How to Simulate Metropolitan Area Networks Using MATLAB

To simulate a Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) project in MATLAB which has encompasses to contain designing numerous features of the network that comprising routers, switches, wired or wireless communication links, data traffic, routing algorithms, and network performance parameters such as latency, throughput, and packet loss. MATLAB environment offers multiple toolboxes such as Communications Toolbox, Simulink, and Optimization Toolbox that can be used to replicate the MAN.

Below is a stepwise method to replicating a Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) using MATLAB:

Steps to Simulate Metropolitan Area Network Projects in MATLAB

Step 1: Install Required Toolboxes

Make sure we have the following MATLAB toolboxes are installed on the computer:

  • Communications Toolbox (for network simulation)
  • Simulink (for large-scale system simulation)
  • Optimization Toolbox (for network optimization algorithms)
  • Parallel Computing Toolbox (optional, for simulating large networks with multiple nodes)

Step 2: Define MAN System Parameters

Describe the crucial metrics for the MAN, like the amount of nodes, network topology, data traffic characteristics, routing protocols, and link capacities.

Example: Define System Parameters

% System parameters

numNodes = 10;              % Number of routers/switches in the MAN

linkCapacity = 1e9;         % Link capacity (1 Gbps)

networkArea = [100, 100];   % Size of the MAN area in kilometers

trafficRate = 1e6;          % Traffic rate (in bits per second)

packetSize = 1500 * 8;      % Packet size (in bits)

Step 3: Create Network Topology

MANs are frequently deployed across a city or a huge area and utilize a various kinds of network topologies like ring, mesh, or star. Describe the nodes and connections (links) amongst them to make the network topology.

Example: Create a Simple Mesh Topology

% Create random positions for each node in the MAN

nodePositions = rand(numNodes, 2) .* networkArea;  % Node positions in the network area

% Define connections between nodes (adjacency matrix)

adjMatrix = zeros(numNodes);  % Initialize adjacency matrix

for i = 1:numNodes

for j = i+1:numNodes

if rand() < 0.5  % Randomly connect nodes (simple mesh topology)

adjMatrix(i, j) = 1;

adjMatrix(j, i) = 1;




% Visualize the network topology


gplot(adjMatrix, nodePositions, ‘-o’);

title(‘MAN Topology’);

xlabel(‘X (km)’);

ylabel(‘Y (km)’);

Step 4: Model Traffic in the Network

Replicate data traffic among the nodes. We can generate distinct kinds of traffic, like Poisson traffic, or burst traffic, constant bit rate (CBR).

Example: Simulate Poisson Traffic

% Generate Poisson traffic for each link

lambda = 100;  % Average packet arrival rate (packets per second)

trafficMatrix = zeros(numNodes, numNodes);  % Traffic matrix (data rate between nodes)

for i = 1:numNodes

for j = i+1:numNodes

if adjMatrix(i, j) == 1  % Only consider connected nodes

trafficMatrix(i, j) = poissrnd(lambda) * packetSize;  % Data rate in bits per second

trafficMatrix(j, i) = trafficMatrix(i, j);  % Symmetric traffic




% Display traffic matrix

disp(‘Traffic Matrix (bits/second):’);


Step 5: Simulate Data Transmission and Network Performance

Design the data transmission among the nodes over the network links. Replicate the network performance parameters like latency, packet loss, throughput, and jitter.

Example: Calculate Latency and Throughput

% Transmission delay = packet size / link capacity

transmissionDelay = packetSize / linkCapacity;  % in seconds

% Propagation delay = distance between nodes / propagation speed (fiber optic speed)

propagationSpeed = 2e8;  % Speed of signal in fiber (m/s)

propagationDelayMatrix = zeros(numNodes);

for i = 1:numNodes

for j = i+1:numNodes

if adjMatrix(i, j) == 1

distance = norm(nodePositions(i, 🙂 – nodePositions(j, :));  % Distance between nodes

propagationDelayMatrix(i, j) = (distance * 1e3) / propagationSpeed;  % Propagation delay in seconds

propagationDelayMatrix(j, i) = propagationDelayMatrix(i, j);  % Symmetric propagation delay




% Total delay = transmission delay + propagation delay

totalDelay = transmissionDelay + propagationDelayMatrix;

disp(‘Total Delay (seconds):’);


% Calculate throughput for each link

throughputMatrix = trafficMatrix ./ totalDelay;  % Throughput in bits/second

disp(‘Throughput Matrix (bits/second):’);


Step 6: Routing in MAN

In a MAN, routing algorithms such as Dijkstra’s shortest path, link-state routing, or distance-vector routing are generally utilized to find out the optimal path among the source and destination nodes. We can execute the routing protocols discovering best paths within the network.

