How to Simulate Physical Topology Projects Using MATLAB

To simulate a physical topology in MATLAB has includes to generate a network layout in which the physical connections among nodes are clearly defined. Physical topology defined as to the actual layout of cables, switches, routers, and other networking hardware. The typical physical topologies include star, bus, ring, mesh, and tree.

We effectively manage various physical topologies like star, bus, ring, mesh, and tree. If you need customized solutions to simulate physical topology projects using MATLAB, just provide us with your details. We will offer you excellent research support, innovative ideas, and topics. We will also assist you in achieving great project performance results.

Here’s how to replicate a simple physical topology in MATLAB, with instances for star, bus, and mesh layouts.

Steps to Simulate a Physical Topology

  1. Define the Physical Layout:
    • Generate nodes and describe their physical connections using an adjacency matrix.
    • Select the certain topology layout such as star, bus, or mesh and build connections consequently.
  2. Simulate Data Transmission:
    • Enable the nodes to begin data transmission to other nodes according to the topology.
    • Execute transmission latency according to the distances among nodes.
  3. Implement Routing and Transmission Delays:
    • Estimate transmission latency for each link according to distance and network speed.
    • Utilize routing logic if required, specifically for non-directly associated nodes in mesh and tree topologies.
  4. Visualize Network Layout and Transmission Activity:
    • Measure the parameters like successful transmissions, delays, and routing paths.
    • Utilize MATLAB plots to demonstrates the physical layout and data transfer accomplishments.

Example Code for Different Physical Topologies

  1. Star Topology

In a star topology, each node is associated to a central hub.

% Star Topology Parameters

numNodes = 6;                % Total number of nodes including the central hub

centralHub = 1;              % Define the central hub node

simulationTime = 20;         % Duration of the simulation in seconds

distanceToHub = 100;         % Distance from each node to the hub in meters

propagationSpeed = 2e8;      % Propagation speed in meters per second

transmissionProbability = 0.3; % Probability of a node initiating a transmission at each time step

% Define Star Topology Connection Matrix

connectionMatrix = zeros(numNodes);

for i = 2:numNodes

connectionMatrix(centralHub, i) = 1;

connectionMatrix(i, centralHub) = 1; % Symmetric connection


% Calculate Delay to Hub for Each Node

delayToHub = distanceToHub / propagationSpeed;

% Initialize Transmission Log

transmissions = zeros(numNodes, simulationTime);

% Simulate Data Transmission in Star Topology

for t = 1:simulationTime

for node = 2:numNodes

if rand() < transmissionProbability

% Transmission to central hub

transmissions(node, t) = 1; % Node initiates transmission

transmissions(centralHub, t + 1) = 1; % Hub receives data

disp([‘Time ‘ num2str(t) ‘s: Node ‘ num2str(node) ‘ sent data to Hub with delay ‘ num2str(delayToHub) ‘s’]);




% Visualize Star Topology Layout

nodePositions = [0, 0; cos(linspace(0, 2 * pi, numNodes-1))’ * distanceToHub, sin(linspace(0, 2 * pi, numNodes-1))’ * distanceToHub];


gplot(connectionMatrix, nodePositions, ‘-o’);

title(‘Star Topology’);

xlabel(‘X Position (m)’);

ylabel(‘Y Position (m)’);

  1. Bus Topology

In a bus topology, nodes are organized in a line, and each node can interact with its neighbors beside the bus.

% Bus Topology Parameters

numNodes = 5;                % Number of nodes in the bus

distanceBetweenNodes = 50;   % Distance between neighboring nodes

propagationSpeed = 2e8;      % Propagation speed in meters per second

transmissionProbability = 0.3; % Probability of a node initiating a transmission at each time step

% Define Bus Topology Connection Matrix

connectionMatrix = diag(ones(1, numNodes – 1), 1) + diag(ones(1, numNodes – 1), -1);

% Calculate Delay Between Adjacent Nodes

delayBetweenNodes = distanceBetweenNodes / propagationSpeed;

% Initialize Transmission Log

transmissions = zeros(numNodes, simulationTime);

