waypoint-based on the actions.
  1. Define Traffic Models for Data Transmission:
  •  To describe the data movements that deliberates the underwater sensing utilized the Application Configuration and Profile configuration.
    • Periodic Sensing: To configure the regular data transmission for seamless to observing the ecological network such as temperature ,salinity.
    • Event-Driven Sensing: To set up the sensors to communicate the information of individual once an exact threshold is intersected, like noticing impurities or seismic performance.
    • Continuous Monitoring: To make sure the real-time information gathering of seamless data streams to set up the critical parameters like seismic monitoring.
  • Allocate these traffic patterns to every sensor node to consider the accurate underwater sensing applications.
  1. Select and Configure Underwater Routing Protocols:
  • Custom the particular routing protocols planned for UWSNs to address the difficulties such as more delay, dynamic topology, and sparse node circulation:
    • Depth-Based Routing (DBR): The 3D environments terms on the route’s the information according to the node depth which is perfect for a vertical data transmission.
    • Vector-Based Forwarding (VBF): Geographic routing that leads packets beside a vector in the direction of the surface sink.
    • Pressure Routing: utilized the pressure-based Parameters to control the routing path in depth-differentiated systems.
  • Allocate the routing protocol to every node according to their role and its position, that make sure the effective data routing the 3D underwater design.
  1. Implement Energy-Efficient Configurations:
  • To set up the sleep/wake cycles to keep the energy for sensor nodes, that is dangerous from the underwater remote distributions.
  • Utilizing the duty cycles in which sensors only initiate periodically or else after the essential to preserving the battery life.
  • Implement the adaptive transmission power control to alter the power level terms on the distance for the receiver and the minimizing redundant energy usage.
  1. Run the Simulation with Defined Parameters:
  • To configure the replication constraints such as duration, data collection intervals, and event logging to seizure the significant network actions.
  • Initiate the replication, detecting the how nodes to interconnect through lowest point and distances in what way the 3D locating affects data communication dependability and delay.
  1. Analyse Key Performance Metrics:
  • Utilized the OPNET’s evaluation tools to estimate the 3D UWSN with a concentrate of the performance metrics including:
    • End-to-End Delay: Analyse the latency among the data creation the sensor and response on the surface node for complex in high delay and underwater settings.
    • Throughput: Estimate the data rate to accomplished with the network, for a specific uninterrupted tracking application.
    • Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR): To observe the accomplishment rate of data packets its attainment the end point of particularly significant for nodes on different lowest point.
    • Energy Consumption: To track the power consumption for every node to evaluate the efficiency of energy consumption method.
    • Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR): To examine the signal quality in various surroundings situations to familiarized the influence of underwater noise on the data reliability.

Example 3D Underwater WSN Project Ideas

  1. Depth-Based Environmental Monitoring: To configure the 3D underwater sensor network for multi-level tracking the ecological situations and investigating the end-to-end latency, packet delivery, and energy efficiency through various lowest point.
  2. Event-Driven Sensing for Pollution Detection: To set up the UWSN in which the nodes communicate the data simply after impurity stages in the excess of a threshold and discerning the network receptiveness of energy utilization.
  3. Adaptive Routing for 3D Underwater Networks: Apply the depth -based and vector-based routing in a UWSN and examining on how every protocol serves the conditions that includes delay and packet delivery with various lowest point and distances.
  4. Energy Optimization in Multi-Level Underwater Networks: Implement the sleep/wake cycles and adaptive power control then validating the energy consumption and network duration in a 3D sensor layout.

Here we clarify the step-by-steps procedures to implement the simulations in this project 3D Underwater WSN projects using OPNET tool and we offer the elaborated explanations for  Implementing 3D Mobility Models for data transmission and select the underwater routing protocols and then visualize the parameters of this project and also deliver the tools to execute the simulation . If you need any necessities of this project, we will clarify another manual.

To Simulate 3D Underwater WSN Projects Using OPNET will give you best guidance with novel ideas and topics for all levels of scholars.

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