Example: Simulate Dijkstra’s Shortest Path Routing

% Define a simple cost matrix (cost = total delay for each link)

costMatrix = totalDelay;

costMatrix(costMatrix == 0) = Inf;  % Set unconnected links to infinite cost

% Use Dijkstra’s algorithm to find shortest paths from node 1 to all other nodes

sourceNode = 1;

dist = inf(1, numNodes);  % Distance vector

prev = nan(1, numNodes);  % Previous node vector

visited = false(1, numNodes);  % Visited nodes

dist(sourceNode) = 0;

for i = 1:numNodes

% Find the unvisited node with the smallest distance

[~, u] = min(dist + visited * Inf);

visited(u) = true;

% Update distances for neighboring nodes

for v = find(~visited & adjMatrix(u, :))

alt = dist(u) + costMatrix(u, v);

if alt < dist(v)

dist(v) = alt;

prev(v) = u;




% Display shortest path tree

disp(‘Shortest Path Distances from Node 1:’);


disp(‘Previous Nodes:’);


Step 7: Traffic Management and Quality of Service (QoS)

In MANs, Quality of Service (QoS) is crucial for making sure high-priority traffic like video streaming, VoIP, and real-time applications are acquire sufficient bandwidth and low latency. Mimic traffic prioritization, queuing, or scheduling algorithms like Weighted Fair Queuing (WFQ) or Round Robin.

Example: Implement Weighted Fair Queuing (WFQ)

% Define traffic classes (e.g., VoIP, Video, Data) with different priorities

trafficClasses = {‘VoIP’, ‘Video’, ‘Data’};

weights = [3, 2, 1];  % Weights for each traffic class

% Simulate traffic for each class

classTraffic = [1e6, 2e6, 5e6];  % Data rate in bits per second for each class

% Implement WFQ for scheduling packets

totalWeight = sum(weights);

for i = 1:length(trafficClasses)

allocatedBandwidth = (weights(i) / totalWeight) * linkCapacity;  % Allocate bandwidth based on weight

disp([trafficClasses{i}, ‘ Allocated Bandwidth: ‘, num2str(allocatedBandwidth), ‘ bps’]);


Step 8: Simulate Network Congestion and Packet Loss

In large MANs, network congestion needs leading to packet loss or delay. We can replicate the congestion by launching traffic overflows or bottlenecks at particular links.

Example: Simulate Packet Loss Due to Congestion

% Define congestion threshold (link capacity)

congestionThreshold = linkCapacity;

% Simulate packet loss based on traffic exceeding link capacity

packetLossMatrix = zeros(numNodes);

for i = 1:numNodes

for j = i+1:numNodes

if trafficMatrix(i, j) > congestionThreshold

packetLossMatrix(i, j) = (trafficMatrix(i, j) – congestionThreshold) / trafficMatrix(i, j);  % Packet loss ratio

packetLossMatrix(j, i) = packetLossMatrix(i, j);  % Symmetric loss




% Display packet loss matrix

disp(‘Packet Loss Matrix (ratio):’);


Step 9: Energy Efficiency and Power Consumption in MAN

Energy consumption is significant for handling the network infrastructure that particularly in large MANs in which energy-efficient protocols are utilized to save power. We can replicate the power consumption of network link and each node.

Example: Calculate Energy Consumption

% Energy consumption parameters (assume transmission and idle power for each link)

txPower = 0.5;  % Transmission power in watts

idlePower = 0.1;  % Idle power in watts

transmissionTime = packetSize / trafficRate;  % Time spent transmitting

% Calculate energy consumption for each link

energyMatrix = zeros(numNodes);

for i = 1:numNodes

for j = i+1:numNodes

if adjMatrix(i, j) == 1

energyMatrix(i, j) = txPower * transmissionTime + idlePower * (simulationTime – transmissionTime);

energyMatrix(j, i) = energyMatrix(i, j);  % Symmetric energy consumption




% Display energy consumption matrix

disp(‘Energy Consumption Matrix (Joules):’);


Step 10: Full System Simulation Using Simulink (Optional)

Simulink offers block diagrams for designing the network components like routers, switches, and links, with traffic flows and control mechanisms, for large-scale network simulation. We need to utilize the Simulink to execute the detailed simulations along with particular protocol stacks, resource management, and traffic patterns.

In the set up, we help you to create network and mesh topology, compute latency, throughput and energy consumption for simulating Metropolitan Area Networks projects within MATLAB environment through the given simple procedure. For more information about these projects, we can guide you whenever you need.

To simulate Metropolitan Area Networks projects using MATLAB, is here to guide you with a well-aligned topic. Contact our experts and allow our team to manage your project. We ensure effective simulation and project performance.

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