% Simulate Data Transmission in Bus Topology

for t = 1:simulationTime

for node = 1:numNodes

if rand() < transmissionProbability

% Transmission to the next node

if node < numNodes

transmissions(node, t) = 1; % Node initiates transmission

transmissions(node + 1, t + 1) = 1; % Next node receives data

disp([‘Time ‘ num2str(t) ‘s: Node ‘ num2str(node) ‘ sent data to Node ‘ num2str(node + 1) ‘ with delay ‘ num2str(delayBetweenNodes) ‘s’]);





% Visualize Bus Topology Layout

nodePositions = [(0:numNodes-1)’ * distanceBetweenNodes, zeros(numNodes, 1)];


gplot(connectionMatrix, nodePositions, ‘-o’);

title(‘Bus Topology’);

xlabel(‘X Position (m)’);

ylabel(‘Y Position (m)’);

  1. Mesh Topology

In a mesh topology, each node can be associated to multiple other nodes, enabling multiple paths for data transmission.

% Mesh Topology Parameters

numNodes = 5;                % Number of nodes in the mesh

connectionProbability = 0.4; % Probability of connection between two nodes

distanceBetweenNodes = 100;  % Average distance between connected nodes

propagationSpeed = 2e8;      % Propagation speed in meters per second

transmissionProbability = 0.3; % Probability of a node initiating a transmission at each time step

% Define Random Connection Matrix for Mesh Topology

connectionMatrix = rand(numNodes) < connectionProbability;

connectionMatrix = triu(connectionMatrix, 1); % Upper triangular to avoid duplicate connections

connectionMatrix = connectionMatrix + connectionMatrix’; % Symmetric for bidirectional links

% Calculate Distance and Delay for Each Link

delayMatrix = (connectionMatrix * distanceBetweenNodes) / propagationSpeed;

% Initialize Transmission Log

transmissions = zeros(numNodes, simulationTime);

% Simulate Data Transmission in Mesh Topology

for t = 1:simulationTime

for node = 1:numNodes

if rand() < transmissionProbability

% Select a random neighbor to transmit to

neighbors = find(connectionMatrix(node, 🙂 == 1);

if ~isempty(neighbors)

targetNode = neighbors(randi(length(neighbors)));

transmissions(node, t) = 1;

transmissions(targetNode, t + 1) = 1;

disp([‘Time ‘ num2str(t) ‘s: Node ‘ num2str(node) ‘ sent data to Node ‘ num2str(targetNode) ‘ with delay ‘ num2str(delayMatrix(node, targetNode)) ‘s’]);





% Visualize Mesh Topology Layout

nodePositions = distanceBetweenNodes * rand(numNodes, 2);


gplot(connectionMatrix, nodePositions, ‘-o’);

title(‘Mesh Topology’);

xlabel(‘X Position (m)’);

ylabel(‘Y Position (m)’);

Explanation of the Code

  • Parameters:
    • Describe the amount of nodes, connection probability, distances among nodes, and other parameters particular to each topology.
    • Each topology has a distinctive connectionMatrix which denotes the connectivity pattern between nodes.
  • Connection Matrix:
    • The connectionMatrix describes that nodes are directly associated in each topology.
    • For mesh, this matrix is arbitrarily created according to connectionProbability.
  • Transmission Simulation:
    • Nodes begin transmissions with a certain probability at each time step.
    • Transmission latency are estimated according to the distances among nodes and kept for each topology.
  • Visualization:
    • The gplot function in MATLAB is utilized to envision the physical layout of each topology.

Analysis and Extension Ideas

  • Multi-Hop Routing: For mesh topology, execute routing to enable an indirect data transfer among nodes without direct links.
  • Traffic Load Analysis: measure the load on each link to evaluate congestion and enhance traffic distribution.
  • Link Failures: Establish link failures to learn network robustness and reroute information in occasion of failures.
  • Latency and Jitter: Incorporate deviations in latency to replicate network jitter and evaluate its effects on network performance.
  • Prioritized Traffic: Execute priority-based transmission in which the particular nodes or data types are certain preference.

We uncover the overall information which will understand the concepts and techniques that will help you to give some unique ideas to replicate the physical topology projects using the tool of MATLAB. More information will be shared in the upcoming manual.

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