To simulate the Software-Defined Wide Area Networks (SD-WAN) using MATLAB, it has includes to design the network components like edge routers, controllers, and several network paths over broad range. In an SD-WAN architecture, the control plane is centralized and decoupled from the data plane that allowing efficient management of the network traffic, dynamic routing, and quality of service (QoS) optimization.
We will guide you through the structured process to simulate SD-WAN projects using MATLAB:
Steps to Simulate SD-WAN projects in MATLAB
Step 1: Understand SD-WAN Components
The fundamental components within an SD-WAN architecture contain:
- SD-WAN Controller: A centralized control plane, which handles the routing policies, traffic prioritization, and security.
- Edge Routers: Network devices at branch offices or remote locations that responsible for routing traffic over the WAN.
- WAN Links: Several paths are associating the edge routers to the data center or cloud such as MPLS, broadband, LTE.
- Traffic Classes: Distinct kinds of traffic along with different quality requirements like VoIP, video streaming, file transfer.
Step 2: Set Up the MATLAB Environment
In MATLAB, we can utilize the custom scripts to replicate SD-WAN aspects like dynamic path selection, load balancing, and traffic prioritization. Also, we can utilize the toolboxes such as Optimization Toolbox for resource allocation and Communications Toolbox for networking simulations.
Step 3: Define SD-WAN Topology
Initially, we describe a basic SD-WAN topology along with edge routers, WAN links, and a centralized SD-WAN controller. Denote the geographical distribution of these modules by using 2D plane.
% Define network parameters
num_edge_routers = 4; % Number of edge routers
num_wan_links = 2; % Number of WAN links (e.g., MPLS and broadband)
controller_position = [500, 500]; % SD-WAN controller at the center
network_area = 1000; % 1000×1000 grid for network area
% Randomly place edge routers in the network
edge_router_positions = rand(num_edge_routers, 2) * network_area;
% Plot the SD-WAN topology
scatter(edge_router_positions(:, 1), edge_router_positions(:, 2), ‘bo’, ‘filled’);
hold on;
scatter(controller_position(1), controller_position(2), ‘rs’, ‘filled’);
legend(‘Edge Routers’, ‘SD-WAN Controller’);
title(‘SD-WAN Topology’);
xlabel(‘X Position (m)’);
ylabel(‘Y Position (m)’);
Step 4: Implement Path Selection Algorithm
In SD-WAN, traffic can be routed dynamically over several WAN links like MPLS, broadband according to the real-time network conditions. We can execute a path selection algorithm, which selects the optimal link rely on the factors such as latency, bandwidth, and packet loss.
Example: Latency and Bandwidth-Based Path Selection
% Define WAN link characteristics
wan_link_latency = [10, 50]; % Latency in milliseconds (MPLS and broadband)
wan_link_bandwidth = [100e6, 50e6]; % Bandwidth in bits per second (MPLS and broadband)
% Function to select the best path based on latency and bandwidth
function selected_path = select_best_path(latency, bandwidth)
% Combine latency and bandwidth to create a weighted score for each link
score = (latency ./ bandwidth);
[~, selected_path] = min(score); % Select the path with the lowest score
% Example: Select the best WAN link for a traffic flow
selected_wan_link = select_best_path(wan_link_latency, wan_link_bandwidth);
disp([‘Selected WAN link: ‘, num2str(selected_wan_link)]);
Step 5: Simulate Traffic Flow and Routing Decisions
Replicate the transmission of traffic from edge routers to the data center or cloud in which the SD-WAN controller depends on the network conditions and policies that actively chooses the optimal WAN link.
% Function to simulate traffic routing through selected WAN link
function [latency, bandwidth_used] = simulate_traffic_routing(selected_wan_link, data_size, wan_link_latency, wan_link_bandwidth)
latency = wan_link_latency(selected_wan_link); % Link latency
bandwidth_used = data_size / wan_link_bandwidth(selected_wan_link); % Bandwidth consumption
% Example: Simulate traffic from Edge Router 1
data_size = 10e6; % Data size in bits (e.g., 10 MB)
[latency, bandwidth_used] = simulate_traffic_routing(selected_wan_link, data_size, wan_link_latency, wan_link_bandwidth);
disp([‘Latency: ‘, num2str(latency), ‘ ms, Bandwidth used: ‘, num2str(bandwidth_used), ‘ seconds’]);
Step 6: Implement Traffic Prioritization (Quality of Service)
In SD-WAN, diverse kinds of traffic such as VoIP, video, give precedence to the file transfers rely on their QoS needs. For example, VoIP traffic can be prioritized to minimize the jitter and latency.
