How to Simulate Non Adaptive Routing Projects using OPNET

To simulate a Non-Adaptive Routing in OPNET in which routes continue they static and do not variation of response in their network conditions, Stay connected with us to enhance your career. We handle all types of protocols. For top-notch simulation services on all Non-Adaptive Routing Projects utilizing the OPNET tool, will be your reliable partner. Reach out to us for expert guidance.  we following this below procedure:

Step to Simulate Non-Adaptive Routing Projects using OPNET

  1. Create a New OPNET Project
  • Open OPNET Modeler we create a new project of specifying an exclusive project and scenario name.
  • Select a suitable network scale for sample, campus or enterprise as non-adaptive routing is typically utilization in minimum or contrlled environments in which traffic designs and topology are stable.
  1. Design the Network Topology
  • Utilized the network pattern workspace to improve nodes features to routers, switches, and end devices like computers.
  • Described the static paths in which organize the devices for a topology such as star, mesh, or tree.
  1. Configure Static Routing on Each Router
  • We replicate the non-adaptive (static) routing disable the changing route protocols such as RIP, OSPF, and BGP on all routers.
  • Open every router’s attributes attend the IP Routing configuration of setting Static Routes manually for every destination.
    • For every router has specify the static routes through state a destination of network and next-hop IP address we related the interface.
  • This setting we builds a fixed route for every router in the network that continue unchanged through the replication.
  1. Define Traffic Flows
  • Utilized the Application Config and Profile Config objects we build traffic flows among different source and destination nodes.
  • Setting an application kind such as HTTP, FTP, or VoIP, or builds a custom traffic profiles that replicate point-to-point unicast traffic.
  • Allows this application to precise nodes to builds a traffic which would be travel with the static paths describe through the manual routes.
  1. Specify Link Attributes
  • State the connection properties like bandwidth, delay, and reliability among nodes we generate a consistency network conditions. In non-adaptive routing these properties do not influence route chosen, nevertheless they impact of performance for the described routes.
  • If we need a replication of potential performance problems of non-adaptive routing, we could adjust connection parameters metrices such as simulate congestion or failure we follow on how the static routes handles this condition.
  1. Set Up Failure Scenarios (Optional)
  • Non-adaptive routing has not change routes in response to failures we could replicate a connection or node failure to analyse the effect on traffic flow.
  • Temporarily deactivate a connection or router in the network to demonstrate on how well static routes handle interruptions, typically resulting in lost packets or unreachable destinations later the static routes won’t reroute around the failure.
  1. Configure Simulation Parameters
  • Setting a replication time and specify many data gathering intervals.
  • Ensure the data collection for relevant performance metrics has contains the end-to-end delay, throughput, packet loss, and route stability, we estimate the effectiveness of non-adaptive routing.
  1. Run the Simulation
  • Click “Run” to start the replication. And checked for many routing setting problems for particularly in static route descriptions we assure the all routes are correctly set.
  • During the replication, packets would be observing the predefined static paths without any rerouting in response to variations in network environments.
  1. Analyse Results
  • Utilized the OPNET’s analysis tools we evaluation of performance for non-adaptive routing. Important parameter metrics we estimate has including:
    • Packet Delivery Ratio: The percentage of packets that reach their destinations, that can drop if a connection or node fails.
    • Throughput and End-to-End Delay: Calculate on how well the network performs with static routes under different traffic loads.
    • Packet Loss: The Number of traffic lost due to static routes for particularly during failure situations.
    • Route Stability: Static routes should illustrative no changes we providing a consistent (if inflexible) path for traffic.

As we discussed about the simulation procedures that were utilized to simulate Non-Adaptive routing projects using OPNET tool and it contains the essential information like step-by step procedure, explanation and extension for the simulation. If you need more details then feel free to ask!

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