% Define traffic types and QoS requirements (latency and bandwidth)
traffic_types = {‘VoIP’, ‘Video’, ‘File Transfer’};
qos_requirements = [20, 30, 100; % Max latency (ms)
1e6, 10e6, 50e6]; % Required bandwidth (bps)
% Function to prioritize traffic based on QoS requirements
function selected_path = qos_based_path_selection(qos_latency, qos_bandwidth, wan_latency, wan_bandwidth)
for i = 1:length(qos_latency)
if wan_latency <= qos_latency(i) && wan_bandwidth >= qos_bandwidth(i)
selected_path = i;
selected_path = length(qos_latency); % Default to the last option if no match
% Example: Select the best WAN link for VoIP traffic
traffic_type_id = 1; % VoIP traffic
selected_wan_link = qos_based_path_selection(qos_requirements(1, traffic_type_id), qos_requirements(2, traffic_type_id), wan_link_latency, wan_link_bandwidth);
disp([‘QoS-based selected WAN link for ‘, traffic_types{traffic_type_id}, ‘: ‘, num2str(selected_wan_link)]);
Step 7: Simulate Dynamic Path Rerouting
Just in case of the network failures or degradation such as increased latency, packet loss, the SD-WAN controller can actively reroute traffic to a better-performing WAN link. Replicate on how the controller identifies such modifications and reroutes traffic consequently.
% Function to detect network degradation and reroute traffic
function [rerouted, new_path] = detect_and_reroute(latency_threshold, current_latency, current_path, alternative_latency)
if current_latency > latency_threshold
rerouted = true;
new_path = find(alternative_latency < latency_threshold, 1);
rerouted = false;
new_path = current_path;
% Example: Simulate rerouting decision if latency on the current path exceeds the threshold
latency_threshold = 30; % Maximum acceptable latency (ms)
[routed, new_path] = detect_and_reroute(latency_threshold, latency, selected_wan_link, wan_link_latency);
if routed
disp([‘Traffic rerouted to WAN link: ‘, num2str(new_path)]);
disp(‘No rerouting required.’);
Step 8: Evaluate SD-WAN Performance
Estimate the performance of the SD-WAN by assessing the crucial parameters like:
- Latency: The duration for packets to navigate the network.
- Bandwidth Utilization: How much bandwidth used for each WAN link.
- Packet Loss: The percentage of packets lost by reason of congestion or network failures.
% Function to calculate network performance metrics
function performance_metrics = evaluate_performance(latency, bandwidth_used, packet_loss)
performance_metrics.latency = latency;
performance_metrics.bandwidth_utilization = bandwidth_used;
performance_metrics.packet_loss = packet_loss;
% Example: Calculate performance metrics
packet_loss = 0.02; % 2% packet loss
performance_metrics = evaluate_performance(latency, bandwidth_used, packet_loss);
disp([‘Network Latency: ‘, num2str(performance_metrics.latency), ‘ ms’]);
disp([‘Bandwidth Utilization: ‘, num2str(performance_metrics.bandwidth_utilization), ‘ seconds’]);
disp([‘Packet Loss: ‘, num2str(performance_metrics.packet_loss * 100), ‘%’]);
Step 9: Visualize Network Performance
Envision the SD-WAN performance parameters such as latency, bandwidth utilization, and rerouting events over time using MATLAB’s plotting tools.
% Example: Plot latency over time for multiple WAN links
time_steps = 1:10;
latency_mpls = wan_link_latency(1) + randn(1, 10); % Simulated latency variation on MPLS
latency_broadband = wan_link_latency(2) + randn(1, 10); % Simulated latency variation on broadband
plot(time_steps, latency_mpls, ‘r’, time_steps, latency_broadband, ‘b’);
legend(‘MPLS’, ‘Broadband’);
xlabel(‘Time Steps’);
ylabel(‘Latency (ms)’);
title(‘Latency Variation Over Time’);
Step 10: Advanced Features (Optional)
- Load Balancing: Execute the dynamic load balancing over WAN links rely on real-time traffic and link utilization.
- Failure Recovery: Replicate network link failures and experiment the SD-WAN’s ability to reroute traffic.
- Security Mechanisms: For encrypted communication, we can design secures tunnelling (e.g., IPsec) among the edge routers and the SD-WAN controller.
- Multipath Routing: Execute the multipath routing dividing traffic over distinct WAN links for redundancy and higher throughput.
Step 11: Run the Simulation
When every modules are configured then we execute the simulation under numerous network conditions like increasing traffic load, network failures, dynamic rerouting to estimate the SD-WAN’s performance.
The above manual have aggregated the valuable details that including snippet codes about how to simulate the Software-Defined Wide Area Network Projects to establish it in the MATLAB environment. We will attach further information on this topic later.
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